Chapter 8

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My hands clutched at the back of Will's head, tangling in his soft hair. I pushed up against the couch, moving a little closer to him. His breath was sticky on mine. Now wreaking of intoxication. Our lips, after two years, had become accustomed to each other and moved in the same rhythm. But now that we both had a few drinks in us (a lot in Wills case) , it was sloppier. Will pulled at my thigh. Urging me to sit on his lap. 

Sure I might have been slightly drunk, but I was still conscious of the people around us and how we could possibly be considered disgusting PDAs. And yes, this was a high school party. Couples making out was normal. But in my case, it wasn't. I liked to have my privacy and not have to worry about another pair of eyes on me. And now, more and more eyes were turning towards Will and I. Since he was some popular football guy, eyes were almost always on him. Usually from girls who I knew wanted to get with him, or from guys who wanted to be him. Will pulled at my leg again, his mouth still moving over my lips. Suddenly self conscious with people passing by us non stop I removed my hands from his neck and began to slowly pull away. Will was persistent. "No no Baby. Come on." He pressed his soft lips to mine again, breathing heavily. I heard one of Wills friends snicker something to another guy on a different couch. Then I heard the sharp laugh of a girl nearby. My senses were becoming all to aware of my surroundings and Wills hand on my thigh, slowly moving up. I placed my hands on his chest this time. Pushing a little. Our kiss broke, I glanced away. And Josh was in the doorway. Looking at Will and I. Making out. 

Oh please just kill me now. I mean really. A slow painful death might be less terrible then this torture. Oh and what do you know! Matt, Ian and Mike were also there to witness Will and my spit exchange. Fucking perfect. Josh immediately looked away when I made eye contact with him. He muttered something to Matt and strode off. Then they, too, caught sight of me. 

My face felt like it was on fire. Stupid stupid stupid me. I knew they were coming and still I went ahead and made out with Will. Of course they were going to see us and then my entire relationship with Josh would be gone. Any and all hope of us being friends. And definitely all hope of anything more then friendship. How do I always manage to screw everything up? I came to this party to be with them. Are they ever going to talk to me again? I mean its not like I cheated on Josh. If anything I was cheating on Will. 

I helplessly looked to Matt, Ian and Mike. They only shrugged.

"Who are they?" Will slurred after observing the whole scene. 

I scooted away from him. "Just some friends." 

"From where?" 

"I don't know.They're just my friends, alright?" I snapped. I knew I was taking out my frustration on him. But honestly I didn't care. It was basically his fault that the first thing they saw me doing was sucking my boyfriends face. They probably didn't even know it was my boyfriend. I bet they just though it was some random guy I was getting my slut on with. 

"Way to be a bitch." He spat. I knew he was easily angered when he was drunk. I didn't know way I was being so careless. 

"I'm going to go get some more drinks." I stood up, fixing my shirt and hair. I wanted an excuse to go after Josh and set things strait. "Wadda ya want?" 

"Another Daniels." He raised his now empty cup, a few ice cubes drifting on the bottom. I grabbed the red solo cup and discretely headed the way Josh went. 

I passed hundreds of faces before I was tugged to the side. 

"What the hell!" Tiffany spat. She and Alexis were pressed against a wall, looking at me wildly. 

"What?" I was confused.

"You know what." Alexis placed a hand on her hip. "You see stupid ass William about to probably fuck some slut and then you go to do god knows what with him."

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