Chapter Twenty-Three

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Halla's POV:

Min: It's Heongku High.

Heongku High?

Jungkook: Heongkyu? Wait, the all girls school? The one that has been abandoned for like 12 years!?

Min: Yep. Its that one.


Min: But there is one problem....

Jungkook: What is it?

Min: Well you High used to be a daycare where Halla went to but anyways it then became a mental hospital because it had too many rooms and....

Jungkook: Wait wait wait....Halla went to daycare?

Min: Yah! I'll tell you that later let me finish.

Jungkook: Sorry....

Min continued talking the history of the building. Yes, it's true (not in real life though). The school used to be a daycare and then a mental hospital.

Min: ........ and there were a few suicide cases during the school when it was still running.

(Caution: I recommend to not be suicidal because I love you and other people love you and you are a really nice, caring, kind, loving, and a beautiful sunshine 😄)

Jungkook: Do you know how many?

Min: Nope.

Me: If you guys are planning to go into the building count me out because I'm not going in there again.

Jungkook: Awe, why not? Is Halla being a scardy cat?

Min: Uh, Jungkook. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Jungkook: Is little Halla actually scared of something?

Min: Okay then, you can get your member sore. I don't care anymore. (Hey that rhymed 😄)

Jungkook: Scardy cat, scardy cat. Or maybe a wussy....


Jungkook: Wha......

I reached for Jungkook's nipple, grabbed it and twisted it to the full 360. No one calls Halla a wussy. He was lucky enough to not have his ball sack pinched and be probably kicked in his manhood by me.

Jungkook: Ow, ow, ow. Okay I'm sorry can you let go already?!

I let go of his nipple, and he starts to rub it.

Jungkook: Why did you do that!?

Me: *shrugs* You called me a wussy, soo.

Min cleared his throat. I totally forgot that he was still in here.

Min: You guys seem to be more closer now, aren't ya?

JK/Me: No we're not.... Stop copying me!!.....Stop it!......Ugh!!....Yah, stop copying m-


We both stopped but I glared at Jungkook he did the same back at me and I stomped off to where the rest of the group is.

Minju: Did you find anything?

Me: *sighs* Yeah...

Jan: Really!? What is it?!

Me: First there was a diary, then a key, and then a map.

Yuna: Did the diary have a lock on it?

Me: Yup.

Minju: Did the key open it?

Me: Nope.

Minju: Why not?

Me: Min put the key into the lock and it went in (no pun intended 😂) but it won't open...

Minju: What kind of a key doesn't open a diary!?

Jimin: Uh because it's a wrong key?

Minju: Oh yeah..... right, oops.

Me: But you won't believe where we have to go now...

Minju: Oh come on. It shouldn't be that bad.

Me: (whispers) Psh, you say that now.

Minju: Did you say something?

Me: No...

Jimin: Tell us the location already.

Me: Heongku.....

Jimin: Heongku? The town?

Minju: There's no town named Heongku, Jimin.

Jimin: Yes there is. It's near Busan (I'm making this up, I don't know if there is a town named Heongku and that if it did exist then it's probably not near Busan either)

Minju: What wait? For real?

Minju turned to me wanting me to say that there isn't a town named Heongku but there is....

Minju: I know that there was a Heongku day care, Heongku Mental institution, and then Heongku High.....but not a town named Heongku.

Jimin looked at Minju and shook his head.

Jimin: You still need a lot of learning to do, young lady.

Jimin walked off to Jungkook and Minju twirled around and faced me giving me a 'really' look. I gave her a sheepish smile and she hit her forehead.

Me: Why'd you hit your forehead?

Minju: I feel like a dumby. And the fact that I've lived in Korea and didn't know that it was a town....omg what am I going to do!?

Me: Stop overreacting, it's only this one time that you seemed dumb in front of him right?

Minju: 😟

Me: Oh need to get smarter.
Minju: Yah! Did you just call me dumb?!

I smiled and ran off. I didn't want her to hit me because her strength is no joke.

Min: Okay guys, let's had back home. We'll come back down here tomorrow morning and discuss our plan about Heongku High.

*Sighs* I guess I have no choice but to join...


Guys I'm soooo tired. School be stressing me everyday. Especially when school is almost over and I have to study for my final exam. I wish they kept the policy that if you have an A in your class you don't have to take the exam but noooo they have to get rid of it.

Spring break for me is this Friday so I'll probably have more time to write aside from sleeping everyday and dance practice but I'll manage.

Thank you for being patient with me and the updates for this book and the rest. When one of my books are finished, I'll publish a new book but this time a Taehyung fanfic. 😄😄😄😄
Write you guys later, chingus!!!

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