Chapter 18

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Everything slowed down as I felt Wills fist connect with my face again. Every sound was muted, my ears buzzing. My head was spinning, hundreds of thoughts fighting for my attention. Some were screaming at me to run, fight back, others were telling me that I deserved this, the pain was swelling under my skin, and spreading like ink in water. 

I was pretty sure Will was talking to me, saying something, I saw his mouth move, but the sound never got processed. It just hung in the air and around my ears, in my head like a sandstorm,  a constant whirling. 

I hated him. I felt the burn rising in my chest, trying to break free. I wanted to scream, the release all the pain and feelings, but the words I wanted to say were too thick, my tongue cemented to the top of my mouth. I couldn't feel my body any more. I felt detached, like I was floating in the wind, looking down upon this disaster. I saw the shudder of my body as Will hit me again, screaming obscenities at me. I saw the distant glow of the city, and the ruffle of the tiny leaves on nearby trees, the clouds passing over the moon, but the only human movement was me and Will. No help. No saviours. No certainty. Only me and him. Only us.

I tried to silence the tumult in my head, it was only making the pain worse, but it wouldn't shut up. It yelled and screamed and wailed at me. 

Get up. Fight back. You cant just lay there.

Every second that Will continued to beat me, I got weaker and weaker. The energy to live seeping out of me like blood. Blood. 


I managed to shift my hand, and blood. I looked down, prying my eyes open, it covered my hand. I wasn't sure where it came from. And it terrified me. 

Fight! My head screamed again. Stop his sorry ass! 

With one eye closed and the other barely open I looked at Will. His face was masked in complete rage. The stench of sour liqour hung around us. I was now on the ground, I didn't even remember falling. He kicked me. Once in the stomach,  twice on the side, another in the stomach. The pain was like no other I had ever felt. It was a boulder smashing my leg from a cliff, a ragged spear shot into my skin, a needle ripping at my muscles, a tooth yanked from my mouth, no novocain. No peace.

Just Death sitting me down and telling me how this will all end soon. 

And at that, I looked Death in the eye and spat on his shoes. 

Soon my ass. 

My hearing came back along with all feelings. I took the remote and turned down the volume in my head only to hear Will saying, his voice hard and cruel. 

"You little fucking slut! You fucking think you can just hit me?" His hard fist wailed on my again. "You bitch. Two damn years!" Spit rained down on me, I was disgusted.

With all of the strength I could muster inside of me I whimpered. Will probably didn't even hear it, but it was enough for me. It gave me strength and I had no clue why. When he brought his leg back to get in another blow I wound up and kicked him. Hard in the knee cap.He bent over and clutched it then looked to me. He looked stunned. Like I had just woken up from the dead. Everything went still, our breaths, the wind, everything. Only the clouds continued over the sky.

I tried to stand up, but my side was killing me, so I just scrambled back against the car. All I did was watch Will, I didn't say a word. I had so many things to say to him, so many, but I couldn't get them to come out. He watched me as he was still bent over, he looked at a loss for words now too. Apparently he had used up all of his energy on swearing and hitting me. I didn't dare look away or blink. I watched his every move like it was the last thing I would ever see. And I actually thought it just might be.

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