Chapter Fifteen

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Halla's POV:

Luckily, Min didn't find out about what happened earlier. But we all haven't seen Jungkook walk in class the whole period. I was gonna ask Jimin but the intercom turned on.

'Sorry for the interruptions but I would like to have all students go to the auditorium right now. I repeat, all students may head to the auditorium right now. Thank you.'

We all looked at Min and he is smiling all the way to his ears. If it's good news to him than its bad news to us.

Me: Min Oppa, what's this all about?

Min: You'll find out soon. Not let's go before the auditorium gets full.

He practically ran out the door and left us dumbfounded. What an adult child. (Eh eh, you get it? Haha okay I'm done) 

We had no choice but to run after him. I'm glad that the made it to when the chairs are all empty so we all went and saw that the chairs were reserved for us. It became noisier as students filed in slowly.

Principal: Ah Ah.... can you guys hear me?


Principal: Great! Now just to get to the point, we will establish an Arts program meaning you will form groups and make up your group names.

Me: Oh no.

Principal: You will have 3 weeks to form a group, dance, and sing. Luckily this used to be an Arts Academy so you will have the dance studios available to you starting tomorrow.

Yuna: Do you know where the dance studios are?

Me: I didn't know about them until now...

Jin: They're in the basement. There's only four though so he has to pick the top 3 since we're already a group studying here.

Yuna/Me: Ooh...

Principal: Now, may the best group win!

Everyone cheered loudly. They must've really want to have an Arts program. I turned over to Min and he looks like a proud mom. This is the happiest Min I've ever seen in my entire life.

Taehyung: Oh, there's Jungkook!

All of us turned to where Taehyung was pointing and we all saw Jungkook. I was about to call him over but it looks like he has company.

Hoseok: Wait, was he sitting by Yein this whole time?

I don't know why but I got mad. I was gonna go up to him but I stopped myself when Yein kissed Jungkook on the cheek. Don't tell me that they're a couple now.

I can see that everyone saw it too because of the way everyone turned to me with worried faces.

Me: Uh, I'm gonna go to class first. Meet you there.

Jan: I'm coming with you and no buts.

I don't have the courage to say anything so I lazily nodded. Jan grabbed my hand and pulled me out the auditorium. Before I stepped out, Jungkook looked up and we made I contact. It only lasted for a few seconds and I could feel a tear rolling down my cheeks.

'Why does it hurt? We have nothing going on.'

Jungkook's POV:

I was at the rooftop during the whole period. Thinking about a lot of stuff actually. In not sure anymore. Yein gives me a warm feeling in my heart but whenever it's with Halla, I get excited and I get to be myself around her. I felt like I already knew her longer than Yein.

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