Chapter 1

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When I stepped out of the library door I was pleasantly surprised by the greeting of warm air. It had a slight bite to it, but it was a welcome sort of bite. Kind of like, oh hey I hate you but it's alright for now. I flipped my bag full of books to my other shoulder so my other hand could lock up the place. I quickly looked back into the empty blackness on the other side of the glass doors and headed to my car. I walked along the brick path that ran right along the garden surrounding the giant library. 

I absolutely loved nights like this. Warm-ish air, star sprinkled sky, soft pools of light seeping from house windows into the night and the occasional car quietly whirling past. The tree branches danced high above my head, still bare, but making a faint sound. 

I got into the crappy ass Jetta and threw my bag of books onto the passenger seat. The good old piece of junk rumbled to life and I headed toward the brightly lit town. Oh, one thing you should know about this town is its rich as shit. Well, not your common everyday shit. Really successful, CEO type of shit. The high end stuff. The kind that drives 5 Mercedes and has an enormous house with a stay at home mom who still insists on having 50billion maids. That type. But me on the other hand, well I'm the common everyday shit. I just happen to live in a rich persons type of place. 

As I cruised towards our modest little house I slapped on the radio and began to search for my jam. "I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so sha-" I heard Tay Tay's voice boom through my car. "Nope" I stated with a tinge of disgust in my voice. "You light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed." At those words my heart gave a slight pang of sadness for the boys I once obsessed over. Oh my sexy honey bunches of Niall. Or Cupcake styles...I sighed and reluctantly flipped to yet another station. Then the angelic voice of Fall Out Boy's Patrick drifted by my ears. "Light em up up up, light em up up up. You'r on fire!" "MA JAM!" I shouted and flung my head around, hair flying. As you can tell, I'm a good and responsible driver. 

Finally, I made it back to the place I hail from. All of the lights from the house were streaming out on the silent street. I pulled into the drive way and parked just behind my brother, Blaine's, car. I stepped out, hauling my bag of books with me. The warm air still greeted me and slightly rustled my hair. I walked towards the front of the house, its long white planks of wood cast in a yellow glow from the windows, and I stepped up onto the small porch. I heard the usual shouts erupting from behind the door. The boys were probably playing some intense war video game or decided to try and swing from the ceiling fan again. I shook my head just imagining  the chaos inside and reached for my keys. 

Yup. I was definitely right about chaos. My youngest brother, Payson, along with 5 of his friends, were at the top of the stairs, two boys dangling off the stairs balcony. "What do you think you boys are doing?!" I shouted from the wide open door. "And where's Sam?!" "Eh..." Payson attempted from the top of the stairs. The two boys scrambled up from their dangling positions. "Well he's out. And I though you were going to be too. But here you are. About to ruin all of our fun." All of the smiles were now wiped clean off all of their faces. Their eyes all staring at me, challenging me. I quickly looked from one boy to the other, then back to Payson. He crossed his arms over his small, newly puberty filled chest and looks down at me.

"Okay. You know what, alright fine. I don't care if you boys destroy this house, or even impale each other like freakin narwhals, do what you want. Just leave me be." I said, exasperation filling my voice.

"W'ell try our best, Pen." He smirked, probably feeling superior over me. Then I flew up the narrow stairs, flicked Payson on the head, and locked my self in my tiny, cramped room. 

Its about 12:00 when I looked down at the small clock in the corner of my computer screen. My arms were burning from sitting in the same position for such a long time on my bed with my laptop. I felt a faint buzz and reached for my phone. It was a text from my boyfriend, Will.

Will - Hey babe, I thought you were coming to ryans party.

                                                                                                    Me - Nope. I told you I had work, Mr. forgetfull

Will - Well you should still come by. Guess whos here.  

                                                                                                     Me - I cant. I have work tomorrow, too. Who?

Will - D: and its Bill. The 50 year old janitor.

                                                                                 Me - See now your only giving me reasons not to come

Will - What?! NO! He isint here. I never said anything

 Just then, my stomach practically started to scream. And I realize that I just might die of starvation.

                                                 Me - Too late. You ruined any chance of my coming. Ok I gtg eat. Love ya

Will - Love ya too:)

So I reluctantly slid my self off my warm small bed and began the lazy decent to the kitchen. My bare feet padded over the cool, tan wood floor. Just before I walked downstairs I checked over the edge of the small overhang into the living room to check for any young straggler friends of my brother. I only saw Payson and one of my older brothers, Blaine, sitting on the couch, controllers in hand. So I pulled down my tank top and headed downstairs, the bottom of my pajama pants swishing against my ankles.

"Sup brah." I  said as I strolled past Blaine towards the kitchen.

"Sh. Me. Concentrating." Blaine said, fiercely slamming at the x-box controller.

"Yeah. I can see that buddy. But i'm yo sis and I deserve a proper greeting, thank you very much!" I said sticking my nose up in the air and walking towards the fridge.

"Listen, Penelope, do you want this little prick next to me to win or not?" He motioned to Payson on the other end of the couch.

"I'm gonna win no matter what, dick bag." Payson said jerking his whole body to the left as gun shots rang out. 

"Like hell you are." Blaine retorted.

I began to walk over to the couch with a glass of Dr. Pepper clutched in my hand when the front door busted open. And since I am perhaps the luckiest person to ever possibly live on this planet, I was right infront of it when it did. In came a mass of rumblin, tumblin, boys and I was t-boned by the clump they made. My Dr. Pepper flied directly onto my shirt and splatted droplets onto my face. The grey fabric of my shirt turned a dark ugly color and I felt the liquid drip down my skin, leaving sticky trails. What in the hell. What in the actual hell. 

The laughter of the group of boys erupted in my ears. I could clearly hear the laugh of my brothers. Payson, Blaine and now apparently Sam. But there was also a handful of tones I had never heard. I tore my eyes from my own torso and dragged them up the torsos of the guys in front of me. "Sam what the fuck is your problem?!" But as my eyes reached the faces of these wrong doers, all of the anger in my body was quickly replaced with puer and utter embarrassment. Because one of these mystery voices did not just belong to any old friend of my brother, one of them belonged to fuckin god. A delicious eye pleasing god. Soft, short blond hair, with a bit of blue hair sweeping to the side of his face. Blue eyes a shade lighter than his hair framed with dark lashes accompanied by the same color thick eyebrows. His lips curved up into a obnoxiously adorable smile that brung out slight dimples and his barely crooked teeth actually worked for him strangely enough. And he was tall too. Like 6'5 tall. Well not that tall...but damn tall.

Suddenly I was so self conscious of my sugar soaked cleavage, smudged makeup, and ratty hair. I bet he was wondering why my brothers were harboring a homeless person.  That's when I realized he has his hand stuck out in handshake position. I quickly grabbed it, my clasp sticky. He said with a genuine grin, "Josh Ramsay. What a pleasure to meet you."

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