chapter 4

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The whole room whipped by my eyes over and over again. I felt my head begin to throb with dizziness but I didnt care because it helped me not think. Around and around I went my legs tucked securly underneath me. I had been spinning in the spinny chair at the front desk for about fiveminutes now, just waiting for my shift to be over. I heard the quiet murmer of voices drifting down the long coridors of the library mixed with the constant ticking of the clock. I had worked in this library since the beginning of this year, my seinor year. It was a perfect job for me. Surrounded by complete silence, a minimum amount of people, and rooms upon rooms of worlds just waiting to be discovered. Practically begging me to crack open their old and new spines and trace each letter of every word on all the pages. To escape this life and jump into another one, refreshed and ready. 

I slowly brought my self to a stop on the spinny chair and checked the clock paciently ticking on the desk. I had 14 minutes left until I could leave. I decided to stand up and check the newly arrived books to see if any I liked had snuck in. I walked to the back of the huge circular, hard walnut desk to a stack of books. I crouched in front of them and slid my finger accros their covers. Inspecting each one. 

"Hi, can I return this?" I heard somebody speak behind me. 

"I dont know, can you?" I said with a smirk, so proud of my cleverness. I turned around. Shit. Mr. Blue Fucking Hair. Josh smiled. "Oh hey, whats happenin' Dr. Peppa?" 

"Dont call me that." I stated with a plain face. But I instantly regretted it when I saw his face shift slightly. "I mean, Id rather you call me King COD or somthing like that." I corrected my self.

"Ah, yes, my most sincear apolpgies I extend to you my leige." Josh replied, bending at the hip into a full bow, his hair falling forward. I giggled. But not that girly fake ass type of giggle. The type of giggle where you blow air rapidly thorough your nose. Yeah thats how real girls giggle. Nose giggle.  Gigglin' like a boss! 

"Thank you kind sir," I proclaimed, "But might I ask what brings you here? You needed to return somthing?" 

"Oh, yeah," He raised his arm, a book in hand, "this." I nearly laughed my socks off. He clutched The Fault In Our Stars, nearly hiding the entire cover with his large hand. "You read that?" I grinned hardly able to beeliuve it. But then again, a guy wrote it. So anythings possible.

"Yeah I did. You got a problem with that Hadden?" He asked raising one eyebrow. 

"No. No problem here. Thats just very femenine of you. Good job. Reading about a hopless love story that is bound to end in disaster. Im very impressed." I shook my head.

"Well you know how it is over here in Ramsay Land, we're all very intouch with our femenine side." He gestured to himself, moving his hands up and down beside his torso. 

"We?" I repeated.

"Yes we. Didnt anyone tell you I am made of of thousands of tiny leprachauns?" Josh said, "God, get with it Peneolope."

I smiled, looked down and took the book off of the marble counter and scanned it. "Wait," I said, tucking a strand oh dark hair behind my ear. "It says you just recently got your library card? You live by the lake?" I looked into his light blue eyes. 

"Yeah, actuyally me and my band just moved here. We have a year off before our next tour." Josh said like it was no big deal.

"You are in a band? Your popular enough to tour?" I blurted my voice surly filled with suprise. 

"Wow, you have high expectations for me, dont you?" Josh began, I smiled. "And yeah we are a lot bigger in Canada. But we all really loved Chicago when we came here on our second tour, so we decided to make it our current home. So far so good." He responded, nodding his head.

"Oh yeah. The Chicago area is da bomb. I've lived her my whole life. I mean they have food, beaches, parties, seasons. What more could a girl ask for? Never left, never will." I said with a small smile. 

"Oh yes. And you've got the south side too. I mean that place is a party initself. For me its always been the Couve. Raincouver. Vancouver. What ever ou wanna call it." He grinned.

"So your a Canada boy, eh?" I grinned. Oh clever little me. I gave my self a mentle pat on the back.

"Eh. But im a Canada man." Josh responded.

Oh how perfect is this? He is some hot, successful rocker with a house on the lake and he is actually talking to me. And Im actually making full and complete senteces and we are conversing. I feel like the world might love me right now. I glaced at the clock and realized that its officially 1:00pm. 

"Okay well Canada man, your all set and now im off work. So I guess I'll see you around?" I said moving to get my bag and escape from the circular death trap desk. 

"Yeah, definitely." Josh smiled, then glanced back towards the desk. "This is yours?" He indicated to a small business card with my name printed on it along with my phone number and email. Oh my god why the fuck do we even have those? I was kind of glad he saw it but also felt guilty for talking to him for this long. And now on top of that he has my cell phone number?! Im certian Will dosent go around giving girls his number and talking to them about where they live and how they are so feminine. 

"Um...yeah thats mine. Peneople Hadden. Dont ware it out."

"I didnt even say your name. You said your name. So in reality your the one wearing it out. How ironic." Josh said picking up a card. Then he spun oh his heels, winked one of his impossibly blue eyes, and walked strait out the glass door. Leaving me all alone, in the enormous ,empty marble clad room. Thinking about what the fuck im going to do. 

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