Chapter Twenty

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Halla's POV:

I ran to the wooden door but noticed that it doesn't have a door knob.

Me: What door does not have a door knob?

Jungkook: The kind where you have to find a secret button or lever to open it?

Jan: Duh, you pabo's

JK/Me: Shut up, child.

Jungkook took out something out of his pocket and then suddenly his hands were on fire....

Me: Woah! Your hand is on fire!

Jungkook: Calm down, geez. It's just a match.

I closed my mouth, telling myself to just not say anything anymore. Jungkook walks to an unlit torch on the wall and throws the match in it. Then it lit up 2 more torches. This kept going until it stopped at the stairs we came from.

We took a good look around the now lit room. It's huge honestly. I thought the room would be just a hallway leading to a door but it's half a circle.

Jan: Hey! There are pictures on the ground!

I looked down and I was stepping on the picture. Taking a step back, I was standing on a lightning bolt.

Jungkook: There's a riddle above the door too.

Jan and I ran beside Jungkook and we all read it aloud.

'These three kings are brothers but each has developed different powers, what are they?'

Jan: Three kings?

Jungkook: Brothers?

Me: And powers.......? (Light bulb:on) Guys!  l think I know!

I ran to the lightning bolt that I was standing on but I didn't step over it yet.

Me: Okay, Jungkook go to the fire picture and Jan go to the water one. But do not step over it yet.

Jungkook: But it doesn't have any pressure plates.

Me: But it's like those weight scales. Okay on three. One, two, three!

We all stepped on the pictures together and waited for the for to open but it didn't open.

Me: What? I'm sure I got this right. Why isn't it opening?

Jungkook: You got it right but.......oh! Jan switch places with me.

Jan: Well okay.

I watch Jungkook and Jan switch places. But then I figured what Jungkook was doing. When they stepped over the pictures we waited.

We hard squeaking from the wooden door and it suddenly disappeared.

Me: Jungkook you're a genius!

Jungkook: I know.

(A/N: If you didn't get it here's an explanation. The three kings are the three Roman/Greek Gods. Water, fire and lightning. Jungkook and Jan had to switch because fire was lighter than water so the door didn't open the first time)

I ignored his self praise and went in first. The room is once dark again.

I turned around to ask Jungkook to light up the match but I see him walking towards a light switch on the wall.....

Jungkook: Should I just switch it on?

Jan: Yolo!

Jungkook shrugs and switched it on anyways. The room lit up by white light. The room is huge.... but bigger than the other room we came in from.

Jan: Woah! It's a martial arts training room!

Me: How are you sure, Jan?

Jan bolted to the other side of the room and pointed.

Jan: They have those color rank belts hanging on the walls, those long fighting sticks, swords, and numb chucks. It's similar to Hye Sensei's Martial arts studio.

Jungkook: Hye Sensei?

Me: She was both of our martial arts teacher before she moved to China.

Jungkook: Oh.

We walked around the room. The whole thing is white. White walls, white ceiling, and white tile floors.

Min: Do you guys find anything interesting yet?

Me: Yeah. The door from earlier leads to a martial arts room. But I feel like it has more things to it.

Min: A martial arts room? That's a weird place to put it under ground.

Jungkook: Halla, there's another door...WITH a door knob.

Me: Min I'll update you later. Jungkook found another door.

Min: Okay, just be careful. Especially watch Jan.

Me: Roger, Halla out.

I walked to the white door where Jungkook was waiting for me. Jan went to go admire the martial arts uniform and weapons on the walls.

Me: Open it.

Jungkook: *raised one eyebrow* What? Why do I have to open it?

Me: Because you're a guy, duh.

Jungkook: Unbelievable.

Me: I love you too!

Jungkook rolls his eyes and sent ahead and open the door. Surprisingly it's not locked. Jungkook went in as I followed him inside. The room was it by only two lamps that were hanging on the wall, opposite from the door. Is an actual room. A king size bed in the far left side. A long desk table in between the two lamps on the walls. And bookshelfs at the far right. At the end of the bed, there's like a treasure chest.

Jungkook: Do you think someone used to live here?

Me: I mean. There's a bed but it had no closet and also no bathroom.

Jungkook nodded and went closer to the treasure chest.

Jungkook: Damn it's locked.

Me: We should tell the rest to come down and tell them is safe.

Jungkook: Min, it's safe to come down. Nothing dangerous has happened and it seems like a safe place to be hiding away.

Min: Okay, we're on our way down. Meet you there.

We continued to look around the room and wait for the others to come down.

Jungkook: Hey Halla, do you have your necklace on you?

Me: What kind of question is that?

Jungkook: I was just asking.

Me: Yeah what about it?

Jungkook looks back at the lock that he was looking at earlier. He walks to the treasure chest and motions me to come along with him.

I slowly walked to the treasure chest, scared of something that could jump out or anything like that.

Jungkook pointed at the lock and I looked closely at it.

Jungkook: The lock is the same exact shape as your necklace.

I kept looking back and forth to the lock and my necklace. When I was about to respond Jan yelled out something that really didn't make sense:

'Yah! Its a picture of us!!'

My class is so noisy it was kind of hard writing this from my mind....-_-||

Sorry for grammer and misspelled words!

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