Chapter 45: CONCACAF Chapmipnship!

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Thursday, October 26, 2014

I woke up to a year stained pillow. I guess I had cried a lot in my sleep. The fight hit hard. Today was going to be hard because Kelley was part of my game day ritual. I looked over and saw Ali's bed empty. I assumed she had gone to get coffee with Ash or go see Ash.

I was going to sent her a text but I saw she already beat me to it.

kel💙👌🏄: hey, I'm still mad at you but today we've got to act like it's nothing. same seats at breakfast and on the bus. good luck

me: I was going today that too. good luck to you too. I'm sorry.

I just sent the, I'm sorry, in case she needed to hear it. I knew it wasn't going to help things. Kelley was stubborn and she was mad at me.

I heard the door click and watched Ali and Ash walk in with an extra cup of coffee. "Hey kiddo." Ali said and handed me the extra cup. "Thought you could use some. You had a restless night."

"Sorry Ali. I didn't mean to bother you."

"No it's okay. I was more worried about you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I guess. I'll be fine."

"You know we have a game today." Ash said which earned we a light slap from Ali.

"I know it won't affect my game. It will probably just make me more aggressive."

"Well don't be too aggressive. Don't want you to get a yellow." Ali warned.

"I won't."

"Well get ready. We're hungry." Ash said.

"Okay okay." I got up and changed into a Under Amour sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. I put on mascara and put my hair in a loose bun. "Ready."

"Ash where's Kel?" I knew Kelley was rooming with Ash.

"Oh. I don't know. She wasn't in our room when I left."

"Has she said anything?"

"Uhh, well she cried herself to sleep."

"Yeah I think me and Ash were in the same boat with you two last night." Ali added.

We walked out into the hallway and were immediately met by Tobin and Alex. The five of us walked down to breakfast.

I grabbed my plate and food and then walked to my normal seat. Ali was on my left and Kelley's empty seat was on my right.

Kelley walked in. Her eyes were red and she was tired. She grabbed food and came and sat beside me. The tension grew and we all felt it. I tried to ease it by patting her thigh. She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

After breakfast we had a team meeting. Jill mainly talked about tonight's match and how we had to be on our game. Tonight we played Costa Rica. It would be a good match.

Then I went back to my room. I took a long nap before going to Tobin's.

"Hey Tobs."

"Oh hey Li."

"Where's Alex?"

"She's with Kel."


"It's okay. She's just trying to get Kelley's side of the story."

"Okay." I paused. "Tobs, how do you tell someone you messed up when you know it's already too late?"

"Well, in Kelley's case. I don't know. But I'll help you out however I can. I think you two will be good though. When I've talked to Kelley she's been down. I know she's hurting inside."

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