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I pretended not to be listening, but the truth is, I was pressed up against the door trying to listen to their conversation.

"What do you want for dinner?! Romeo and Cruz vote on pizza!"
"I can't really hear you! Come upstairs!"

Really, Brooklyn. You had to call your dad upstairs. I nervously opened the door because I had been in there long enough. I heard footsteps getting louder. The door opened and in front of me stood David Beckham.

"Oh!" He said sounding surprised, "What's going on here?" He smirked.
"Dad, it's just my friend, Izzy."
"Nice to meet you," I managed to say.

He was laughing. Did I do something wrong?

"Sorry, this is new. Brooklyn doesn't really bring home many girls, so-"
"Dad!" He snapped, "of course I bring home girls. All the time, lots."
"Sure, son. Saying you bring home lots of girls isn't going to impress her. You're never going to get her that way."
"Dad!" He yelled again.

Both of our cheeks were bright red and felt like they were on fire.

"I'm just joking with you. Pizza's ok with you?" He looked to me.
"Sounds good."
"I'll leave you two, come down when you're ready."

I played with a strand of my hair and waited for Brooklyn to say something.

"Sorry about that..."
"About what?"
"My dad," he said while looking down at the ground.
"He's nice and seems like a funny guy."
"That was funny," I admitted.
"Maybe for you. For me, it was so embarrassing and I made myself look like a complete idiot. You probably think that I'm weird now or whatever."
"And why would I think that?"
"I don't know... Or maybe your just going to use me and continue this friendship, simply because I'm the son of two famous parents-"
"Brooklyn! What the hell are you saying?!"
"It's just hard to find real friends who see me as just 'Brooklyn'. Not 'Brooklyn Beckham'..."
"I don't really care about that. I'd still be friends with you if you were a part of a different family."
"Really. Although, all this stuff is really nice."
"Shut up."
"I'm complimenting your house!"
"Your taking it in well."
"Oh trust me, on the inside I'm screaming."
"Let's go grab some pizza."

I smiled and followed him down the stairs. Even their staircase was gorgeous. We walked into a large dining room that I hadn't seen yet. There was a long table where two boys and one little girl sat. Brooklyn's dad was sitting at the table too.

"Brooklyn!" The little girl called and ran up to him.
He picked her up and kissed her cheek, "Hey! Harper, this is my friend, Izzy. Izzy, my sister."

He emphasized the word "sister" which made me laugh, remembering our conversation from a few days ago.

"Izzy, these are my two younger brothers. Meet Romeo and Cruz."
"Hello, I said shyly."
"Hi!" Cruz said, "Brooklyn talks about-"

Brooklyn ran over to sit beside him and covered his mouth. Romeo was laughing.

Brooklyn stayed seated next to Cruz and Harper. I sat next to Romeo and his dad.

"Mum will be arriving tonight. Her flight is landing late, so when you wake up, you can see her. I'll have to go and pick her up, so Brooklyn is in charge. Make sure they all get to sleep."

Brooklyn nodded. We all heard the doorbell and his dad got up to go get the pizza. Brooklyn stood up and went to the cupboards to grab six plates.

"Pizza'z here!" Harper clapped her hands when she saw him carrying two pizza boxes to the table.
"Thank you, uh... Mr. Beckham?" I wasn't sure what to call him.
"David's good."
"Alright, thanks so much, David."

Brooklyn got his sister a slice first, then turned to me.

"Cheese or pepperoni?"
"Pepperoni, please."
"Here, you can help yourself to more whenever."

We all are our pizza with a small conversation.

"So, Izzy? I've never heard much of you until recently, are you new to London?"
"Actually, I am."
"Oh, really? Where did you move from?" David asked.
"Wow, why did you decide to move?"

I thought about what to say. The truth is, that I'm not really ready to tell anyone the real reason to why I moved. Something inside me says not to tell them. I don't want them finding out about my father. I don't know... I guess it's better it they don't know.

"Family reasons," I responded.
"What family reasons?"
"Cruz, I don't think she wants to talk about them."

Thank you, David.

Brooklyn and his brothers bickered over the stupidest things for the remaining time at the dinner table. I wasn't used to this, since I'm mostly all alone. Although, I do have a stepbrother, but we don't see each other often.

After dinner, Brooklyn and David cleaned up while the other kids went to go do their own stuff. I went back upstairs to Brooklyn's room.

"What are you doing up here all alone?"
"Waiting for you," I replied.
"How about we watch a movie,"Brooklyn suggested.
"That sounds fun."
"Let's go."
"Um... Go where? There's a tv in your room."
"Fine, you stay here. I'm going to the home theatre."
"Home theatre?!"

I didn't realize I had said that out loud. I followed him to the second floor and into their home theatre. It was dimly lit with big comfy leather chairs to sit in. He used the remote and a retractable screen came down. What the hell?

I sat down in one of the chairs and instantly fell in love. It was the comfiest thing I had ever sat down on.

We both decided on watching Taken 2, since both of us had seen the first and liked it. The movie went on well with Brooklyn leaving a bit into it to go get some snacks. It was so nice. Just hard to believe that a family actually lived here with the luxury of all this stuff.

Near the end of the movie, both of us kind of got bored, "One, two, three!"

Brooklyn tossed a piece of popcorn up and caught it in his mouth.

"Now that's how you do it!"
"Brooklyn," it was David.
"Put Harper to bed, I've got Romeo and Cruz."

His dad left.

"I can help."
"No, just relax."
"No, really. I'll go help your dad with Romeo."
"Uh ok, whatever you like."

I walked to the room with the door open and his light still on. Romeo was getting into bed.

"I'm just helping out with your brother and dad, since your mum's not back yet."
"Yeah," he smiled.
"So, goodnight."
I switched off the light, "Wait."
"Cruz was right, Brooklyn does talk about you at home."
"It's nothing, we're just friends."
"Ok. Goodnight, Izzy."
"Night, Romeo."

I shut the door to find David in the hall. He thanked me then explained that he'd need to go now. He told me that Alexander could drive me home. After he left, I went into Brooklyn's room.

"You're dad just left."
"I know."
"Oh ok, so when exactly am I going home?"
"Don't know..."
"It's well past dinner time, I don't even know if my grandma's still awake. My mom's probably freaking."
"Didn't your grandmother tell her you were at a friend's place?"
"Yeah, but it's my mom."
"I see," he chuckled.
"I don't know how I'm going to get home."
"Don't worry about it."
"Stay here, plenty of space. My parents should be fine with it and if they're not, so what because they're not even here."

I thought it was kind of weird that he offered for me to stay over. We had just started to get to know each other a bit more. Who knows, maybe this could be the start to a better friendship.

"Alright, I'm super tired anyways."
"You sleep in the bed, I'll take the couch."
"You sure?"
"The couch is just as comfy as the bed, trust me."
I laughed, "Ok."

I took off my jean jacket and decided just to sleep in my shorts and crop top. I went into the bathroom first just to wash up. When I got into bed, I noticed Brooklyn had changed into shorts and a tank top. He was laying out a blanket on the couch.

"Thanks again, Brook."
"Anytime, good night."
"Good night."

He turned off the lights and the room became dark. How was I going to explain this one to my mom...

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