Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Me: Alright, let's do this.

The girl in the mask starts to charge at me from a really fast speed. Beginning with a stance I wait for her until she almost reaches me but that part didn't go well....I realized that I have seen someone run like that but was disturbed when she tackled me and we both rolled over to the back of the hallway. I was on top of her and we made eye contact....have we met before?

She kicks me off of her and I flew a few feet away from her making my back hit the floor.

'Son of a cracker'

I slowly start to get up. Making eye contact it looked like she was sad. I really need to take that mask off of her. She runs towards me again but this time I walked towards her. She throws a punch, I dodged. I took her arm, turned around, and threw her around my back. Once she was on the floor, I immediately got on top of her and finally pulled off her masked.

Me: Yujin??

Yujin: Long time no see, Halla.

Yujin pushes me off with her legs which made me roll on the floor.

As I watch her get up, my door opens revealing Jaein.

Jaein: Okay, that's enough Yujin.

Yujin: I was going to stop once she took my mask off.

Jaein: Really?

Yujin: Nope *laughs*.

Me: Uh, guys? What's going on here?

Jaein: *sighs*  We got a letter from your mom which confused us cause I never thought she'd know where to send this.

Me: How do I know you're not lying? You literally attacked one of my teammates and tied up the rest of them and fought with me.

Jaein pulled out a piece of paper while walking towards me. She hands it out to me and I slowly took the paper with suspicion. Unfolding it, I can already tell it's my mothers handwriting.

To Jaein & Yujin,

You're probably wondering why you're getting this letter and how I manage to send one despite being held captive. I manage to escape for awhile until those bastards find me again so this letter is gonna be a little short.

Help Halla and the rest, I'm afraid that there is going to be a worse case scenerio soon. There are more guys working for whoever's trying to find my family so trust no one but the team.  I heard from one of those hooligans that there is a spy working for them in the police force so watch very closely while you're there.

Right now, this was the only information I was given.
Plus have a little fun with Halla, of course she'll be mad at me but you guys need to know what you're working with. She might need more training for the real thing.

Queen Out.

Mother....why must you do that to me.

Yujin: Are you mad?

I looked up to the both of them.

Yujin/Jaein: She's mad.

I threw the paper to the ground and stormed towards them.

Jaein: Woah, okay. Before you beat the crap out of us.... OW OKAY WE'RE SORRY.


Jaein/Yujin: MY EARS!!

Me: This is what you get *twist* for tying my teammates up.

Jaein/Yujin: It was Yujin/Jaein's idea!!!

Me: And this is for *twist* fighting me.

Yujin: I needed to know if you improved.... OW OKAY I'M SORRY.

I let me of their ears and stared at them again.

Me: *sighs* Now help me untie them.

Jaein/Yujin: Yes, ma'am.

We untied all of them then I realized that Min wasn't here.

Me: Where's Min?

Just then the toilet flushes and the bathroom doors opened a few minutes after the faucet turns off.

My mouth opened.

Me: Min?

Min: Yes?

Me: You knew about this the whole time?!

Min: Not really until I saw Yujin a few days ago.

Yujin: Uh, about that....

Me: So you both planned this?!

Min: Actually, whatever Jaein was doing, we had no clue. I've met Yujin on the street because she was trying to find Jaein after recieving the letter.

Me: I can not believe this.

Jaein: You've read the letter Halla, you need to be prepared for worst case scenerios.

I stared at all three of them. They did there innocently like a child that admits at doing nothing.

Jin: Meanwhile, I'll go back downstairs and warm up the food as it could have been cold by now.

Jin leaves, then one by one they follow jinn claiming that he might need since hero leaving me all alone in the hallway....dumbfounded.

Me: This is going to be a really long day.

I drag myself downstairs slowly. Damn, all that fighting really got me tired. My stamina is still lacking.


Me: Wait what?

I ran to my computer and luckily it's still attached to the tv. I clicked on the strange message but it's all in some code. It looks awfully familiar.

Min: I think I saw this somewhere.

Me: You too?

I looked at Min and he looked back at me.

Min/Me: *gasp* NO WAY.


IM BAAAAACK....... WITH ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER. I totally forgot what i was writing about and I lost what the plot was supposed to be cause i write the main reason for all of these mysteries but couldn't find my journal. 😭

Anyways now i can be more active-ish now that i have a  laptop and it's a lot easier typing it on there than on mobile. Anyways STAN UNI.T STAN KHAN STAN EVERY OTHER UNDERRATED GROUPS.

Annyeooonnggg Kris out.

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