Chapter 15

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On Thursday, Josh picked me up from school to take me to the recording studio I was sitting on a bench with Alexis, cross legged infront of the large circular drive next to the main building. All around us birds flitted by, gathering stuffing for their nests. The trees were in full bloom, their buds bursting from the branches, tulips, snowdrops, bluebells and bleeding hearts were surrounded by emrald grass. The soft warm breeze licked my cheeks and bare arms, I could feel summer.

I saw Josh's black Mercedes winding down the road to the school, the thicket of trees blocked it at times. Subconsciously I smiled while Alexis stared at me in utter astonishment.

"You have fallen so hard."She shook her head, a grin playing at her lips. "Just dump jerky Will already and have some fun for once."

I gave her a killer look. "Hey. Just because I am attracted to Josh doesn't mean I still don't love Will. So don't talk about him like that. He is not a jerk." I looked back to the Mercedes.

"You don't even know." She grumbled quietly. I chose to ignore it, shaking my head to rid her negativity from my mind. We were quite for the next 30 seconds as Josh pulled up. He rolled down his window and said:

"Hey there sweetie, if you get in the car I'll give you some candy." He cooed.

"STRANGER DANGER!" I shouted, the few head wandering the grounds turned to me.

"Keep it down! You will scare away all of my prey." He said totally seriously. I giggled, Alexis put her head in her hands. I swung my backpack onto my shoulder and stretched my legs, heading to the car door.

"This is so wrong." I laughed and waved to Alexis as I ducked into the car.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I am calling the police if I don't hear from you in the next hour!" 

I gave her a look as Josh pulled away from the curb.

Once we were a ways away, Josh asked, "How was school today?"



"Don't ask that."

"Why not? It is a perfectly normal question in today society."

I glared at him with an unamused look.

"Fine!" He put his hand up in surrender, then placed it back on the top of the steering wheel. "I didn't know Miss. Grumpy Pants would be blessing me with her presence today." I cracked a smile and looked out the window.

"Miss. Grumpy Pants only emerges when stupid questions are asked." 

"Really? Truly? Only then?" He scrunched a side of his face, doubtful.

"Yes really truly." 

"Not even when its your monthly lady time?"

"First of all, what in the hell is 'monthly lady time.''"

"You must not be an actual lady if you don't know what that is." He tilted his head to the side, quickly, quirking his mouth up at the side.

"You wanna ask my vagina that?" Wow...I really just said that. When ever I was with Josh my confidence would soar. Like you know when you look up at the sky, and you see a plane far far up above you head, drifting by? Yep, that's me. Untouchable, unbreakable, free. Otherwise I would never have to guts to ask a guy to even be remotely close to my womanhood.

"Uh. No I don't think so. That sounds awfully unhygienic." 


"You want me to ask you southern gem?"

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