Chapter 27

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We ran up to Alexis house, me on Josh's back, Alexis strolling behind with Matt, and Mike Ian and Tiffany walking side by side ahead of us. The huge stone facade of the enormous Tudor style mansion was planted at the end of the cobblestone drive way. Alexis parents were away, all the lights were off, we had the house to ourselves. The vast, immaculate gardens, scattered with trees stretched along the side and the moon was slung above them. 

"Ya! My trusty steed!" I kicked at Josh's sides with my heels. "Onward!" I shouted as I clamped my hands harder around his shoulders. He neighed and started into a full gallop. His feet smacked the ground as my legs bounce around his torso. my wet hair slapped me in the face and stuck to my cheeks. When we got to the door, Mike held it wide open, staying out of our way. Josh neighed again and his voice along with my squealing rang thought the empty house, drifting along the high ceilings. Josh began to head down a long hall way, but before he got too far, I slipped off and sprinted down another hallway that splintered off to the side. 

"Oh hell no!" He called as he got what my goal was.

I spun my head around and flashed a smile. He looked wildly adorable with his faded blue hair layering over his eyes. His shorts were low on his hips and I had an urge to kiss the sliver of skin occasionally peaking through with ever lunge."Come on fatty, keep up!" I urged him jokingly. "Wish you hadn't eaten that cake earlier, huh?"

"No." He struggled behind me. "I never regret eating such divine foods." 

I ran my hands along the wall next to me. Even though it was almost pitch black, i knew every twist and turn to Alexis house. I could point out the squeaky floor boards, and the nooks and crannies hidden between the walls. I jerked to the right, giggling, only to hear the enormous oaf stumble on my tail. 

"If you dont slow down i am going to be dead in a matter of seconds." he wheezed.

I smiled to my self, also out of breath. "Dont be such a drama queen." I shuffled up a set of stairs.

"oh so sassy!" He called just as we reached the top of the stairs. Then I felt his hands clutch mine. he spun me around, facing him, sparks of light were caught in his eyes from a near window. I wrapped my hand around the cast iron rail, it was winter compared to my burning hell like skin. His face was inches from mine and I became semiconscious of the sweat that had probably gathered on my lip.

His face was soft and pale, perfect perfect perfect perfect. His lip twitched in a smile as his eyes glazed over my mouth, trying to regain composure. every so lightly I felt him push me backward. I complied and took a step in an unseen direction. the back of my thighs hit a surface, a table. He urged me back slightly again. I slip my butt on top of the cool buttery wood. He reached a hand to my neck, cupping it like a warm mug of coffee on a chilled night. The other hand pulled my waist towards his, my back arched. His lips met the space just below my jaw. I was slathered in buckets of hot honey. My senses ignited, and softened at the same time, if that makes any sense at all. As he traced my collar bone I caught a glimpse of our entwined figure in a mirror across the room. 

His lean body placed between my legs, arms caressing mine, his back flexing. I looked like a crazed wild person, raised by prairie dogs. My eyes were masked with eyeliner and my hair was stringy and loose. I thanked god that it was dark, or it was guaranteed Josh would have jumped out a window and threw up. 

His hand slowly mingled down my back, over my hip and just under my knee. His palm held the tender skin and sent shivers down my legs. His breath was heavy, along with mine. This was the most intense we had ever gotten. And for some odd reason, unlike the other times we had kissed, I didn't want to stop. I wanted to keep on breathing in cool air and exhaling it, hot and used. I wanted to feel my hips stuck to his, and his pierced tongue slip over mine. I wanted his scruffy chin rubbing over every inch of my skin, his lips leaving trails with it. I wanted that unlike I ever had. I couldn't describe it. I had no words. 

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