Chapter Twenty-Two

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Halla's POV:

I can't believe that this diary is locked. Like literally, there are chains wrapped around this thing...... okay that's not completely true but still! We put ourselves in danger just for this diary which we have to find a new key to open this damn thing.

I grabbed the book out of Jungkook's hand harshly and inspect every inch of it.

Jungkook: Yah! Be careful!

I ignored him and still looked for something out of the ordinary.

Jungkook: What are you doing?

Me: Seeing if there's another way to unlock this without a key.

Jungkook: Why?

I stopped inspecting and looked at Jungkook. I opened my mouth but then closed it and then opened it but closed it again. I looked back at the diary and that's when I start loosing it. Throwing the book to Jungkook and jumping on the bed laying flat on my stomach I start screaming.

5 seconds later I stopped but still laid on the bed on my stomach. I can hear the door open but I don't want to see who it was.

'What's going on in here?'

Jungkook: Apparently, Your Highness over here started getting frustrated about a diary.

Me: Don't call me 'Your Highness' that's weird.

I slowly lift myself up and sat on the bed. Scooting up, I set my back against the headboard and start banging my head against it. One..... Two.....

Min: Stop doing that.

I banged my head one more time but this time, really hard. Next thing I know I see something fall from the ceiling with a string attached to it.

I looked at it and the light was reflecting off of that thing making me blind.

Jungkook: No way....

Me: What now? If it's not a key I don't want to hear about it.

Jungkook: It is.

Me: What is?

Jungkook: The key.

I looked at him in confusion. Slowly recapping what he answered, my light bulb came on. Jumping out of the bed quickly I stood beside Jungkook to get a better look at the thing hanging off of the string.

Me: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

I literally screamed and jumped in joy. I hugged Min for a while then Jungkook. Letting go I ran to where the key is hanging and pointed at it screaming 'ITS THE KEY!' multiple times.

I finally have my senses back after the sudden excitement and breathe in and out slowly.

Min: Are you done?

I nodded my head.

Min: Are you sure?

I smiled and shook my head. Running out the room screaming again I scared the bejeezles out of everybody. Especially J-Hope if he screamed too. I ran back into the room and sat down hugging one of the pillows already on the bed.

Me: Okay, now I'm done.

Jungkook: *to Min* Does she usually do that when she's happy?

Min: Yes, but this time she's not like literally screaming in your ear or clinging on your leg...

Jungkook: Wah~ daebak~

Me: Soooo, what are we waiting for?

Min pulls out a pocket knife out of his pocket (obviously) and cut the string off. The key falls perfectly into his hand and he held the string that was attached to it, making the key dangle.

Jungkook gave Min the diary and here comes the most intense part.

Min grabbed the diary from Jungkook's hand and faced the key hole to his face. Holding the key to it's position, he inserted the key and twisted.

Me: Is it opened?

Min: Hold on. I probably didn't inserted it correctly.


Me: Is it opened?

Min: It's not opening.....

I stared at Min. Waiting for him to say 'just kidding' but he just stares at me back. And I can see Jungkook kind of getting nervous because of the tension in the room.

Me: Come on Min. Stop playing around. I know it's opened.

Min: Well that's the thing, Halla. It is not opening.

Me: Seriously?

Min: Seriously.


I glared at Jungkook because he ran to me and covered my mouth.

Jungkook: Jan's here and I'm pretty sure she can hear you through the walls.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. He uncovered my mouth still looking at me like I'm about to say another curse out loud. I laid down looking at the ceiling and stayed silent.

Min: What are you doing?

Me: Saying every cuss word I can think of as I stared at the ceiling.

Min: You are a strange child.

Me: But you raised this child....

Min: Good comeback.

I rolled my eyes and sat up. Looking at the two males in front of me, I gave them a bored look.

Me: So what are we going to do now?

Just before Min could say anything, something flew down from the ceiling where the string is still hanging from and we all looked at it.

Jungkook: Why does a piece of paper have to come down in the most unexpected moments?

Me: Cause the author is making up stuff right now.

(True, true)

Min bent down and grabbed the piece of paper. Seeing that it's also folded, he unfolded it 4 times, making the paper even bigger.

Me: What is it?

Min: It's a building blueprint.

Jungkook: Of what?

Min scan the paper to find what building it was and his eyes was frozen on the bottom the paper.

Me: Well?

Min looked up and like at the both of us back and forth.

Min: It's Heongku High.

Heongku High?

Jungkook: Heongkyu? Wait, the all girls school? The one that has been abandoned for like 12 years!?

Min: Yep. Its that one.

This is going to be one scary $#!%.

GET READY FOR SOME SCARY CHAPTERS LMAO. But like seriously, lately I've been watching scary drama's and movies, I might publish a paranormal book but with a different member..... like Kim Taehyung. Idk why but I think Taehyung will fit a ghost story for me. BTW have you been watching Hwarang? Taehyung did an amazing job on his crying scene I almost cried again. But overall just by the first 2–3  episodes I was bawling my eyes out. Write you later!!! ANNYEONG!!!! (~O~)zZ

The Protection Program (The Ark Halla & BTS Jungkook)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora