Chapter 16

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I waved at Josh one last time as I tugged open the front door to my house. He flashed a smile from his car, barely visible in the dim light. 

"See you later alligator!" I said as I stepped into the hallway.

"In a while crocodile!" He replied shifting the car into gear, not breaking our eye contact. I smiled one last time and pressed the door closed. I sighed and leaned my back against the cool wood. I couldn't get the massive grin to leave my lips. I wanted to run back outside and tell Josh I wanted to spend the whole night laughing, talking and joking with him.

I pushed off the door and kicked off my shoes, stretching my toes. I let my backpack fall to the floor,but made sure to keep the camera bag securely in my possession. This was now my baby. It was my duty and responsibility to make sure no harm came to it, so that was just what I would do. I thought of all of the precious moments this camera and I would have together, the things it would capture. The things it has already captured. I smiled again, tugging the black bulge closer to my body. 

I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen and living room, the familiar voices of my brothers in the air. 

But there was another tone mingling with theirs.

A tone just as familiar as the others.

"Will." I blurted. 

"Hey, babe." He greeted me from a stool at the island. Sam sat next to him, nursing a beer and Blaine was entertained by the TV. "I missed you after school today."

"Yeah. I uh- I had something to do downtown." I had nothing to hide. It wasent like I couldent hang out with other guys. He certainly is around other girls. Whats the harm in me doing the same? 

He isn't falling head over heels for them, I though in the back of my mind. 

"That was Josh who dropped you off, wasn't it?" Blaine asked from the couch, a video game controller in hand. I walked over to Will standing on the other side of the island, placing my elbows on the granite. 

"Yup. It was. I did some shooting for photo class and the band did some recording..."

Will spotted the black bag at my hip. "Whats that?" His eyes shifted to mine, they looked concerned. Which bugged me. 

"Well since my camera is broken, Josh gave me this one. He said they could just get a new one." I placed it on the counter, afraid to look at Will and see his reaction. I didn't think he would be so keen on Josh giving me a extravagant gift like this. I took it out showing it to no one in particular. I wanted to ramble on about all the fantastic things this camera had to offer, but I didn't want to bore them, or piss Will off. So I kept my mouth shut, just admiring the look of it.

"I am just going to have to make sure to thank Josh a whole fucking bunch then." Sam lilted.

I rolled my eyes at Sam's parental comment. "I already thanked him and will thank him more if needed. I am Josh's friend, too, Sam." 

"So you hang out with him and stuff?" Will questioned, looking uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why? He is like...40." 

"He is not 40 Will. If anything he is 30." I said a little too harshly.

"Whatever. Its still creepy." He shrugged and stood up, heading to play games with Blaine. I looked to Sam, hoping for reassurance. Sam stood up and walked past me.

"Just ignore him." He patted me on the shoulder and disappeared around the corner.

I wanted to. So badly. But Wills words stuck with me. I shook my head, not wanting the night of laughter I shared with Josh to be ruined. 

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