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My phone was making a whole bunch of noise on my dresser. It was annoying me and eventually, I rolled over onto my side and grabbed it.

"Hello?" I croaked.
"Woah, what happened to you?"
I confirmed it was Brooklyn, "I just woke up."
"Oh, alright, so you're not coming to watch my practice?"
Then it hit me, "Right! Oh my gosh, I totally forgot."
"It's ok, you don't need to come."

I imagined him smiling from the other end of the line.

"No, let me get ready right now, see you soon!"

I hung up on him and dropped my phone on my bed. Hurrying as fast as I could, I got dressed in a white and maroon baseball shirt with jeans.

My phone went off again, signalling that he was here.

"Screw it," I said to myself.

I skipped brushing my hair and makeup. It's only a practice, right? Not some fashion show.

I rushed down the stairs and slipped on my pair of white converse then ran out the door.

"Bye, mum! Bye, grandma!"

I hopped into the backseat with him.

"Hey," I said out of breath.
"Hey. You look like you just woke up," he laughed at me.
"That's because I just did."
"Did you even eat?"

He reached into the front and Alexander handed him something.

"Here, have this."
"Thanks," I smiled.

I opened the bottle that he hand handed me and took a gulp of the strawberry banana smoothie.

"Mmm! That's really good!"
"My mum buys them, she says it's good and healthy for you. I don't mind them."
"They're delicious."
"Rather drink a can of pop or something."
"Come on."
"I only eat healthy because I have to," he chuckled.

We drove over to where he trained. I stepped out of the car and went to the benches to sit and watch. Brooklyn was warmly greeted by his teammates. They all turned to me when Brooklyn pointed in my direction. I spotted Liam and he waved at me.

There coach called the boys over and they began their warmup.


By the end of practice, I could tell that all the boys were tired, including Brooklyn. He was fit and seemed not to get tired around me, but this workout had worn him out.

"You... Ready to go?" He was panting.
"Maybe I'll go see Liam first."
"I'll be over there waiting for my dad, he's picking us up."
"Oh ok."

He was drenched in sweat and looked pretty exhausted to me. I wouldn't be long because I knew he probably wanted to go home.

I walked over to Liam and he was talking to a brown haired boy.

"Hey, Izzy. I saw you earlier, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, Brooklyn invited me to watch."
"Cool... Sorry, I should've introduced you two right away. Izzy, this is Harry. Harry, Izzy."
"Nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand which I took.
"Nice to meet you, too. I better get going now, Brooklyn's my ride."
"See you tomorrow then."
"Bye, Izzy."

I walked to where Brooklyn had pointed me to before I had gone over to Liam and Harry. I saw him and David talking to the coach. I waited for a bit and kept my distance until he left. I didn't want to get involved in that.

After they were done, I walked over to their car. Brooklyn stepped out of the front seat and opened the back door for me. I politely thanked him and then got seated.

"How was your practice?"
"Tiring," he replied.
"Thanks for offering to drive me home, David. You really didn't have to do that I could've asked my mom or grandma to come and pick me up."
"Oh, it's not that big of a deal. Anyways, didn't you tell me-"
"Yeah," Brooklyn joined in, "if you're free today you can come over?"
"Uh, yeah, I think I am."
"Great," he smiled.

The drive to their house wasn't awkward at all. The three of us talked together.

"What's this?" I questioned.

David had gotten out of the car first and had walked up to a gate that was new. He typed in some numbers on the keypad which unlocked the gate and let him pass through.

"New security."
"Um, why?"
"Because my mum believes you snuck in or something and doesn't want anyone else to."
"What the hell?! For the record, I didn't sneak in, you invited me!"

I stopped in my tracks and was shocked with this. He put an arm around me and pushed me forward to continue walking. He was all sweaty from his training.

"I know, I know. But it's also for general safety.
"This is actually so stupid. I'm not some criminal that's going to come in and rob you."

We walked inside and up to the third floor where his and his sibling's rooms were located. Everything was clean and neat as usually.

"You can relax here, watch something," he handed me the remote to the tv, "I need to shower."

I sat there awkwardly and heard the water running behind the closed bathroom door. The whole time, I just flipped through channels because I couldn't decide on what to watch.

Brooklyn swung open the door and came into the bedroom to get his clothes. His body was dripping with water and his hair was still wet. The only thing that was covering him was the towel that he had around his waist.

I didn't mean to stare. His body was so perfectly well built. His arms were muscular as well as his core. I assumed it was from the excessive amount of football he played. His strong looking legs gave it away that he played football.

He caught me looking at him with my mouth wide open and grinned at me, then walked back into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, his hair was dry and perfectly combed. His outfit was a dark grey t-shirt that said "life rolls on" with a pair of light grey shorts. It was a more relaxed and care free look. Similar to my rushed look.

For the rest of the day, we just talked and played FIFA. I'm getting better because I actually won a match!

Overall, it was a good day with him and it couldn't have been any better.

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