Chapter 12

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The bitter sweet weekend was over and the horrific school week had begun. I was sitting in AP English, really the only class I did well in along with art, tapping my pencil against the hard wooden desk. Mr. March was droning on about old famous poets and the impact they have on today. Mr. March was a relatively handsome man, tall, grey-brown short wavy hair, and strong manly nose. He was all wrapped up in a nice and tidy suit, like most teachers in my school, and he always carried a fine leather briefcase. 

I guess you could say I went to a nice school. It was a private school, old stone buildings filled with  marble and dark cherry wood lined hallways, grand staircases, and countless huge rooms. There were lavish grounds that sat up on a high bluff and looked over the crystal blue lake below. It was a rich kid school, that's why I usually felt out of place.

Most of the money my parents had went to me and my brothers schooling. Now the only reason we are still in these nice school is because of money we inherited from them, and my grandmother who was very wealthy. 

"By Wednesday, I need each of you to turn in your essays on the poet of your choice. Remember to include their impact on your generation." Mr. March snapped the cap back on the Expo marker he was using. "It could be oh how lets say, William Shakespeare influenced Snookie to get knocked up. Ya know, just what ever helps you sleep at night." That's why Mr. March was one of my favorite teachers. "Alright my little English prodigies. Out!" He dismissed us.

Everybody pushed back in their chairs and gathered their stuff. The room filled with noise as the first student opened the door to leave. I saw Alexis waiting for me near the door. Time for lunch! Since we had lunch period together, we would always meet and walk to the dining hall together. I shuffled out of the classroom. 

"Hey Al." I greeted, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. 

"Hey. I missed you this morning. Where were ya?" we began walking.

"Yeah I know," I sighed. "I had another meeting with my college counselor." 

"Why? Your just waiting for Rhode Island to get back to you right?" Alexis looked at me.

I shook my head. "But it is past the date they were supposed to get back to me." Saying those words made my heart sink a little. Everybody I knew already had their life mapped out. What college they were going to, where they would live, what they would learn and so on so forth. I was just still praying that RISD would accept me. All I really ever wanted to do was make art. Sure when I was a little girl I wanted to become a singer, comedian, zoo keeper etc., but art was my passion. It was something I could turn to when there was nothing else. It kept me calm and sorted my thoughts when everything felt like it was a crumbly, dry cookie, just falling apart. I needed Rhode Island to accept me. 

"They will. Don't sweat it. You'll get in." Alexis glanced at me and caught my eye. We smiled and she side hugged me. 

"Thanks Boo." I grinned, feeling more positive. 

The other girl giggled. "Any time Sugar."

We were half way through our lunch period when Will and his friend, Toby, came up to our small corner table. Will slid in next to be on the cushy bench, and Toby spun the chair around and sat on it, resting his arms on the back. Alexis looked at them, a bit of disgust playing in her eyes, but I didn't know why. We were all pretty much friends. 

"Sup." Will said, leaning to kiss me on the lips, but I turned my head and instead he got my cheek. He pulled away a little confused, but it hardly fazed him. I couldn't stand the thought of kissing two different guys in two days. After Josh and I had kissed, that was all I could think about. It was like that though was a magnet and my head was a big metal ball. I found my self wanting the pressure of his lips on mine again. Those few seconds the other night weren't enough. Afterwards, my body felt like it was pumping with a sweet and smooth electricity. Kissing Josh was like a drug and it felt like nothing would ever come close to comparing to it. 

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