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Hi there all ya'll. So I have been thinking...and a part of me kind of wants to quit this fic. Like stop writing it for good. I just really dont like the pacing and character developmet and stuff. I think it is confusing to read. Maybe I would start up another Ramsay fic in the future but I dont know. 

So what do you think? I dont want to stop this one if people are actually, ligitamitly enjoying it. So dont give me some shit about how "yeah its good" just to spare my feelings. I want the stone cold truth, mother fucker. 

So...yuppers. Once I (hopefully) get some imput from you guys, I'll decide in the next few days. 

But to everyone of you fine ass bitches who has been reading this and voting and commenting, I love you. So much so that I will sacrifice my first born child to you. A shrine and everything. I sware.

Stay beautiful.

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