Um... Hi!

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(A/N: MATURE CONTENT IN THIS CHAPTER. Just a heads up. So, yeah.)

The following morning

Pencil's POV:
I was still thinking about how Pen and I were laughing yesterday. Match was walking with me to the high school. We were grade 10's there. "Are you okay? Something , is like, bothering you." Match asked me. "Oh... Well..." I hesitated. Should I tell her about what's been going on lately? Yes. She's my best friend. We could talk it over. "Well... Yesterday, Pen and I were talking and laughing like best friends. But then after it was just weird. He like, ran off." I told her. "Do you?" Match asked me. "Do.. Do I what?" I asked her. "Do you like him?" She continued, with a confused face. "Uh... No. Maybe we could be acquaintances, but I don't like, like-like him. You know?" I explained. "Uh huh." She sighed at me, a sly smile on her face. "Match...." I told her. "There's nothing going on!" I continued firmly. "I bet you wish there was." She told me. I face palmed. "Match... Stop." I sighed. She just laughed. This must be the start of another long day, I thought.

Pen's POV:
Eraser and I were walking to school. We were having a friendly conversation. "I overheard you guys yesterday, you know. Why didn't you tell me?" He smiled at me. "Huh? You overheard what?" I asked him, confused. "Um... You and your new girl friend yesterday in Math, remember?" He rolled his eyes. "Oh. Wait, WHAT?! I don't have a girlfriend! Don't joke around with me like that! Dreams don't count!" I grumbled at him. He looked at me weird. Wait.... He meant Pencil! Oh my gosh, I forgot! Well.. Whatever. WAIT ME AND MY NEW GIRLFRIEND?!?! AS IN PENCIL?!
"ERASER, HOW MANY TIMES DO I REMIND YOU? PENCIL ISNT MY GIRLFRIEND!" I angrily yelled at him. He laughed. "Then what was that I saw yesterday, you big lier?" He laughed. "We- we were just having a friendly conversation." I stuttered. "OH, so you ARE friends? I thought you HATED her, you big lug." Eraser raised an eyebrow. "I- I- I do!" I stuttered back. He didn't look convinced. "If you say so." He sarcastically said, walking in through the school gates. Whatever. I can feel HOWEVER I want about Pencil. That's none of his business. Suddenly, when I re-thought those words in my head, I felt a blush form on my face. Yep. I can feel HOWEVER I want about PENCIL. Heh, heh. Well, good thing there's no one here to- "Uh.. Hi, Pen." Someone said behind me. I turned around. AAAAAAH PENCIL!!
"H-Hi..." I replied. She didn't say anything. Was she studying my face? Oh wait, no! I was still blushing! She started blushing too, looking at my face. "Um... Pencil... What are y- you doing here?" I asked slowly. "Uh.. What's up?" She said in a voice that kind of sounded cool, but more of a failed attempt. "Uh.. Nothing..." I said, feeling my face get hotter and hotter. I looked at her face getting hotter and hotter. Suddenly, a terrible thing happened. I felt it happening right that moment. The blood started to circulate in my penis. Shit! I'm getting an erection!!! Oh no.. Oh no Oh no Oh no! WRONG SIGNALS! WRONG SIGNALS! "Uh Pencil I have to uh go!" I talked fast, and ran away as my nose started bleeding. I ran right into the boys bathroom and face palmed myself in embarrassment. Shit. She better not have seen anything. I thought. I got myself cleaned up.

Pencil's POV:
Wow... I messed things up... BIG TIME. I thought maybe I could strike up a conversation and maybe we could be friends. But he was acting all weird. First he was blushing. Then he was stuttering like a psycho, and then he ran off into the school. I face palmed myself. He was probably acting like that because he hated me so much and wanted to get away from me. I don't know why he is even so mean to me! He's just going to make fun of me later. Then suddenly, a thought popped into my head. You think he acted like that because he hates you? Well, I, your smart conscience, think he was more than happy to see you! If you know what I mean, heh heh. I felt my face get hot again. Why would he? And plus, ew. I shook off the thought, and walked into Language and Arts class.

So what do you think so far? Things are starting to heat up beetween the two! So please vote, add, comment, if you liked it! Thanksh for reading so far!

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