Chapter Six

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Halla's POV

Had to wake up around 5-6 in the morning and i feel like i am living in hell. You guys might want to know where the hell i am. I started training today and i thought that i would be sleeping in today but noooooooo, Min barged into my room and started to pull on my blanket. Min is kind of mad at me now because while he was pulling on my blanket, i got frustrated and accidently hit Min in the face. Now i am training my ass off right now because he told Mr. Hahn to be more tough and strict on me.

Me: Can we take a break now?

Hahn: Nope! You are gonna train non-stop until your training time is over.

Me: (looks at the clock) But I have 2 minutes left until 6!

Hahn: When your training, every minute counts.

Me: (mumbles) Whoever said that needs to rethink what they said, tsk.

Hahn: Now stop lacking! Put your head high, if your head is down they would think that you're weak, unprepared.

Me: Well, maybe I AM unprepared!

Hahn: Then look like you ARE prepared.

Me: How am i supposed to do that?

Hahn: Uh, I dont know. Make faces?

Make faces, huh?

Me: (starts to make all kinds of faces) You mean like this? ::>_<:: -_- ^O^ O_o •﹏• ∩__∩ ≧﹏≦ (^.^) (^O^) ( ̄∀ ̄) \(^O^)/ 〜(^∇^〜) (.=^・ェ・^=) 〈( ^.^)ノ

Hahn: (; ̄д ̄)I didnt mean those kind of faces. But how did you do the kitten one?

Me: (=^・ェ・^=) What do you mean?

Hahn: ‾︿‾ Nevermind.

Me: Can we stop now? My training ended 2 minutes ago.

Hahn: Okay, fine.

Me: Yay! I can finally rest!

Hahn: Remember, you have school in about an hour!

Aw, why did he have to say that?

All i did in return was a 'thank you' smile and put a thumbs up. I ran to our dorm and ran to the elevator. Once i got in there, the elevator closed and the music starts to play.

Elevator: ~dasi run run run~

Next thing you know, i started dancing and singing to 'Run'
Me: ~Tto run run run~

I was too busy dancing that i didnt know that the elevator stopped. I was on the shoulder rolling dance until i heard someone clearing their throat. I immediantly stop dancing and quickly turned around to see who it was.

Me: *whispers* S-Seokjin.

Jin: Uh, yeah. Hi.

This is so awkward. ~>_<~

Me: W-Where are you going? School is about to start in 54 minutes.

Jin: Getting coffee for the do you want anything?

Me: Are you sure?

Please say its fine.....

Jin: Yeah, I'm fine with it. *eye smiles*

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