Chapter 25

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"No Josh," I said quietly as we drove along the vacant road. The sky was already turning a golden color. "we'er just going to take you home." I brought a hand up to the side of his face and ran my finger as lightly as possible over his reddening cheek. "I want you to clean your self up. Not to mention calm down." 

"Hypocrite." Josh smiled at me.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. Was it wrong that I though he looked impossibly adorable with a split lip, bloodied brow, and overall bruised face? 

"You're telling me to go home and clean up and calm down when you are the one who is covered in dirt, and thoroughly whipped Ians ass, just minutes ago."

I tried my best to give him the look of 'don't even get me started.' Part of me was kind of pissed at Josh. Not heavily pissed, but I could defiantly feel the sizzle. I mean, I had just graduated. The next chapter of my life was just beginning, and it sure as hell started off with a bang. The bang of fists. Also with the bang of my fainting body hitting the ground. For once in my life, why couldn't I be the normal, average girl with absolutely no drama. First my parents, recently Will, and now my boyfriend and my ex. I didn't want this. I didn't want to drag Josh into my problems. That's not what I had in mind. Ever. I wanted us to be a normal, loving couple just like Will and I were before...what happened. I wanted that and so much more. I knew it could be so much more. I knew we could be so much more. 

I hadn't realized I was staring at Josh and he at me, until Sam spoke sternly from the front seat of the car. "So long?"

Josh and I both looked at him, then at each other, sharing a confused look. "Would you like to clarify your self ooor?" Josh asked.

"I mean two. Its kinda disgusting." Sam blinked in the review mirror.

Blaine chimed in. "Yeah I'll second that." 

"Hum. And I wonder why I was hesitant to tell you." I said sarcastically. Glaring at the back of their heads.

"It's just....I dont think its- I don't think that you two are a good idea." He sighed.

"What!? What is that supposed to mean?" I spat. Fumes filling my mind and heart. 

Sam glanced at us both in the review mirror. He shifted in his seat and flicked his gaze out the window. "We'll talk about it later."

Words rose in my throat. What was his problem? So what, now all of a sudden he cared about who I dated? Hell he let me go out with Will and that piece of shit nearly killed me. He hardly even said anything to me about Will. Never mentioned the beating or if I was alright. He didn't do what most older brothers were expected to do, go after the boy and beat the shit out of him. No, instead he left that job to Josh. Josh was the one who cared enough to want to kill Will. He was the one who insisted I try to see a therapist and go to the hospital to see if I was okay. So after all this time...all of this damn time. He decides to boss me around, for my own good. "No Sam. If you have something to say. Say it now."

"Penelope." He sounded tired.

Harshly I commanded. "Goddammit Sam. Say. It." I looked at Sams tired eyes and I felt a hit of guilt. But I knew this was going to go down one way or another. Why not now? But just before I said something I knew I was going to regret, there was a squeeze on my hand. Josh was looking at me with a sad half smile. 

"Pen, later." 

I knew he had good intentions. I knew they both had good intentions. But I was getting fed up. So I shut my mouth, huffed, and faced the window for the rest of the ride like a 6-year-old who didn't get what tshe wanted. 

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