The Truth

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The Next Day During Lunch Break...

Pencil's POV:
I sighed as I ate my lunch. Life was NOT okay right now. I was beside Eraser. He put an arm around me. I needed someone like Match right now. I needed Pen. How did everything go so wrong?! I feel like I stepped one foot in the wrong direction and now our stories have different endings. Fuck. Weelll this is really pissing me off. I think I'm going to miss my period because of all this stress. Eraser kissed my cheek. I sighed, wishing that was Pen. Just the thought of Pen kissing my cheek gave me a nervous stomach. I blushed and smiled to myself. If only it was that way. I started to tear up. My face flushed in sadness. Why?! WHY?! FUCK MY LIFE!! "Pencil... I wanted to ask you something.." Eraser told me. I faced him. He gasped at the sight of my face. "I know. I'm ugly when I'm crying, aren't I?" I sniffed and stuttered, sobbing loudly. People were starting to stare. Fuck them ALL. "You know that's not true.." He told me. But he frowned sadly. "But something's bothering you..?" He asked. "Maybe my question will make you feel better." He suggested. No thanks. I don't want to hear it. Eraser, you're not the one. "Not now, E. I-I think I need to use the restroom. Be back in a bit." I answered. He nodded in understanding. I walked off quickly yet trying not to look like an idiot, little girl that was crying. Hiding my face, I speed-walked, faster than you thought was even possible. Soon I reached the girls washrooms, and ran into the stall that was the farthest from the entrance. Slamming the stall door, I sat down on the toilet without removing my pants. I put my hands on my face and sobbed loudly. I sniffed. After a few minutes, I had stopped making noises and I was feeling a bit better. I was about to get up and leave, when suddenly I heard the door of the washrooms open. Scared, I sat back down, and put my legs up to hide myself in the stall. "So, like, I saw you and Pen holding hands in the hallway. You two going steady?" I heard a voice. That sounded a lot like.. B-bubble?? But who was she talking to? "Totally." I heard another higher-pitched voice answer. That must be Ice Cube. Well, it would make SENSE. Pen and Icy are together. I few tears dripped down again. "Did he ask you to Prom yet?" I heard Bubble say. Wait , prom!? I heard it was happening, but I didn't know he asked her! Sigh. That should be ME. "Yeah, he's the best!" Ice Cube said. Sigh. I heard the sink turn on. They must be washing their hands. "You must love him a ton," Bubble replied. I heard Icy groan. "Well, the truth is, I don't love him at all." I heard Icy say. Wh-What?! I pressed my ear against the stall door, trying to hear more. "You don't?!" Bubble shrieked. "Ha! No way. But if I can fake it for long enough, Blocky, my old bf will get jealous, and I'll finally get him back!" Icy squealed. "Ooh, drama! What're you gonna do with Pen if you get Blocky back?" Bubble asked. I held my breath, waiting to hear her horrid plans. "Dump him. Tell him I didn't ever care at all. And then ignore him for the rest of my days!" Ice Cube laughed like it was no big deal. NO BIG DEAL?! How could she be doing this! My sweet Pen deserves better than her! I heard the washroom door push open. They were leaving. Luckily they didn't notice me. "Juicy! I love it! Your plan is totally gonna work! And-" I heard Bubble's voice fade away. No, I am NOT going to let her get away with this! I bolted out of the stall and out of the washrooms. I have to warn Pen!!

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