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"Hey, I heard! How'd the audition go?" Grace approached us outside while we were waiting for the first bell.
"Pretty well," I looked to Brooklyn and we were smiling at each other.
"When do you find out?"
"When we go inside."

Right on cue, the first bell rang and all the student filed into the hallways, stopping at their lockers before their first class.

"Come on," Brooklyn grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowds of people.
I laughed, "We're not even going to get in."
"Why do you say that?" He was smirking.
"Just move, so I can see who's names posted."

He stepped aside and it was definitely a shock to see our names written on the sheet of paper. I couldn't believe it. I knew I was an ok singer, but I didn't think I was anything special! Maybe it was Brooklyn's voice that got us the parts. Or maybe the fact that he was famous could've played a role in it. Who wouldn't want one of the most well known teenagers as one of your lead roles?

"We got the part?!"
"Oh my god, Brooklyn!"

He opened his arms and stepped forward to hug me. I didn't even really know what to say or how to react.

"I can't do this!" I was laughing because I thought this was some kind of joke.
"Why not?"
"Go and perform in front of the school? No thanks. I didn't actually think we were going to get in."
"Talk later about it, I'll meet you in class. We're going to be late," he dashed off.

The second bell rung to let the students know that class was starting.

"Crap," I muttered as I raced to my locker.

Brooklyn and I nearly collided at the door to our classroom after coming back from our lockers.

"Sorry," I said out of breath from running.
"No worries," he smiled.

We quickly took our seats, just as attendance was being taken. Luckily, they had only called the first name, so technically, none of us were late.

"Brooklyn Beckham. Fashionably late I assume?"
"That's the only 'fashion' I got from my mum," he grinned, trying to make a joke.

The students quietly snickered, but the teacher was having none of it. She silenced the class and proceeded with the attendance and next, the lesson.

"So, about the play?" Brooklyn whispered in my ear. His breath against my skin tickled.
"Stop," I squirmed away from him.
"I don't know what to do! I'm not exactly actress material. I suck at drama," I laughed.
"You're a good student, come on."
"I thought you weren't into this whole thing?"
"Well, I figured it'd be an excuse for us to spend more time together."

I looked up at him and then back down at my paper. The widest smile spread across my face, knowing that he was smirking at me. I looked up at him again to find that he hadn't looked away from me.

"What are you trying to get at, Beckham?"
"Gosh, I don't know there, Rourke."
I giggled when he used my last name, "Just shut up and go do your work."
"We have to confirm or our understudies will get the part."
"I said 'shut up'. Or do you not understand that? How about 'shut the fuck up'? Is that better for you?"

He just looked at me with that stupid smile of his plastered across his face. That look right there would have most girls falling for him.

"What are you looking at?" I questioned, curious as to why he was staring.
He opened his mouth to say something, but then bit his lip, "Fuck."
"Lost for words, are we?"

He gave me a playful glare. We were dismissed and I got up out of my seat.

"See you at lunch," I teased, running my fingers from his shoulder down his arm.


I was walking through the halls and to lunch. My pace was faster than normal and I weaved through other students.

What the hell was that?! I mean what was I even thinking?! I had no idea what had gotten into me when I left Brooklyn. What was going on?

I sat down next to Nia and Liam. Brooklyn say diagonally across from me. It was obvious that there was some tension between us from earlier. It was awkward.

"Did you guys get the part?" Will asked, while sitting down. He seemed more excited than we were
"Yeah?!" Nia was surprised.
"I told you!" Isaac shouted, clapping his hands in victory for being right.
"But, I'm not sure if we're taking the part..."
"What the heck, Izzy? Why not?!"
"We're taking the part," Brooklyn replied.

That was basically the conversation. It was so uncomfortable and everyone was feeling it. The subject was immediately changed when Danny joined us. The boys started chatting and same did the girls and I. Although, Brooklyn and I weren't really involved in the conversations much. We were too busy exchanging glances from across the table.

"Izzy, wait up!"

It was cold outside, since it was the first day of December. I was stupid enough to only bring a light jacket. I was going to get sick again.

I turned around to see Brooklyn chasing after me, "What?"
"You look cold, here."

He handed me his jacket which was much thicker and warmer. I took it and didn't complain.

"So... About the audition."
"When's the actual performance?"
"End of January. There's some rehearsals starting tomorrow and we pick up after the holidays."
"I guess we can do it, but what about exams?"
"After the play. We'll still have some time to study."
"Ok, but I don't really know still."
"Only if you want to."
"I do... I- I'm just scared."
"How come?"
"What if I mess up, it'll be horrible."
"It's ok, I'll be right next to you."
I looked up and smiled at him, "Thank you."
"Hey, guess what's soon?"
"Holidays! Christmas!"
I smiled thinking of my favourite holiday, "That's something to be excited for."
"I know right. Then we can actually hang out."
"I'd like that."
"Me too."

I felt myself getting closer to him. He brought me into his arms.

"You're the one who's cold now, you're shaking!"
I began to take Brooklyn's jacket off, but he stopped me, "I- It's... Ok," he said while his teeth were chattering, "We- we're close to y- your house- anyways."
"Hurry, I don't want you to catch cold."

The two of us ran to my house and were welcomed in by my grandma.

"Brooklyn, you look like you're freezing!"
"F- F- Flora, it's ok."
"Poor boy, take this," she handed him a soft blanket.
"Th- thank you."
"Come on".

I lead him upstairs to my room and bundled him up in blankets. I sat beside him.

"You better now?"
"I think so..."
"I swear, if you get sick again," we both laughed.
"I'm pretty sure I'll make it."
"Good," I smiled and he smiled back.

I Never Meant to Fall in LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ