Chapter 26

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A/N And without further adiue here is the 26th chapter that I have been so lazy with. Ps do you know who I love? You. 

We were cruising over the moonlit road. The pavement was racked and gray with the long shadows of the trees criss crossing over it. No cars were on the street as always, just us surrounded by woods. Tiffanys Audi convertible allowed the wind to whip between us, mingling with the too-loud music. Tiffany was in the front with Alexis, her feet dangling out the window. I was nestled in the back, singing along to the radio. The spot we were heading was a little ways away from Tiffanys house, but it was worth the drive.

Each year, the night of graduation, at 12:00, we went to this remote location. It was a tradition. Something we couldn't brake. This event was almost a vow that we would stay together. 

Tiffany had stolen a few bottles of liquor from her parents, and we were prepared to start this summer off right. 

I had told Sam that Tiff, and I were going to sleep over at Als. I could tell he was hesitant, which pissed me off, but honestly I didn't care. I was on top of the world (almost). Tiffany and Alexis had dropped the Will situation, I never had to see him again, I wouldn't have to talk to Sam until tomorrow, and best of all, Josh had just texted me. 

Josh- You're not still angry with me, are you? 

                                                                                                                                         Me- No Joshua

Josh- Wait does that mean you are or you aren't? #pleaseclarifyyourself

                                                                                            Me- Don't you hashtag me, boy. This ain't twitter

Josh- #why?doesitbotheryou?

                                                                                                              Me- you aren't even doing it right

Josh- #really?becausei'mprettysureiam...

                                                                                                     Me- Okay now this is just embarrassing 

"Who you texting?" Alexis looked over the back of her seat. Her hair few wildly around her face. The dark grey plains on her face sliced together. 

I tilted the screen away from her view. "No one." I looked up to meet her gaze. 

She cocked an eyebrow and snatched my phone. I huffed in defeat. "Josh?" She asked.

"Yes Josh." I confirmed. I watched Alexis wrangle her hair back from her face as she turned around in her seat, still holding my phone. 

"Okay can I please have it back now?" I leaned forward and grabbled for the glowing rectangle. Alexis resisted, pushing my hands away. 

"One second." She said just as I realized she was texting something. 

Half heartedly I scolded, "Al, no." But it was too late. She returned the phone, another text sent. 

                                                                                                Me- oh and the girls and I are going down to the old dock at Tale River at 12:00. So you and your friends should drag your sexy asses down there to see us

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