Chapter 17

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I followed close behind Daphne, her butt practically swayed to the music as she walked. I felt the urge to kick her. No. Bad me. That's not nice. Toby was leading us to a small table in the back of the pulsing club. The table was almost completely dark, only the occasional flicker of the strobe lights illuminated it.

Will held my lower back as he led me to the seat, the material cold on my legs. Daphne slid in on the other side of me, her dark makeup caked eyes looked alert.

"We are gonna go and get us some drinks. You two stay here." Will bellowed to us, close to my ear. He turned on his heel and Toby and him merged into the tight crowd. 

Wiggling girls rubbed up against guys who stood behind them, touching their hips. Occasionally there would be a few females, rubbing all over each other, causing a crowd of eager males to admire their little show. Some girls gave off auras of, "You can look but you can touch.", others said, "Only a lucky few can climb this mountain." and some, "If you got a dick, I'm your girl." No matter how they acted, reserved or wild, I looked down upon them. I guess you could say I was at times a feminist. But that's only because girls are in now way shape or form objects or play things. So when I saw a girl giving any message relating to that, I wanted to give them a good and hearty bitch slap. 

The heavy techno music pulsed in my chest, reminding me of the other night at the party. All colored neon lights reflected off of every surface, the room was a dark rainbow. I scanned the room more and was again, repulsed. All over, couples, were sucking each others faces in dim corners. Hands grabbing at each other, hair splayed all over. I looked away. 

Sure, I had been to clubs, but I didn't know why I kept on coming back. They were terrible. Totally not my scene. I didn't dance, hardly ever drank, and thought PDAs and hooking up were abominations. 

"I want to dance." Daphne squeaked from my side. I startled and looked at her. She had gotten up and was fixing her short dress back down her thighs. 

"Okay...Have fun then." I scoffed.

"No, silly! With you! Come on! Will and Toby will get so turned on." She clasped my hand and yanked. 

"Ehhh...I wasn't particularly looking to achieve that goal." I tried to say, but my words got eaten up amongst the squirming bodies. Her small hand tugged harder.

"This will be so much fun Penelope!" She squealed in delight. "Its been ages since Toby and I have been to a proper dance club." Oh did I mention that Daphne emphasizes every word? No? Well she does! 

The other girl tugged me past a large sweaty guy with tats covering his arms and chest. She glanced back at me and smiled her flawless teeth framed with red red red lips. Daphne decided on a small clearing just under a huge green strobe light. It flashed against our skin, I looked around admiring all of the other people around me. Everything looked so perfect from the dance floor. Off on the sidelines, it looked like a sweaty mess, but here, with my feet planted still next to constant movement, everybody and thing looked marvelous. 

My eyes came to Daphne, her hips already swaying to the beat. She looked at me for a moment and nudged my hip, urging me. 

Yes yes yes. All I can say or do is yes. 

"I don't know how! I suck at dancing." I yelled over the music.

"Its easy! Feel that thump in your bones? Pretend your like a clock, and that's your tick. That thump. Your the second hand, its your job to keep the time!" She shouted and threw her head back, her thick, long ponytail cascading down her back. 

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