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"Morning, sunshine."

I felt him kiss my forehead. I stretched my arms and rubbed my eyes before I sat up. My dad sat down next to me, all dressed up, and almost ready to leave. His flight back would be later today in the afternoon. I didn't want him to go. These holidays have been amazing with him and I wish he could still be here for when we count down into the new year.

"Dad, please don't go."
"Two more months, ok?"
"Shh," he dropped his stuff and hugged me, "it'll all be ok."
"But, dad, please don't leave me again," I sobbed.
He sighed and said, "Izzy, don't look at it hat way. It breaks my heart to know that you're like this."
"I want to go home with you. I want to stay here. I don't know what I want anymore..."
"Izzy, you can come home in two months. You'll be with me and closer to Ryder. Just hang in there."
"Izzy, this is your decision and I can't tell you what to do."
"Wait the two months."

He stood up and grabbed his stuff on the way out. He stopped in the doorframe.

"It's a long time, lots of things could change."

He left my bedroom and closed the door for me to get changed. At that moment, I just wanted to cry my eyes out, but I knew I couldn't right now. This was my dad's last day here and I wasn't going to waste it being locked in my bedroom crying.

I got up and first rinsed away all the sadness in the shower. Before choosing what to wear, I blow dried my hair and tied it back in a ponytail. I then searched through my dresser and found kind of a red orange coloured sweater. Underneath, I wore a white button down shirt and made sure the collar was peeking out. I paired that with jeans and boots.

Ryder: missing you tons rn

My phone buzzed on my dresser. I squinted to read the message from my brother. I finished putting on minimal makeup, since I knew this day would be filled with more tears.

Izzy: ihysm

Ryder: :(

Izzy: Why does every guy leave me??!!!?!?!

Ryder: K Brooklyn's still there isn't he?

Izzy: .....

Izzy: stfu

Ryder: Just date already

Izzy: Nahhh

Ryder: How come??

Izzy: He wouldn't want that


"Izzy!" My dad called from downstairs.

I ignored him for one second just to finish texting Ryder.

Izzy: Hmm? What

Ryder: He's crazy about u, like just look and the way he looks at u

Izzy: He doesn't like me that way

Ryder: Ur so fucking blind I'm gonna get u glasses for next Christmas

Izzy: LMAO

Ryder: U love each other and u both know it.

Izzy: Dad's been calling, I gtg

Ryder: bye, ily

Izzy: ily2


Izzy: oh shush

"Dad?" I shouted back.
"Brooklyn's here!"

I peered over the railing and looked down, but I couldn't seem to find him until a pair of hands attacked me from behind and grabbed me at my waist. I gasped and was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth. I was spun around to face him. His eyes silenced me and his lips relaxed me.

"Hello, love," he breathed out and onto my face.
"Bonjour?" I tried to be clever.
"Hola, señorita."

I laughed at his response and playfully pushed him away. I shyly grabbed his hand as the two of us walked down the stairs. We saw my mom, dad, and grandma talking over tea.

"Mr. Rourke, it was a pleasure getting to know you."
"Martin," my father corrected.
Brooklyn laughed, "Sorry, Martin."
"Would you like some tea?"
I looked to Brook, "I think we're ok, grandma."

Unexpectedly, Brooklyn tapped my dad and led us into a different room away from my mom and grandma. I noticed him taking a few deep breaths before beginning to speak.

"Uh, Martin," he smirked knowing he got his name right, "I just wanted to get your permission on this first."

My dad folded his arms, not really knowing where this was going. My facial expression was similar to his, since I didn't entirely know what Brooklyn was trying to get at here.

"I wanted to ask if it would be alright to take your daughter out on a date."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise as my eyes widened. Seriously, a date?! Like an actual one?!

"Brooklyn," my dad chuckled, "you don't need my permission for that, but I appreciate you coming to me first."
"Thank you."
"No, thank you."

The two of them hugged which I soon joined in on. Brooklyn then asked my mom just to be one hundred percent sure. He already knew that my grandma would be fine because she had developed a fondness for him. He also told me he'd still have to check with his parents and clarify that they were on board with the situation too.

Soon, it was to time to start packing up and drive to the airport. I sat in the back seat with Brooklyn thought the silent car ride. I clung onto his side and tried my very best to hold back my sadness. At the beginning, I shed a few tears, but got myself back together shortly after.

At the airport, we met Victoria and David who were here to wish my father farewell. It was so thoughtful and sweet of the, to come out to something which Kent a whole lot to me. They hugged him first and exchanged a few words, followed by their own son.

"Take care of Isabelle."
"I promise. Izzy... Isabelle is something so special and precious she brings a spark into my life. I'll treat her with care."

They came together in a tight embrace and held it for a good ten seconds. When Brooklyn stepped back for my mother's turn, I could see his face was a bit flushed. I rested my head on his shoulder and waited for my turn as the tears built up.

My mother whispered things into my dad's ear that were only meant for the two of them. She was probably saying to stay safe and saying that she'd take care of me. I could tell that she was fighting a battle within her and trying so hard to be strong for me. She held up pretty well.

I hugged her, "It's ok, mom."

I walked up to my dad who had been one of my biggest factors in my life. He's been a role model of mine for the longest time and he's always been a figure I've looked up to. I loved him with all my heart.

"Dad, I can't say enough how much I love you."
"Isabelle, I'm so sorry I have to do this to you again."
"I'll be ok as long as I have Brooklyn," I bet my eyes sparkled from behind tears when I looked up at him.
"I am so sorry..." He repeated himself.
"What you do amazes me and I love you so much."
"I love you."
I gripped onto him tighter, "Please, please don't leave me," I finally let out.
"Oh, baby girl, you'll always be with me in my heart."
"And you'll always be in my heart," I sobbed even harder.
"You were always a daddy's little girl," he cried.
"I want to go with you," I looked up at him with mascara stained cheeks, "let me go with you."
"Don't be ridiculous," he said and kissed my forehead.
"Dad, don't leave me."

I clenched my teeth and screamed into his chest. I hated this. I didn't want to be separated again and I hated being apart. I know this probably broke him, my mom, and Brooklyn, and his family, but it was what I was feeling right now. The pain was unreal. It was just something I couldn't even describe. Losing a parent might be the most devastating thing any kid could have to go through.

"I don't want to lose you..." I let out a deep breath.
"I don't want to lose you either, but it already looks like I have," he smiled, looking at Brooklyn.
"Dad, stop it. You're making me cry even more."
"Two months," he held my hands in his.
"Just two," I said back before finally letting go.

I ran to Brooklyn and fell into his arms. My dad came over and gave me one last kiss before leaving for two months. I cried onto Brooklyn and relied on his arms to keep up and standing. He would help me to move forward and to continue being strong.

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