A picture says a thousand words

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(A/N: I've been doing a lot of Pen's Point of View, so this time it'll be more Pencil's Point of View. SO yeah enjoy!!! YOYLE CAKE!)

4 Days later

Pencil's POV:
Now that I don't have Blocky anymore, it's kind of just been Pen and I hanging out. I still missed Match, though. Pen was like the brother I never had! We are the best of friends! I really wished I still had Blocky. But then again, I kind of didn't. He was rreeaally rude to me when we were fighting. I'm happy with what I have now I guess. Sort of... Anyway, we were back at school. I was grabbing my geography notes to study quickly before the test. I felt like someone was standing behind me. So I turned around. It was.... Match? "Match?" I asked. "What do YOU want??" I was angry, because I remembered the two incidents, where she was spilling my secrets and took a picture of Pen and I. Match looked sad. "Pence Pence, I'm really sorry.." She apologized. "WHY would YOU be sorry?!" I furiosly yelled. "I have to go. I need extra minutes to study for geography. We'll talk later.. MAYBE." I closed my locker and walked away, leaving her standing there. I bet she was faking it. Well whatever! She isn't going to get my apology that easily. Even if I do miss her, I have to make sure she is for real. I don't want to get hurt again.

Pen's POV:
Now that I'm back at school, so is Eraser and Match. Pencil and I are still mad at them for their separate doing(s). But I did miss Eraser. He was a guy and understood me. I sighed. Eraser was giving me evil glares from his locker. I sighed. I  guess I was the one who would have to apologize. I walked over to him. "Eraser.. I'm sorry that I yelled at you for your jokes." I apologized. Eraser's frown turned into a confused smile. "Okay, I forgive you. And I'm sorry for making the jokes about you and Pencil." He smiled. "Bros?" HE asked. "Bros." I smiled, shaking his hand. "I- I, um, have a confession to make.. But, please, don't make jokes about it." I admitted. Eraser half-smiled. "Okay...but what is it?" He asked. "I kind of do like Pencil." I blushed. "You DO?!" He yelled. "SHH!! Eraser, don't make me yell at you again." I angrily whispered. He laughed. "Well.. does she like you?" He asked me. "No.." I replied sadly. "Aw, come on! You never know!" He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. " No, Eraser, she does NOT like me," I argued. He rolled his eyes. "How do you know that, then?" He asked. "She said that she

"Felt that I am like a big, caring brother."

I sighed. Eraser sighed as well. "Damn, she friend zoned you!" He frowned. "Plus, she was just dating Blocky over spring break. They broke up a few days ago, but I'm pretty sure she wants to get back together with him." I explained. Eraser's jaw dropped. "SHE WAS DATING BLOCKY AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!" He exclaimed. "Well, cause we were still fighting, and you had no cell service." I said, matter-of-factly. Eraser rolled his eyes. "We'll talk later. I have Library." He walked off. I sighed. How do I get out of this darned friendzone?!

Pencil's POV:
I was busy doing last-minute studying, since I got to class early. Finally, Pen walked in. He was three minutes early now. I smiled. He smiled back. Then he looked away. I frowned. Is he okay? Something seemed to be bothering him. I guess I'll just ask him after class. I wrapped up my studies and put them away. I got ready for the quiz, as my other classmates walked in. That question was easy. So was the next one. Wow, I am so so glad I had an extra study, otherwise I might not have passed! I passed in my test. We were graded right away. By the end of the class, I had my grade. It was an A!!! Yes!! I think I'm about ready for high school. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class, with Pen. Everyone was staring at us. Then they started giggling and pointing. We tried to ignore it. Then I couldn't take it ANYMORE!I walked up to some girl that was also laughing and pointing. "What's SO FUNNY!?!" I yelled. "TELL NOW!!!!" The girl laughed. "No need to get ballistic, King Kong. Just the picture of you and your BOYFRIEND!" Wait, what picture? Had she taken a snap of Blocky and I together and sent it to everyone? "Show me the picture, then." I said. She showed me the picture. It was the picture of Pen and I!!!! "H-He's not my boyfriend!" I exclaimed. I blushed a deep red. "SURE he isn't." The girl laughed at me. "What's SO funny anyway?!" I yelled. "The fact that you were JUST dating one of his friends. Do you even KNOW what that means?" She asked me. "It's not what it looks like!!" I swore. She swiped her phone away, locking it. "You can't keep trying to hide it, you know." She laughed and walked away. Pen came over. "What was THAT all about?" He asked. My face was still heating up because of embarrassment. "Pen... It was the picture. They think we're dating." I told him. "That's why everyone was laughing and pointing at us in the hallway." Pen's face started to heat up. "Why is it so funny anyways?!" He asked. "Because, They think that I'm dating YOU after I JUST dated your friend, Blocky. And they think that's suspicious of us." I explained. "Oh. Well, that's just GREAT." Pen grunted, sarcastically. Yep... Just GREAT. And right when I thought I loved my life..

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