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I woke up when I heard my name from downstairs. Someone was shouting at me.


I rubbed my eyes and held my head. The headache was still there. I pulled myself out of bed and got downstairs to where I saw my mom, Brooklyn, and my grandmother. Oh no.

"Who's this?"
"I'm Broo-"
"Braden!" I yelled.
"My names is Br-"
"Braden! Your name is Braden," I said overtop of him.

My grandma gave me a look. I read her facial expression and she was telling me to tell the truth.

"Isabelle. What's going on here?"

My mom took her hands off her hips and moved to cross her arms. She was frowning and didn't look too happy. I knew she was upset.

I let out a deep breath, "Mom, this is Brooklyn."
"I thought Brooklyn was a girl?"

I mentally face palmed. No, mom, Brooklyn is a boy.

"I can assure you, I'm a boy," he laughed.

My mom was laughing too, but then her face became serious.

"What is a boy doing with my daughter? And why are you in my house?"
"I- I-"
"Mom, he's my best friend," I confessed, "I'm sorry I lied so many times, but I didn't want you to react... Well... Like this."
"Is he your boyfriend?"
Brooklyn and I looked at each other, "No."
"What is he doing here?"
"I came to make sure she was ok. I'm the one who got her sick."
"It wasn't your fault."

My mom shook her head. She was obviously confused.

"Who are you again?"
"Brooklyn. Brooklyn Beckham."

Brooklyn and I started laughing because of my mom's face. She looked shocked and acted like she couldn't believe it.

"Very funny," she said.
"Mom, it's true."

I pulled up an image of the Beckham family and showed her that it was him. I knew visual confirmation was the only way she was going to believe it.

"Wait, how did you meet?"
"Mom," I rolled my eyes, "calm down it's just Brooklyn. It doesn't matter that he's a Beckham."
She took a deep breath, "You're right. Would you like to stay for dinner, hun?"
"I just need to text my dad."

She smiled at him. My mom and grandma went back into the kitchen and left Brooklyn and I to sit at the bottom of the stairs. He pulled out his phone to text David. I honestly thought this conversation would turn out to be worse.

"That was weird..."
"I'm sorry, Brooklyn. I wanted to tell her, but I didn't know how she'd react."
"It's ok, I understand... But really? You told her I was a girl?" He laughed.
"No, not at all! I told her I was hanging out with you and I guess she assumed you were a girl because of your name!"

We burst out laughing.

"I don't blame her," he said.
"I like your name though, it's special."
"And I like yours," then it dawned on me, "Hey, you never came up again? Where were you?"
"Down here, helping with the soup."
"Your grandma could've used the help, so I stepped in."
"That's so nice of you to help her."

The two of us were called to the dinner table. It was much smaller than the one at his house and not as fancy. We all had a big bowl of soup. It really helped with my cold, I was already starting to feel a bit better. My head had finally stopped hurting.

The conversations were mostly directed to Brooklyn. My mom was curious about what he did, his family, and how we became friends. He mentioned the kicking me with a football story and she said she remembered me coming he that day, complaining about it. They surprisingly got along well.

"It was really nice to meet you. At least I know who Izzy's running off with."
"The soup was delicious, Flora. I never got your name?" He said.
My mom replied, "Georgia."
"Well, I had fun, Georgia, and I enjoy spending time with your daughter. Hope to see you soon and maybe next time I can meet your dad," he smiled.

My mom looked to me and I looked back at her.

"Yeah, maybe..."

Brooklyn stated into my eyes and he knew something wasn't right. Luckily, he didn't do much about it.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school, if you're better."
"Get well soon, good night."

Brooklyn stepped out the door.

I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I decided that I'd go to bed early. I ran upstairs and hid under the covers. Why did I say that? I missed my dad so much. It was almost the holidays and Christmas was our absolute favourite. I wanted him to come home...

Suddenly, there was a knock on my window. Cautiously, I opened my curtain. I was surprised to see Brooklyn hanging from my windowsill. He had climbed onto the roof and jumped up to my window. I quickly opened it and pulled him inside. He somersaulted inside and collapsed on the floor.

He put a finger to his lips, "Shh!"
"Well you're the one who came crashing through my window! How the hell did you manage to get on the roof?"
"Climbed up with these," he flexed his arms as I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want?"
"You're upset. I could tell when I was leaving."
"I want to know why."
"No..." I shook my head.

I debated whether I should tell him or not. There was like a mini war going on in my head. It brought the headache back.

Brooklyn took my hands in his, "I know this is something big because you're really bothered by it. Tell me."
"My dad..." I started, "He's deployed and I don't get to see him until February. That's when he comes home."

I was on the verge of tears. I crawled into my bed and Brooklyn sat on the end of it.

"Izzy, why didn't you tell me."
"I didn't think you'd understand," I let one tear escape.
"It's going to be ok, I promise. You will see him soon, and until then, I'll be there for you."
"Brooklyn, you need to go home."
"No, I'm staying here for the night. I need to make sure you're ok."

He got under the covers with me and hugged me tight.

"I'm not letting go until the morning."
"I don't want to get you sick again."
"I'll survive. I'm more concerned about you right now. Good night."

He reached over me to turn off my light on my nightstand beside my bed. The room became dark and I couldn't see him anymore, but I could feel him. His body was warm against mine. I started to cry.

"Izzy, don't be sad, don't cry."
"I'm not sad. I'm happy... I've finally found someone who cares."
"That's me, isn't it."
"Shh, get some sleep. We have school tomorrow."
"I don't think I'll be good to go."
"Then I'll stay here with you."
"Shh," he covered my mouth, "Good night."
I closed my eyes and whispered, "Good night, Brooklyn."

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