Chapter Ten

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Yuna's POV

My Dad and Uncle Chang, sitting across from each other.

Me: This is gonna get ugly...

Halla's POV

Me: How is this gonna get ugly?

Yuna: From what I remember, my dad said and I quote "If we happen to see each other again, there will be no tomorrow for him".

Me: Well then.....

Yuna: I know right.

Me: I know left.

Yuna: What?

Me: Nothing!

Min: They're not talking, just staring at each other like a staring contest.

Yuna: I think I should get in there

Me: What?! Don't do that.

Yuna: Why not?

Chang: Are we just gonna stare at each other all day?

Mr. Kim: *Sighs* Why are you doing this?

Chang: *amused* Don't you know the reason?

Mr. Kim: What? Killing my daughter?

Chang: Not anymore.

Mr. Kim: Where are you going with this?

Chang: The Boss dropped that mission after I killed your wife so my next mission is to kidnap your dear friends daughter.

Mr. Kim: I swear I'll kill you if you touch them.

Chang: Haha! You're so funny. We both know you can't kill me.

Mr. Kim: I can't. But my daughter will.

Chang's face has turned into a darker one and his aura around him changed when Mr . Kim mentioned Yuna. We all turned to Yuna with wide eyes and got really scared when Yuna's face turned into those Im-gonna-murder-you-with-my-hands expression.

Me: Uh..... Yuna? You good?

Yuna doesn't respond but continued on listening to their conversion with arms crossed.

Me: *whispers to Min and Bangtan* Now we know not to be on her bad side.

Yuna: Good decision....

We all stumbled back looking at Yuna with shock once again. She's not facing us but is still looking forward.

Chang: Don't bring your daughter into our business.

Mr. Kim: My daughter has been in our business ever since you killed Heejoon.

Chang: It wasn't my fault that Heejoon leaped in front of your daughter, Jinsung.

Yuna uncross her arms and her hands balled up into fists. Her eyes are showing raging fire (SSAK DA BULTAEWORA......I need serious help....) Before I can grab her knowing what she would do next, it was already too late as she barges in the room shocking the two adults as she slapped both of her hands on the table in front of Mr. Chang.

This time, Mr. Chang was the one who's quiet and it was Mr. Kim's turn to smirk.

Yuna: Say something like that again and I swear I'll break your neck in an instant.

I walked over to J-Hope slowly and patted his shoulder.

J-Hope: What are you doing?! Stop patting my shoulder.

As he slapped my hand away like a girl, I sighed.

Me: Good luck man.

I walked back to my original spot leaving the confused and dumbfounded horse.

J-Hope: Ugh,  whatever you are thinking in your mind right now, cut it out. It's not what it looks like.

Me: *innocently* I didn't say anything.

Everyone laughed but was quickly shot down when Yuna starts talking.

Yuna: If you hadn't came to come do 'your mission' back then, you wouldn't be facing a difficult situation right now.

Mr. Kim: Yuna, that's enough.

Yuna: But dad, I didn't even do anything to him.......yet.

Mr. Kim: Trust me, you'll get your revenge but you're seriously making this Chihuahua  shake even more.

Chang: For your information it's cold in here and secondly stop calling me a Chihuahua.

I pressed the button on the table to say something through the intercom.

Me: Both rooms are temperatured to 85° F and your cold?

Yuna looked through the mirror and somehow her eyes locked with mines like as if it was just a window between us and smiled.

Jimin: How did she look at you straight in the eye like that?

Yuna: I just guessed.

We turned to Yuna with very very very scared faces.

Yuna: Before you get even more freaked out, Halla your finger is still on the intercom button.

I made an 'oh' shaped mouth and quickly took my index finger off the button. I turned to face them with a sheepish smile and mouthed sorry as I earned death glares by everyone who got scared.

Mr. Kim checked his watch and he frowned.

Mr. Kim: Alright, playtime is over. It's getting late so you and your friends should head back and rest. I'll take care of him.

Yuna: Are you sure?

Mr. Kim: Yes, I'm sure.

Yuna left the room and nodded at us signaling that it's okay for us to leave. Right when we left the policemen filed in to make sure nothing bad happens when we're gone.

Me: Are you okay, Yuna?

Yuna: Yeah,  just got a little bit worked up in there, nothing much.

J-Hope: NOTHING MUCH MY ASS!!! Man it felt like you were not only about to kill him but also kill us in there

Yuna: Hehe, sorry for scaring you guys earlier.

Me: At least we get to see this side of you.

Yuna: What do you mean 'this side of me'?

Me: What I mean is that we know how you would act like if one of us pissed you off in the future.

Yuna: Oh, well. I'm heading off home. See you guys later, alright?

We bid our goodbyes and started to head to the car. Luckily, Min offered us to drive us home so all of us can get our little naps while heading home. We all have school tomorrow and it's really getting late for us.

Without realizing it, I start to drift off to sleep and my head landed on a shoulder. Not caring to take it off or not I fell right into a deep sleep.

HEY IT'S BEEN A WHILE HUH? Sorry for not updating for like.........a month? Damn,  I need to step up my writing game. And manage my time better. Anyways if you're also reading my 'Do I Have To' book just to let you know I'm writing it in drafts and will publish the sequel when I start school, which is in a few weeks from now to be honest so be prepared.😙😙


*cries in Korean*

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