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I rushed to pack my bag of clothes.

The first week of the holidays practically flew by. Christmas Eve was tomorrow and I was planning on staying another night at the Beckham's house. I'd talked to Ryder through Skype and text, but he still hasn't had a chance to fly in yet.

There was a knock on my door, "Come in!"
"What are you doing?" My mom sat next to me.
"Going back to Brooklyn's house."
"Izzy..." I didn't quite hear her, "Isabelle."
"You've been over there almost every single night. What are you even doing?"

She gave me a concerned look which I just rolled my eyes to.

"I just like hanging out with him, it's fun."
"Ok, well then can you be home for tomorrow night? It's Christmas Eve and I know grandma will probably want to make us dinner."
"Promise I'll be home."
"Ok, sweetie, see you then," she kissed my forehead.
"Thanks, mom. We'll spend lots of time together tomorrow!"
"I'm just glad you're happy, I know it's not easy."
"I think I can do it though, he comes back in February..." Then it hit me, "But then I have to leave all my friends..."
"That's right."
"How am I supposed to do that?"
"It's still two more months, enjoy the time you have with them. Don't think about it too much."
"I- I'll try not to."
"Good, I'll leave you to it," she said pointing to my clothes and bag.

After she left the room, I picked up where I had left off. I was just about done and ready to text Brooklyn when I received a text from another boy.

Ryder: Hey sis

Izzy: HEY

Ryder: imy tbh


Ryder: I'll try to fly in to visit this next week, hopefully for Christmas. If not, I'll be here for New Years


Ryder: Yes lol

Izzy: It won't be awkward? Dad's not here so ur gonna be with my mom and grandma....

Ryder: It's ok. I'm doing this just for my half sister :)

Izzy: awwww

Ryder: It's because I love u

Izzy: love u too

Ryder: JK

Izzy: .....ihy

Ryder: lol

Izzy: jk ily big bro

Ryder: K gtg but hopefully c u soon

Izzy: Alright bye

I then proceeded to text Brooklyn that I was ready, but it was already past the time that I said I would text. I heard the sound of a car horn from outside and I assumed it was Brooklyn.

"Bye, mom! Bye, grandma!"

I opened and shut the door behind me. I expected to see Alexander driving, but it was Victoria.

"Hello, love."
"Hi, how are you?"
"Good, you?"
"I'm good."

We chatted for the rest of the drive. She complimented me on my outfit which meant a lot coming from a fashion designer. It was funny to think that in the beginning we didn't get along, but I now realized that she was a great woman and an even better mom.

Once we arrived at his house, he brought me up to his room as usual. We sat down on the two beanbags.

"So you're allowed to sleepover?"
"Yeah, just have to be back tomorrow for dinner."
"Christmas dinner?"
"Exactly that."
"Well, for tomorrow, I've got an early Christmas present for you," he smirked.
"Brook, no."
"Brook, yes," he basically repeated what I said and I laughed.
"You don't need to do that."
"But I do."

I knew his gift was probably something so extravagant that it must've cost a fortune. I didn't want him spending money on me. All I needed was something little, but thoughtful. How could my Christmas gifts compare to his?

"I don't need it."
"Izzy, just let me give you this one present."
"What am I supposed to give you? I only have like less than seventy pounds," I giggled.
"It doesn't matter what you get me."
"It doesn't matter what you get me!" I yelled.

I rolled my eyes at him.


Harper's voice was heard from downstairs. Her voice got louder as she ran up the stairs. We heard her footsteps and then saw her run into the room.

"Harper, careful!" He shouted.

Her little foot stepped into one of the straps to carry my bag. It got caught and she tripped and fell hard. Being young, she cried and screamed. I bet the whole house could hear her. Brooklyn kneeled down and scooped her up into his arms. Tears streamed down her face and he hugged her. I walked over to the two of them to see if she was ok. She still cried and sniffled.

She rested her small head on him as he rocked back and forth stroking her hair to try and comfort her.

"What happened?!"
Brooklyn went into the hall and replied to his worried mum, "She's ok, she just tripped!"
"Do you need me to come up?!"
"No, it's good!"

He carried Harper back into his room and sat down with her on a bean bag. I was surprised at how well he handled the situation. They obviously had a close relationship.

"Are you ok, Harper?"
She nodded, "You have to be more careful there," he whispered.
"Can you bring me downstairs and get ice," she rubbed her eyes.
"For sure-"
"No, Izzy," she pouted.
"Oh ok."

I gave Brooklyn a nervous look, but he just handed her to me. I held her in my arms.

"Are you going to be my sister?"

I was in the doorway when she asked that. I was quite surprised actually. Brooklyn looked to me and started laughing uncontrollably.

"I'm- I'm not so sure about that one, honey."

I took her downstairs where Victoria saw her.

"Awh, my poor baby," she took Harper from me and kissed her cheek, "Thank you, Izzy."
"Oh, no problem," I smiled at the mother and daughter.
"Can she be my babysitter?"
"If she wants to."
"I guess. I'm normally not doing anything unless it's homework."
"Great, are you excited, Harper?"

She clapped her hands in response. Victoria went over to the freezer and put ice on where Harper said it hurt.

"We'll pay you, too."
"That won't be necessary."
"Oh, please."
"It's ok, really."
"Just consider it and let me know later on."

I walked back upstairs and into Brooklyn's room. He was still sitting on the bean bag and I decided to join him.

"Guess who got a job?"
"Who?" He pretended like he didn't know.
"This girl," I pointed to myself, "I'm babysitting."
"All of you," I joked.
"I can take care of myself."
"Shut up."

The two of us continued talking until dinner time. We had a delicious meal with the rest of his family before he said for me to go to sleep. Apparently I had to wake up early for my surprise.

"Izzy, turn off your phone."
"Hold on."
"Turn the brightness down at least."
"It's at the lowest!"
"Ugh," he groaned.

I was texting Sabrina because she asked me if I wanted to go out with her for breakfast tomorrow morning.

Izzy: Hey, girl. Nah I'm sorry I can't

Sabrina: Np, do u know if Nia and Grace r available???

Izzy: They should be, u can text them and see

Sabrina: K ty

Izzy: Tired so I'll ttyl sometime gn

Sabrina: night

"Calm down, I'm going to sleep now."
"Good or else you won't be able to wake up for the surprise."
"Can you just go to sleep?"
"Ok, ok."
"Good night."
"Good night, Izzy."

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