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Pencil's POV:
Having sat for almost half the night on the bench, tears stained on my cheeks, I felt awful. People, more specifically couples, would stare while passing by hand in hand. How did everything go so wrong tonight again?! This was supposed to be the 'best night of my life'. Well it's horrible. 1 hour of prom left. It's not like anything is going to heal this heartache. Still on the crusty bench. Other single girls had come to the bench. Some of them talked with me about how we both didn't have anyone. But slowly, one by one, they all got asked to dance. Somehow I am still sitting here alone. Well, this is dumbfuck. I feel like a little toddler crying here. And I'm about to cry again. So I did. Sobbing and throbbing. Hiding my head in my hands. Hiding my pain. Trying hard not to lose myself in depression. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Quickly reacting the way I would to Eraser, I lifted my head and said, "Eraser, Im so sorry I couldn't find you and..." As I turned to look, I found it wasn't Eraser.

It was Pen.

"Wh-" I was speechless. "A-are you okay?" He asked me. I must be dreaming. This couldn't be real. H-he doesn't give a shit to me! I think I'm hallucinating. I've hit the border. Gone crazy because of this. Hoping I was having illusions, I stood up and shook my head hard, trying to return to normal. But I overstressed myself, and fell on the floor, almost passing out. Pen quickly caught me, and scared, he went all, "Stop! No! Are you trying to give yourself a heart attack?!" He screamed. That would be nice. Maybe I could wake up in a hospital, and everything could be calm. I could get away from all this! Oh no, I'm thinking suicidal. I just want this all to be OVER!!! I screamed. He covered my mouth. "Please, please stop embarrassing me." He said. I tried to breathe. He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside the prom room, practically barging out the door. "Where are you taking me?!" I shouted. "I needed to talk to you." He said. We were outside the school, all alone. Everyone was inside. "Sit down." I sat on the grass, still feeling uneasy. Geez, I need to take a break.

Pen's POV:
Okay, so she is freaking out for some reason. Geez, she is not the only one. I was practically looking, screaming her name, covered in sweat, wounds, and people laughing at me. I had blood and scratches all over my expensive white tux. So much for that. Her clothes looked wet. Her face looked soaked. She must've been crying quite a bit. "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't trust you. You were right about Icy. And I guess I was really just acting like a little bitch when I thought I could take her in." I said, embarrassingly scratching the back of my neck. "I'm still sorry I doubted you. It was silly of me to keep secrets from you." She said, once again breaking into a sob. I took her hands away from her face and wiped her tears. I guess I really was stupid. But like I said that once, everyone has their stupid moments in life. I guess I was just so caught up in loving her I fucked myself up. Love does crazy things. Now I can tell you firsthand that it's true. "I'm really freaking out now. Is this real?" She asked me. I smiled. "Oh, it's real alright. I promise." I told her. "That sounds like the sort of thing someone would say in a dream." She sarcastically rolled her eyes. I blushed and looked away. Even though our clothes were really messed up, like our night so far, somehow everything was okay now. I turned and looked back into her eyes. "So you liked me before, huh?" She asked. I blushed. "Yeah." I answered. And I added, with a whisper just loud enough for her to hear, "I think I still do." Alright, this is it. I can feel it. Time to be a man. Time to kiss her and make her mine. I turned to face her. Tears finally drying up, I smiled, and blushed. She smiled too. I moved a strand of hair away from her face. Then I grabbed her hand. She grabbed my other one. A long session of staring into each other's eyes commenced, and we moved as slow as possible toward each other the make the moment last.

Pencil's POV:
I was staring into Pen's eyes. This night may have been crazy. I could have sworn I said I'd never love again. But somehow now everything was okay. No amount of stars could sparkle as much as our eyes right now. Moving in closer, I felt myself blush. Was this really it? Was the moment true?! Were we FINALLY going to kiss? I shivered in anticipation. We were inches apart. Well, time to make the dream come true.

I moved in the last few centimetres.

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