Chapter 9

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"No I mean the tours are great, but they are just so long. And you can only spend a limited amount of time in a small bus with 3 other dudes. It gets kind of grungy if you know what I mean." Josh was saying as we sat just about the shoreline with our toes dug into the cool sand. 

After my terrifyingly clumsy fall, resulting with Josh tumbling onto me, we just decided to sit down by the lake and talk. I could still hear the party raging on above our heads, but I just tuned it out and decided to be in the moment. Here. With Josh Ramsay. 

"Yeah, but come on, half of the time you are surrounded by thousands of screaming, and willing, if you know what I mean," I nudged him with my elbow and smiled. "girls. What isint there to love about that?"

Josh only looked at his hands. 

"Well, as long as you don't have a girlfriend that is." I looked out over the water pulling up onto the sand, then slowly dragging away with a whoosh.

"Oh no, no female lover in my life." He shook his head. No girlfriend? He is single? How is that even humanly possible? With a face like that you would think he would have girls crawling over him. But this information still does not matter because nothing is going to happen between us. He would never go for a girl like me.

"Are you implying that there is a male lover?" I cocked my head at him.

"No however I may be implying that said lover may in fact be neither." He cocked his head at me, too. God damned copycat.

"So what you are saying it that" I suppressed a giggle. "your lover is like a worm or something?" 

"Hate to break it to you Penelope but your not Sherlock Holmes." Josh stated.

"Way to crush all of my hopes and dreams, Ramsay. I already bought the hat and pipe and everything." I spat jokingly and we both smiled. His perfect white teeth matching the shade of the moon. Then as our smiles faded, we slipped into a surprisingly comfortable silence. Listening to the gentle crash of the waves and the pounding of the music which I could still almost feel in my bones. 

Josh broke the silence. "And what about you? You and that pretty rich boy together? Or was he just one of your ever so faithful boy toys?" He didn't look at me when he said it.

"Oh Will?" Shit, I totally forgot about him. What?! I totally forgot about my boyfriend? My boyfriend?! I cant just be running around with Josh, leaving Will. You know what? No . Fuck it. I'm having an awesome time and I'm sure Will doesn't even know, or care, where I am right now. Yeah. He doesn't. "No, um..." Damn, so this is the moment I have to tell Josh I have a boyfriend, right after he tells me he is girlfriendless? Now the warm air didn't seem so pleasant after all.

"Will's my boyfriend. We've been together since junior year." I managed to get out, not meeting his eyes either although I could now feel them on me. And they almost actually felt sad. Broken.

"Hum," He pondered it. " Well you two do seem very..." He was now smirking, his mood now totally changed like a dice. Still the same structure, but something stubbly off. Just a shift in the details. "Close." Josh finished and turned his face towards mine. "Not to mention palpable." 

I felt my self blush and since no words except for 'so fucking embarrising' came to mind, I just punched him in the shoulder.

"Hey! Being palpable is a good thing! I mean it would suck if you weren't real or something. One because it would mean that I am being extremely schizophrenic right now, and also because it would be a shame because you are like fo realz cool." I watched as his eyes scanned my face. "And I like hanging out with you." Josh added, his eyes still flicking over my face. I am pretty sure he kept on looking from my eyes to my lips but wasn't really sure.  "And beautiful." I felt my heart flutter inside of my chest like a bird trapped in a cage.

"And I totally did not just say that so you would have sexual intercourse with me because I am a gentleman and gentleman don't think about those kinds of of things." Josh spewed out in one long breath.We looked at each other for a second then he groaned, hiding his face in his arms. I felt my face crack into a smile and laughs rolled out of my mouth. 

"I am such a complete idiot." He rolled onto his side, the sand slipping to make room for his long figure. I was honestly laughing and I don't really know why. In any other situation that would have been deadly awkward, but with him it was different. Just how he said it and his face when he did and the fact that he did at all made me crack up.

"Oh shut up." He kicked me in the leg, still curled up on the sand. "I meant that in the most friendly way possible."

"I'll say."  I heavily emphasized. Josh kicked me in the leg again. This time I kicked back. 

"Oh the peasant fights back?" Josh asked, his face now visible. I kicked him again, harder, giggling.   Josh tried to roll away and stand up, but I kicked again. "Hey! Watch the dick!" Josh said dick in a twang, eying my feet. 

"Woah, woah! Hey! Feet are off limits." I started to shuffle back in the sand, still on my butt. Josh lunged and gripped my foot. I kicked it, but he still held on as he reached to it with his long fingers. The fingers of a pianist  I realized. Then the torture began and I screamed like the dickens. "Oh my god! Josh no! Stop!" I wailed, and I flung my legs. I bet it looked like I was having a seizure. "J-J-J-Josh! Josh!" 

"I hope we aren't interrupting anything?" I saw a head peak out from behind Joshs form in front of me. Josh spun around on his knees. Matt. Josh stood up, extending a hand to pull me up too. I looked bashfully at him then at the group that had apparently sunk down here with out us knowing. Ian, Mike, Matt, Alexis and Tiffany were all staring at us, a mass of pale faces, blurred in the darkness. Ian and Mike  held a small, red cooler between them. 

"Getting a little frisky down here?" Tiffany put a hand on her jean clad hip, jutting it out. 

"If by frisky, you mean the cat treats then yes. And if cat treats you mean tickle war then also yes." Said Josh simpily. 

"Don't evade the question." Ian looked at us as they set down the cooler. 

"Guys," Alexis, oh so loyal Alexis, defended. "just let them be. It's their business." She smiled at me as a slight wind picked up, blowing her hair. 

Matt chucked open the lid to the cooler "Okay yeah, and plus, we've got booze." 

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