chapter 2

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All of the guys were piled into the living room around the TV having what seemed to be an intense gaming session. Their ages ranged from 13 all the way to around 28, yet they were all still acting like 10 year olds. They kept on jumping up and crouching and calling out to each other. I could also smell the faint sour odor of alcohol drifting off of the older ones.

Sam had been at the after party of some music awards show, and when it started to die down him and a bunch of guys at the party decided to come and crash here. Apparently him and Josh became fast friends at the party and started to call each other chico...don't even ask. After I got drenched in Dr. Pepper, and the boys had recovered from their laughing episode, Sam, being a tad bit intoxicated, decided to introduce me to the guys I had never met. I recognized the lot of them, there was Aiden, Sams best friend, a boy everybody called Daft, and an another Sam has knows since he was three, Kevvy. Then two boys apparently both named Chuck. And then, of course, there was Ramsay along with one of his friends, Matt.

At that point I was thoroughly embarrassed and just wanted to pry my cold, sticky shirt from my body and hide under my rug for the rest of eternity. For gods sake! I just met possibly the sexiest mofo I have ever laid my eyes a soda soaked bra...pajama pants...and my hair up in the highest, messiest bun. Funfact: I look terrible with my hair up. I look like a homeless man impersonating Kim Kardashian. It just doesn't work. So there I had been, almost identical to a ragamuffin (what ever the that is), shaking hands with Mr. Sexy Blue Hair. Now in my room, I let a groan of internal disappointment escape from my lips. I headed over to my bed face first. I slammed my face into a pile of white, blue and grey pillows. What is my problem? Can't I just meet guys normally? Why can't I have male oriented charisma? Every single time I meet a cute guy I clam up and stutter sentences that make no sense. Every. Single. Time. Then they end up thinking I'm a complete weirdo, decide to pursue the cute girl in their math class, date for years, get married, have kids, and die happy and rich. While all that time I was sitting at home with my cat, computer, and a bag of potato chips.

What am I talking about. What is wrong with me. I have a boyfriend. Will. Remember him? Yeah well, hes cute. You can talk to him right? Okay well yes I can, but I've had a crush on him forver. He just got used to my weirdness and eventually excepted me. Only god knows why he did. But the point is that he did. As a loyal girlfriend it is your duty to not crush on other men. Your duty I tell you, your duty!

But its not like I'm doing anything wrong. They are simply thoughs about his sexiness. Its not like I will actually go up to Josh and be like "Oh hey, wanna fuck me? Yeah? Cool." That has never been said and never will be said. So calm your tater tots. Plus, Josh dosent even like you. I bet he has some beautiful girlfriend he loves very much. And is loyal to. Maybe you could take a page out of his book. All in all, you still love Will the most. No matter how amazing Mr. Blue Hair is.

Ugh. I shook my head, and attempted to breath out any negetive thoughts. I heard my stomach let out a low gurgle. I clutched it and looked towards the door. Damn our house for having the kitchen and living room right next to each other. Then I remember the stash of food we kept in the garage from the bulk grocery stores. So me, being the ninja that I am, silently dragged the door open and pranced down the hall like a gazelle. I took the stairs down one step at a time then dropped to my hands and knees when I hit the ground level. I heard the boys in the other room cheer when the sound of an explosion erupted through the room, so I knew I was safe for now. In terms of being caught that is. I shuffled down the dark hallway. Hand, knee, hand, knee. Almost to the door that connected the garage to the house. Hand, knee, hand, knee, ha- "Are you lost or is this what you normally do?" I heard a condescending voice behind me.

Damn. "Uh. No actually." I cleared my throat and licked my lips. "Just dropped an earring." I insisted, turning my head back to look at him.

His long body towered above me. His hair shone in the dim light coming from the kitchen and a smile danced on his lips. He looked like he was considering my statement. He reached out a hand and flicked on the hall lights. Josh studied my face for a second from a distance. "How odd. You already have both of your earrings in." His blue gaze fixed to mine.

"It was an extra one. I was just carrying it around. And now, um, its gone." What am I saying? I was just carrying it around. Who carries around earrings?!

"Oh yeah no. I totally get it." Josh affirmed. "I mean I do that all the time. You know, just in case it's one of those emergency earring replacement days." The smirk on his face made me want to either reach out and smack him, or fly away with those lips to a remote island and get all tangled up in them. Like a cat with a ball of yarn. No. Erase that thought immediately. You want to smack him. Sadly, I did neither. Instead I though I might try to venture down the road of some what normalness.

I fully turned around and stood up. "Are you mocking me, Sir?" See, that's why I said somewhat. And try. I never said I would actually be successful in being normal. Alternatively, Josh asked me if I wanted to go and play some games with the guys. I wanted to, but I knew I would make a fool of my self, as always. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 12:40pm. I should go to bed. I should go get ready for bed and sleep so I'm not dead for work tomorrow. I should decline this gorgeous boys invitation to play with terms of video games...I should decline it because he is like 10 years older then I am. I should decline it because nothing will ever happen between us and I shouldn't get my hopes up. Because I will probably end up liking him so much more then he will ever like me. Because I have a boyfriend already. Because he is also probably dating. I should not say yes for so many reasons. But one glance at his perfectly rosy lips and dusting of 5'o'clock shadow adorning his sculpted jaw, and the words I didn't want to say escaped my lips. "Sure."

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