Chapter 38: It'll Come Before You Know It, Promise

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Friday, October 17, 2014

These past two games tested the teams ability to recover fast. Yesterday we left for Illinois. We flew from Kansas City to Brideview, Illinois yesterday. All it tested for my was how fast I could get bored.

Yesterday I watched. I watched practice. I watched Netflix. I watched everything.

Today we played Guatemala. I woke up and Ali was still asleep. I quietly got out of bed and took a shower. When I came out she was awake.

"Good morning."

"Morning. Good luck today."

"Thank you. You'll be there right?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it." I faked a smiled.

"Don't worry. You'll be back before you know it." She assured me.

"I know. I just wish It'd be sooner."

"I know. It was hard for me too. At least it wasn't anything worse."


We got ready and went down to breakfast. Kelley, Ash, Hope and Carli were already there. They had their food and were saving us a seat. We got in line and got our food. Then we came and sat down beside them. I took my seat next to Kelley and Carli and Ali next to Ash. A few minutes later, Alex and Tobin pranced in. They got their food and sat beside Ali. We were all here.

"How are you feeling today, Li?" Carli asked.

"I'm feeling pretty good. On and off headaches but other than that I'm great." I smiled.

"That's good. We'll miss you." Hope said.

"Thanks. I'll miss being out there."

"You got to get ready for the draft!" Kelley said.

"When is it?"

"Third Friday of January." Carli said.

"Ok. I'll be ready."

We finished eating our breakfast. I went back up to my room. I laid down thinking I'd take a nap. Ali was on her laptop.

knock. knock. knock.

"I got it." I said. I got up and opened the door. It was Alex.

"Hey Li."

"Hi. What's up?"

"Wondered if you wanted to go out with me."

"Sure. Lets do it." I said. "Ali, ich komme wieder!"

"okay. Achtung."

"okay, ich werde." I grabbed my phone and sunglasses. "Lets go."

We walked down to the lobby. Kelley and Tobin were sitting with the team. They got up and walked towards us.

"Hey guys." Tobin said.

"Where are ya going?" Kelley asked.

"We're going out." I said.

"Mind if we join?" Kel asked.

"Kel, can you give us a sec. Then I'll text you when we grab a bite to eat." Alex said.

"Sure thing."

We walked out to the nearest park. We went and found a park bench that was secluded from the rest of the park.

"How ya doing?" She asked once we sat down.

"I'm alright. Wishing I could play."

"Yeah. Me too."

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