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Pencil's POV:
"Lets go, girlfriend." Pen said. He walked off with Ice Cube. She turned her head and smirked evilly at me. Wh-what? "Pen?!" I repeated, still in shock. H-how could he? How could ICY steal my man from me?! I could barely move. Why would he do this? Suddenly, it hit me like a brick. He wanted me to know how it felt. To date behind backs. I feel really guilty now. I started to cry. Where is a best friend when you really need one?! I hate this!

Ice Cube's POV:
I love this! I walked off with Pen. He had his arm around me. Finally, he's MINE! No, I don't love him! I just want to steal him from Pencil! And lugging him around as my boyfriend will translate for major popularity! Finally, people will give me the attention I deserve! I could be popular! More popular than that pretty Pencil! Or maybe even more popular than nice Needle! This is the best! We walked into class, and almost every head turned and looked. I smiled prettily to add to the effect. Come on, you sexy jock, make me popular! The teacher handed all of us some sheets. I read them.

JUNE 28th
Come one, come all! Prom dates galore! Bring your dresses, tuxes, and corsages! We'll supply refreshments, decorations, and all the party space! So come celebrate the ending of another great year! See YOU there!

June 28th? That's in 3 days! Oh gee, I can't wait! And I can just see it now, Prom King and Prom Queen, Icy Cube and Pen! Hmm, that gives me an idea! I will make it my duty to be prom queen! Then I will for sure be popular!!! Heh heh. And this boy of wonders is all going to do it for me! Not that I'll love him because of it. Popularity will get my old boyfriend, Blocky, jealous! Then I'll have my sweet  sugar pumpkin back! We'll both be popular! By then, I could dump Pen somewhere dark. This plan is perfect! AHAHAHAHAHA!

Pencil's POV:
Why, why why why? My sweet Pen! I love him so much! Why does every girl want to steal him from me?! Apparently he's 'cool'. That he might be, but he's MINE! I turned a corner and saw him standing there, leaning against a wall, alone. This is my chance to make up with him! I walked up to him. "Pen.. I'm sorry I-" "Save the sorry. I don't need to hear some stupid shit." He frowned angrily at me and walked away. I teared up. "But Pen! WAIT!" I cried out. Why is this happening to me! I was left all alone in the hall.

Suddenly, I felt something grab my shoulder.

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