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Today was Monday and I'd be coming back to school for the first time. I'd missed so much review for exams and rehearsals for the play. I knew that today is have to face Brooklyn for the first time too.

I got ready quickly and called back to my mom who was getting herself ready for work. As I opened the door, I was surprised to see Brooklyn about to knock. In his hands were a large bouquet of roses and a card in his hand.

"I don't know how to fix this, please let me in."
"No," I shook my head.
"I fucked up. I ruined our relationship! Everything is fucked, Izzy, don't you see?!"
"Brooklyn, I can't do this right now."
"Look, I'm sorry! Ok?! Can I not just say that to you?!"
"No... No, you can't."

I took the roses from his hands and threw them to the ground, stomping and crushing them with my foot. I shoved him out of the way and pushed past him to get on my way to school.


I was nervous to see what she would say. I didn't quite know what I was going to tell her myself.

"I fucked up. I ruined our relationship! Everything is fucked, Izzy, don't you see?!" I shouted.
"Brooklyn, I can't do this right now."
"Look, I'm sorry! Ok?! Can I not just say that to you?!"
"No... No, you can't."

She snatched the bouquet I bought for her and crushed the roses underneath her foot. She twisted and stomped until they were ugly, just like how ugly our relationship got so fast.

Suddenly, Izzy's mum came into the doorway and I got some hope.

"Please give this to her," I showed her the card I wrote to explain everything.
"You need to leave."
"Please," I pleaded.
"You have school."
"Fuck it. Just give this to her!"
She paused, "No."

The door was shut in my face and I was left and forced to go to school. I cursed and threw the card into the snow bank that lay on their front lawn, before finally making my way to school.


I entered the cafeteria and looked around for my friends. No surprise that they were all with Brooklyn. A few new girls say by his side and he had a grin stuck on his face, but when he saw me his expression changed. He stood up and his face changed from having confidence to having none and looking scared. He tried to call out to me, but I shook my head and headed the other direction.

"So I heard..."
Sabrina leaned against the wall, "It was true, you were right."
"How are you?"
"I- I don't know," I sighed.
"Well if you ever-"
"Oh ok-"
"I said no."

She rolled her eyes and smiled as she joined her other friends. I wasn't alone for long as two guys approached me.

"You know you really don't have to do this, just go."
"But we want to," Liam said.
"Isaac?" I questioned.
"Uh- well, Liam kind of told me to come with him."

That response got him an elbow to the stomach from Liam.

"Are you ok?" Liam asked.
"Fine," I nodded.
"Dude, girls at ten o'clock, catch you later."

I rolled my eyes. Typical Isaac. Liam gave him a pat on the back and some words of encouragement before he left.

"Seriously though," he said, "are you really fine?"
"No," I stared at the floor.
"Just tell me whatever."
"Why? You're friends with Brooklyn so why not just go to him instead of getting involved. I don't think this is a very good idea."
"Izzy, I'm not just his friend, I'm yours too."
"You are?"
He laughed, "Of course I am."

He placed a hand on my knee which made me jump at first only because I hadn't been in contact with anybody recently.

"Are you ok?"
"No, I already told you."
"You didn't say why."
"I don't want to get into details."
"Izzy, stop. I know what happened with your dad and I know it was hard for you to even let Brooklyn in. I get that you loved him, but I'm here now to help you with anything. Sometimes things like that don't always work out and it sometimes fucks you up. You can't keep it inside you. All I'm asking is for you to let me in, I want to help you."

I stared at Liam for a good twenty seconds trying to process what had just happened.

"I'm not sure."
"You can trust me, I'm here for you."
I took a deep breath, "Ok."
"Tell me what happened."
"He-" I stopped to collect myself again, "he cheated on me."
"What?!" I nodded to his response, "Brooklyn's a jerk."
"He's your friend," I said in defence for Brooklyn.
"Stop defending him after what he did to you!"
"I can't."
"Izzy, you're strong, yes you can."
"I love him."
"Love somebody else. Move on... He obviously did."

It was like a dagger to the heart and it made my chest ache. I hated to hear the things I had to because they often turned out to be bad.

"I'll try."
"Not good enough. Say you will."
"I'm saying I'll try because I'm still going to see him around and plus," the blood in my veins was boiling with fury, "we're in a fucking romantic play together."

I got up and threw a fist at the wall. I jerked my hand back and clutched it tightly before walking away and muttering curse words to myself.

"Fuck my life..."

I Never Meant to Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now