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I was right in the middle of presenting my descriptive writing piece. I was making so many stupid mistakes like mispronouncing my words and skipping sentences.

"Uh- and then my dad and I went up and traveled to Canada... Everyone loved his cooking. Oh wait, I already said that before... Um, so when we went to Canada we stayed in... Toronto? Yeah, Toronto! It was busy with lots of cars, tall buildings, and a lot of people. We went to a park- an amusement park. Canada's Wonderland. It was really fun and we didn't get scared of any of the rides... I- I'm sorry I just realized I talked an awful lot about my dad. It's just that we wanted to spend some time together before he... Yeah."

I was starting to feel sad closer to the end. I didn't know I missed him that much.

Mr. Harrison spoke, "Understand that she's a new student and may just be having a hard time. Well done, you may return to your seat."

I sat back down next to Brooklyn.

"That was garbage," I muttered to myself.
"You did fine."
"Shut up."

That came out a bit harsh, but he listened and didn't say another word. We listened to the rest of our class present until the bell rang. The remanding people would present the following class. We all filed out of the classroom and went off into different directions.

The next class went by super slow. Luckily, Brooklyn wasn't sitting beside me. In fact, he wasn't even in that class.

When lunch rolled around I spotted Grace sitting with a few other girls. I wanted to talk to her a bit more about what she said to me yesterday. The conversation was still fresh in my mind and lingered in my thoughts.

"Hey," I said, sitting across from her.
"Girls, this is, Isabelle. She's new and moved from?"
"Wow, ok. I'm Nia."
"Hi, I'm Sabrina. Nice to meet you!"

Nia had curly hair with tanned skin. Sabrina had long, straight, light brown hair that reached her waist. She had a clip in her hair, as well. Grace looked the same except today she tied her hair up in a bun and put in a headband.

"So, what's up?" Grace asked.
"Actually," I leaned closer, "I wanted to talk about yesterday."
"With Brooklyn?"
"Brooklyn?!" Sabrina practically screamed.
Grace explained everything, "Basically he kept a seat saved for her and got her to class."
"Awh, that's so cute! I'd die to have him do that for me."
"Shut up, Sabrina. You're always gushing over the poor boy," Nia said.
"He's not as great as he seems. He kicked a football at me and didn't even apologize, like hello? How rude."
"Maybe he was nervous?"
I shook my head, "I don't think so..."
"Isabelle, if you want advice from someone who's known him for a while, you came to the right person. I think that he'll start talking to you more, so don't be surprised."

I nodded in agreement. I took her advice seriously. This guy wasn't someone that you could trust. He was mysterious and people could easily question him. I think most people, mostly the girls, are blinded by the fact that yeah maybe he's good looking and the son of a famous couple. However, I wasn't going to be tricked into that game of his. He had a billion girls who are obsessed with him and would probably do anything to meet him. Why on earth would I want to be a part of that?

Sabrina spoke, "What if he likes you, though?!"
"Shut up! What did I tell you about fantasizing over Brooklyn?!"

I laughed at what Nia said.

"I'm just saying!"
"Sabrina, I doubt that he likes me."
"Hey, Isabelle," Grace called.
"If he tries to befriend you, what are you going to do?"

I never really thought about that before. I always just assumed we'd never be friends. Grace did bring up a good point, what would I do?

"I- I don't know."
Nia offered her opinion, "I say go for it."
"Absolutely! Brooklyn is the cutest, just imagine being his friend and texting and talking! Friendship goals!"
"What the hell," Grace said after hearing Sabrina speak, "I would just go be friends with him. He's a nice guy, why not get to know him? You'll be stuck beside him in your classes."

Lunch was over and people were starting to pack up. I guess it was time to say "bye" to these three.

"See you guys later, alright?"
"For sure."

Before we part ways, we exchanged numbers, that way we could keep in touch outside of school. I was pretty glad to have made a couple friends.

Ugh, finally. I stood up from my desk and packed up my books. The student next to me dropped their pen. I bent down to pick it up.

"Here, uh, you dropped this."
"Oh, my bad. Thanks," a boy with glasses said to me.
"No problem."

Brooklyn wasn't in that class either. Just math and English so far.

I walked through the halls and to my locker. I spun my lock to the correct combination. Inside my locker, I grabbed my bag. I put whatever books I needed for homework inside and left the rest in my locker. When I shut the door, I was startled to see a guy who was standing behind my locker door.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me."
"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you like that," he let out a deep laugh.
"What do you want, can it wait until tomorrow? I'd like to go home."
"Then let's walk home and I'll talk on our way."

Did he just offer to walk me home?

"Um, no thanks. Just talk now, a few minutes won't hurt."
"Whatever. I wanted to ask if you had a partner for tomorrow."
"What's tomorrow?"
"Great partners?"
"Hold on."

What's this boy trying to do? I didn't even agree to anything yet and he already thinks that we're partners for something in school tomorrow!

"Tomorrow we start a project, you didn't hear?" I shook my head, "So partners?"
"What makes you think I'd want to be your partner," I said coldly.
"It's your first week and I doubt you want to be the loser left out with no partner."

I thought about it. He did bring up a good point there... That'd actually be so embarrassing being the only in the class not to have a partner. I didn't want that happening to me. I sighed.

"Yes," I agreed.
"Great, see you tomorrow, Izzy."
I smiled when he actually used my nickname, "Later, Brook."

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