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It's pretty much been a week now since Brooklyn and I actually started talking. We text like everyday, but have never hung out with each other outside of school.

I'm starting to fit in a bit more especially now being one of Brooklyn's friends. Who would've thought? I've talked to a few of his friends at lunch sometimes and I realized that some are in my classes that I have without Brooklyn. It's going good except most girls in school shoot me nasty looks occasionally. It's probably just Brooklyn related and jealousy, so I always shrug it off.

When I broke the news to Grace and Sabrina that he had asked for my number, their reactions were the complete opposite.

"I got something to tell you," Nia was grinning when I said that.
"Go ahead."
"Brooklyn asked for my number the other day..."
"No way! No way, he did?! Wait, this Brooklyn?! Brooklyn Beckham?!"
"Do I know anyone else named 'Brooklyn Beckham'?"

Grace nudged me.

"Hey, what was that for?"
"I told you so."

I sat down beside Brooklyn for my first class of the day which was algebra. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Good morning. I'd like to remind you of the well anticipated test that'll be this Monday. Study hard over the weekend."

Brooklyn's head shot up from his notes.

"Test?" He whispered to me.
"On Monday."
"She told us like three days ago."
He groaned, "Ugh, I probably wasn't paying attention."
"Have you studied yet?"
"Kind of... I'll be good."

We got started on the work she had assigned us to prepare for the upcoming test. This was an important one because it would count as a bit of our final mark for this semester. I wanted to start of the year well by doing good on the first test.

I turned when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "What?"
"I need something to write with..."
"Use your blood when I stab you for being such an idiot! How can you go to school without a pencil or pen?!"
"I forgot!" He held his hands up in surrender.
I sighed, "Here, take mine."
"Thank you," he said.

I rummaged through my bag for another pencil.

"Hey, you wouldn't want to hang out today, would you?"
I stopped what I was doing and looked up, "Huh?"
"Never mind."
"No, tell me. What do you mean?"
"Uh, you want to hang out at my place later?"

Brooklyn was fiddling with the pencil I had lent him which reminded me of finding another. I picked up one from my bag and then returned to the conversation.

"Yeah, sure."
His look of worry turned to a look of happiness, "Great! So, I'll text you everything later, ok?"
"Ok. Now get back to work," I said once realizing he hadn't even started.


"No way!" Liam yelled from across the table.

I was sitting at a tabled with Brooklyn's group of friends. Liam, Isaac, William, and Daniel who's told me numerous times to call him "Danny".

The boys currently chatted about football and I was kind of left out, since I didn't really know much. I played occasionally with my dad when he was around, but I didn't follow any of the leagues and stuff.

From across the room, I spotted Grace and Nia. The two of them were walking towards our table.

"Shit, here they come," Danny muttered.
"Come on, dude," Isaac told him.

Danny and Grace used to have a thing. Danny and Nia used to have a thing. Once I started hanging out with Brooklyn's friends, they explained the story to me. Apparently last year, Grace and Danny were dating. It was going well until he kissed Nia. Grace instantly broke up with him, but he didn't really care because he moved onto Nia. It didn't last because it didn't take him too long to be all over another girl. Grace has gotten over it, but Nia's still pissed at how quickly he moved on from her. It's pretty awkward between the three of them.

"Hey guys!" Grace said, sitting down next to Isaac.

Nia sat farthest away from Danny which was next to William. She glared at him and didn't say much.

"Uh, is Sabrina coming?" Brooklyn nervously asked.
"Calm down, she'd freak out."
"That's why I'm concerned about if she's coming or not!"
"Nah, she's too scared she'd embarrass herself," Grace told him.
"Ok, good."
"Why, what's wrong with Sabrina?" Will smirked.
"You've seen her around me!" Brooklyn said, throwing his hands in the air.

All of us laughed together. Grace and Nia didn't really hang out with Brooklyn and his friends, but they were my friends. I guess then they hang out with Brooklyn's group occasionally when I'm there.

Our lunch ended and I walked alongside Liam to our next class.

"Fitting in nicely?"
"Yeah, starting to at least."
"You're fine, how are you liking the classes so far?"
"Like all of them except this one."
He chuckled, "What's wrong with drama?"
"I'm a terrible at acting, I don't even know why I selected this course. I guess I thought it'd be 'fun' or something," I used air quotes.
"It is fun."
"Sure..." My voice trailed off.

He just laughed and put an arm around me to mess with my hair.

"Don't touch my hair!"
"Woah, such a girl!"
"Maybe because I am one."
"Ugh, you messed it all up."
"It's fine."
"You're lying."
"No I'm not! You look gorgeous, I bet all the guys in this class will fall for you."

I stared at him and pushed him away.

"Get out."
"I'm just saying!"
"Haha, very funny."

We got into our drama class and our teacher started talking from the beginning. We did some warm up exercises and activities, since we were still warming up to this class. Our teacher understood that participating in things such as drama, may be out of their comfort zone. That was definitely  me. He told us that it'd take a couple weeks for us to get used to it and be comfortable. Not me. Even a whole year wouldn't be enough to make me feel comfortable screaming in front of the class for a scene in a play. I'm impressed with actors because I could never be one.

Is it just me or does the day go by slowly whenever you're looking forward to something? Because this class felt like it was dragging on and on and on. I'm thinking it might never end and maybe I won't get to hang out with Brooklyn after school!

Ok so I added a pic of the cast if you didn't already know what they looked like, check out the picture :)

Top row: Grace, Liam, Izzy
Middle row: Brooklyn, Nia, Will
Bottom row: Danny, Sabrina, Isaac

Haha guess where the guys names are from. Three of them are kind of main characters on the show and the fourth one isn't a main character. Guess the TV show lol

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