chapter 23

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A/N Buckle your seatbelts, my friends. Some shit is about to go down.

Graduation was just around the corner. I swear I could taste its bitterness crawling up my throat and threatening to choke me. This had been my last year of high school. The last year I would be with the friends I had grown up with and saw every day. The last year of tests that really didn't matter and an overwhelming yet doable amount of homework. At the end of the summer I would venture off to a college (yes, Rhode Island still hadn't gotten back to me), and attempt to establish a new life. New teachers, new friends (hopefully), new places. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay right here in the town I grew up in, with the people I knew, and not be pressured by the changes that life wanted to chuck at me. I wanted to stay here with Josh.

A couple weeks ago I probably would have called anybody crazy if they said I would soon never want to leave this town. Being in the mental state I was in, all I wanted to do was leave everything behind. But now that Josh was in the picture, I didn't even want to imagine it.

But since graduation and the last day of school were tomorrow, I could do nothing but regrettably imagine leaving.

I shook my head and jammed another chip into my mouth. I still had the whole summer. I found myself recalling how when I was little the summers seemed endless. Like the rustling green trees, pools, and cicadas were here to stay. But now, the end of the tunnel seemed too bright and too near.

Sam, Blaine, Payson and I were sitting down having a rare family dinner. The boys were rambling on about something I had no remote interest in.

I interrupted. "So you guys remembered what tomorrow is, correct?" All heads turned to me. I could hear the clock ticking in the hall. "You're kidding me." I said, astonished. The boys looked at each other, their eyes telling the other ones to speak. "None of you remember me ever coming up to you and saying 'Hey! Mark your calendars because on June 5 is my gra-'"

"GRADUATION!" Payson shouted, practically jumping from his seat. "See, see I remembered."

I looked at him dully. "Yes. Very good Payson. As your prize I will present you with this beautiful golden trophy." I cupped my hands, empty, and brought them to Payson. "Thank you for your astonishing memorizing skills." I made sure to spew sarcasm.

"Fuck you." He smiled and looked back down at his plate, piling more food in his mouth.

I looked back at the two older boys. "So you three are gonna come to my school at 3:00, then at 6:00 we are going to Alexis' house for a dinner thing with a whole bunch of other families. Understand?"

"Question." Blaine raised his hand.


"What do we need to wear?"

"Well you are definitely going to need to wear a teletubbie costume." I smirked.

"Hardy har har." He spat.

I began to stand up, planning to pimp myself out for the next day. Shower, shave, moisturize. "No I don't know, just wear something normal and nice." Once I was on my feet and halfway through the door, I informed them, "Oh and Josh will be there, too...Just a heads up." I don't know why I told them, honestly. But they were friends...we were didn't mean anything. At least they didn't know it meant anything. I hope.

Why was I hiding us from them? Why did I have to keep the cat in the bag? They had a right to know. And I know in the long run Josh wouldn't be able to keep it from Sam. But a part of me thought maybe they would judge me. For dating an older guy. Well not that much older, only 12 years...

But just before I turned to leave the room, I saw them all exchange a knowing, surprised look.

I guess that cat is creeping its way out of the bag.

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