Chapter Fourteen

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Halla's POV:

'What has Minju gotten into herself now?!'

I was gonna push people out of my way but before I could I heard whispers.

'Princess Suji is here'

'What's gonna happen to Yein now?'

'Is Yein gonna tell her that she's the Princess and not her?'

People moved out the way, making a small passage way for me to go through. I'm glad that I didn't have to push anybody but all my focus goes to Minju as she came into my site.

Minju: Yein stop acting like your the Princess here!!

Yein: What do you mean!? I am the Princess!

Me: What's going on here?!

Before Minju can talk Yein already beat her to it.

Yein: Uh....Halls what are you doing here? I thought you we're with your sister just a minute ago?

Me: I was until Yuna came and got me to save Minju. Anyways, Minju what's going on?

Minju: This plastic dog keeps saying that she's the real Princess and not you.

Yein: I did not! I swear..

Me: Cut it out Yein. I already heard you yelling that you were.

Yein: No, you cut it out.

Me: What?

Yein: Don't what me. Everyone knows that I'm the real Princess here and not you.


I turned around to see Jan standing behind me with a confused face. She looked at me then she looked passed my shoulder. Right when she saw who it was her face became ice cold.

Yein: Is that your sister? Awe, when are you guys gonna stop acting like Princess?

Jan became shocked but then she smirked......and scoffed.

'You know what? Let her do the job since I'm pissed right now.'

Minju: Jan, you better set her straight.

Jan: Unnie, can I do it now? I've been craving to do it since this morning.

Me: Sure just don't cuss while you're at it.

Jan smiles and walked beside me with a smirk.

Yein: What are you gonna do? Cry to make it like I'm a bad person?

Jan: Ahjumma, it's not right to tell little kids like that.

Yein: Yah! I'm not that old.

Jan: I've got to admit you don't, but once I spray you with the hose, you'll look way worst than before.

Yein: This little!!! Yah! That's not how you talk to the older ones!!

Jan: That's why I called you Ahjumma. You said it yourself, you're older.

Jungkook: Hey, what's going on?

Yein: Oppa!! This....this little girl keeps making fun of me!!!

Jungkook: Jan? Minju? Yuna? And Halla? What's happening?

Minju: You're so called "crush" keeps saying that she's the real Princess instead of Halla.

Jungkook: Did you really?

Yein: No! I didn't, they are just making excuses!!!

This time I was the one who scoffed.

Minju/Jan: Uh oh.......

Me: A real Princess wouldnt lie like that. A real Princess wouldn't talk behind a person. A real Princess would never EVER go around making rumours about other people.

Yein: I-I....

Me: And you call yourself a real Princess? Oh no no, honey. I know what I said earlier is not what Princesses aren't supposed to do or say but this situation is different, sweetie. Stop calling yourself a Princess because we all know it's not true for starters. Know your place and stop putting yourself in a higher ranking.

Jan: Unnie, I think you've done enough damage let's head to class.

I closed my eyes and took a huge breath. I opened them again to give both Yein and Jungkook a glance and start walking to class. I wondered where all the teachers are and Min. Usually if something happens he's always there quick but not this time.

Everyone also went to class but was so amazed by what happened earlier. I hope Yein would stop putting herself into a higher rank as I am. If she kept this up, I don't know what kind of danger she wasn't would be in.

Jan: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah. If she keeps saying that she would just be putting herself into danger even more.

Minju: You're right. I was telling her that but she won't listen to me.

Yuna: If my dad hears about this I don't know what he'll do with Yein.

Me: Let's just hope that she will realize what she had done.

They all nodded in agreement and we stepped inside the classroom. I got hella scared when clapping starts to fill the room.

Me: Yah! What's with the clapping!? It scared me half to death!

Taehyung: Princess Suji has won this battle round!

Me: Wait.... don't tell me you...

Jimin: Yeah we heard it from up here. And Jagiya~ you did an amazing job!

Minju: I don't care! Where were you? I thought I was gonna die down there!

Jimin: Sorry Yeobo, I didn't want to interfere when you're THAT angry.

Minju: I wasn't THAT angry..... was I?

She turned to Yuna and she slowly nodded her head.

Yuna: You kind of were, I had to get Halla just once you blew up.

Namjoon: The only person who blew up was Halla.

Me: What do you mean? I did it as calm as possible.

'Whatever you say'
'It didn't seem so calm'

Me: Ugh! Whatever.

I sat at my seat and crossed my arms. I looked at the paper which Jan was supposed to write her roastings but she never finished her sentence.

Me: Where's Min?

Min: I'm here, I'm here. Sorry, there was a meeting and it took longer than I thought.

He gently put down his laptop as we kept smiling at him to not let him now what happened earlier. He finally looked up and gave us a 'wtf' expression.

Min: What happen when I was gone?

Everyone: Hahahaha......


I kind of rushed into this one but whatever.....actually I care so don't mind my spellings and grammers.....hehe. Write you soon!!

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