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His hand was pressed against my hip as I tilted my body upwards so that my lips could meet his. My hands found his neck and while his lips found mine. He repeatedly put small kisses onto my lips in between smiles of his. It was cute. I couldn't help but smile myself.

It was the first day back from school since the winter break and things started out pretty sluggish in my opinion. Classes slowly started back up again, many people slept in, others skipped this day entirely, and the ones who did show up had a huge attitude. It sucked that the holidays passed so quickly. I couldn't believe they were already over.

"Come on, let me walk you to class."

Even before Brooklyn and I were dating, people assumed something was up. Now that we were seen together, hugging, holding hands, and even kissing, people would have to be dumb not to know that the two of us were dating.

"Bye, love," he met my lips and dropped me off at the door of my first class. I'd see him later on.

As I sat down in my seat, the expression on some people's face's were surprised or shocked. Other upset or angry. It was a wave of mixed emotions.

"Welcome back!"

All the students groaned including myself. The thought of school again was making us all miserable.

"Exams at the end of the month," she announced.

We started going over the review, but my mind was racing. Next class with Brooklyn had to be good. Brooklyn. That's all that was on my mind. Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Brooklyn.

I jumped a bit when I felt the girl behind me tap me lightly on the shoulder.

"Psst!" She whispered.
I turned around, "Yeah?"

I'd never really talked to her before this, but I had for sure seen here around outside of this class.

"You and Brooklyn, is that a thing?"
"Um, yeah," I smiled.

She simply nodded and got back to taking notes on the review.

By lunch, it had made it all around the school that Brooklyn and I were dating. Pretty much all grades knew.

"You got anything for lunch?"
"No, the play... Remember?" I questioned.
"Oh, true. We got rehearsal."

I laughed at him since he forgot. His mind was probably still back with the holidays. We walked hand in hand to the drama room where we met the rest of the cast. The two of us spent the most of our lunch there preparing for the final performance at the end of January.

"Are you sure it won't be too much for you? Exams are like right at the same time," I brought to his attention.
"It's fine. I want to do it with you and as long as I'm with you, everything is simply perfect."

I gave a warm smile in return for his kind words and got back to memorizing my lines.

Just a bit after our next class had started, the teacher dismissed us. Of course no one wanted to go because they'd do anything to get out of class. I groaned as I stood up knowing is have to take more notes for studying.

I thanked the teacher who was in charge of directing the play before leaving the room. I was about to turn left to go in the direction that my locker was, but I felt a hand hold mine.

I turned around to see Brooklyn who appeared to be trying to pull me in the opposite direction. I didn't get his intentions because we were late for class and the quickest way would be going left.

"Brooklyn!" I yelled in a whisper.
He swiftly moved forward to me and put a finger on my lips, "Shh, come with me."

The halls were deserted and I stayed quiet and didn't try to put up a fight because then that would disturb all the classes.

Brooklyn lead me into and empty classroom and shut the door behind us.

"This should give us some privacy," he smirked.
"Huh?" I was confused.
"Everyone's always swarming us, I don't know how I survive, but it's all because of you."

He closed the space between us and I backed into a desk. I hopped up and sat on it and waited for him to speak again.

"Don't you find it annoying?"
"Yes and no. I've never really got any attention before so a but is nice."
"Trust me, too much of it isn't."

I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Izzy," he paused, "I love you."
"Don't even doubt for a second that I don't love you back, because I do," I told him with confidence.
"But I mean, a little privacy and alone time is nice, right?"

We stared at each other for a long time. It was a comfortable silence that neither of us wanted to break.

"Wait, what am I doing?!" I asked myself out loud.
"What do you mean?"
"It's class right now!"

I tried to get off the desk, but he put a hand on my thigh and held me there. He took me by surprise when he roughly pressed his lips up against mine. It was a sensation I had never felt before. The risk of getting caught, yet the desire to continue on. It was a dangerous act, but I was willing to lay back a little and break a few rules. Any minute a teacher could walk in and see us basically making out in a classroom alone. I don't think that would make a very good impression.

"Smooth, Beckham," I grinned.
"Love you," he pecked my lips.

Brooklyn proceeded to pull away, but I grabbed him by the face and squished his cheeks as I didn't let him go. I wanted his lips still attached to mine, so I kissed him harder.

"Easy there," he laughed.
"But I'm fucking in love with you."
"And Izzy trust me, I'm fucking head over heels in love with you too."

I Never Meant to Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now