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"Mom!" I screamed as my voice echoed through the house.
"What is it?!"

She sounded like she was panicking. I saw her run down the hallway, but then stopped dead in her tracks once she saw my dad, her husband.

Alexander and Brooklyn had dropped us off to surprise my mom and grandma. All of us were invited over to their home the following day for a Christmas dinner.

My mom cupped her hand over her mouth and cried as she ran up to him and into his arms. She hugged him tight and kissed him.

"Awh, gross!" I joked.
My dad just smirked at me, "Is it gross?"

My cheeks felt hot again as I blushed and shied away.

"Come here."

I was brought over into a group hug. My heart felt fixed. My family was... Well, almost complete.

"Gosh, Izzy, my ear."
"Dad's here!" I practically screamed even louder through the phone.
"Fuck, are you kidding me?!"
"No! He's really here!"
"Holy fuck!"

Ryder and I had a screaming fit for several minutes until we calmed down.

"Please tell me you're going to fly in, you better."
"I'll try my best to be in for today, but I'll have to leave like right after. I've got so much to work on. I'm sorry, I couldn't get any longer."
"Any time with us together as a family is perfect. Dad's only here for a few days, he'll be gone before New Years which sucks."
"I just checked and there's a flight later tonight, but that means I'll be arriving in the middle of the night for you guys."
"Don't care, I'll probably still be awake."
"I miss you so much, Izzy."
"Can't wait to see you."
"Love you."
"I love you too, talk soon."

With that, I ended the call.

My mom and dad were still spending time together. I was so happy for them.

"Martin, so nice to see you."

My grandma hugged him and greeted him. I decided this would be the best time to make my announcement.

"Ryder said he's able to fly in for a bit to see you, dad."
"Did he now?" My dad said while pulling me in for another hug. You can never get enough hugs.
"That's sweet of him, I really do have the best children."
I grinned, "I know."
"I've missed you so much, Izzy."
"I've missed you more."
"I doubt that's even possible."
"Oh, it is."

My mom and grandma were in the kitchen preparing to cook for dinner. I sat on the couch right next to my father who I hadn't seen in months.

He got up and went up behind my mother. His arms wrapped around her waist as he inhaled deeply smelling the scent of her hair and kissed her on the cheek.

"How's London, so far?"
"Ok, could've been better..." My mom trailed off, "As long as Izzy isn't worrying about you so much, I'm fine."
"There's no need to worry. How are you liking it here?"
"It's great! I love seeing grandma more often."
"School's well?"
"Keeping those grades up."
"She actually did really well on her midterms."
"Well, we there's still the final exams, mom."
"Oh, I know," she smiled.
"You still talk to your old friends?" My dad questioned when helping with the chopping of vegetables.
"I guess..."
"Made new friends here then, I see," he gave me a smirk, but kept it hidden to everyone else.
"Dad," I said quietly through gritted teeth.
"I'm just teasing, but are you excited to see Sydney?"

Sydney was my best friend back home. We talked the first two months, but then sort of drifted apart and got disconnected. It used to be always Sydney and Isabelle. Syd and Izzy. What happened to us?

"Well, don't worry about this whole thing right now, just live in the moment."

My father was famous for always saying to "live in the moment". He said to forget about the past and stop worrying about the future. Enjoy the present.

What I had realized was coming soon. What happens when my dad comes back? Do I just pack up and head back to home? Can I even still call there home when I've grown to love London so much?

"Hey," a familiar voice said.
"Oh... Hi."
"You ok?"

I had stepped out of the room where my family was and sat in the chair looking out the front window. It was snowing lightly. Little white flurries fell from the sky and covered the ground in a blanket of snow. It was calming just watching the winter wonderland outside.

"I'm fine."
"Are you sure? For someone who's favourite holiday is Christmas surely should be happier."
"I am, I am happy. Ecstatic, in fact."
"I love you," he almost said in a whisper. Only loud enough for the two of us to hear.

I reached for the locket that hung from my neck and touched it with my fingers before grasping it tightly in the palm of the hand.

I whispered back to Brooklyn, "I love you too."
"Tell me what's wrong, Izzy, I can't go to sleep tonight knowing that something was upsetting you and I didn't bother to look into it."
"It's my brother," I lied.
"Ryder? What about?"
"He's flying in and won't be here until like later. Only for a short amount of time, I wish longer."
"Is he staying long enough for the dinner?"
"He has to get ready to fly back."
"Oh, sorry about that."
"I really wanted you guys to meet."
"Don't worry, I'll come over a little earlier and visit you guys."
"Izzy," he laughed, "don't stress over it, is it so wrong for me to come see you?"
"No, no, no," I laughed back.
"There's my favourite laugh."

Brooklyn never failed to make me smile and laugh at his stupid corny jokes. The reason I didn't tell him the full truth was because I didn't want him to know. I didn't want him to know that I was going back at the end of the semester. That would make things go downhill for sure. Not yet, now wasn't the right time to tell him.

"Hey, so I called because my mum wanted me to let you guys know that she's looking forward to seeing you all and you don't need to bring anything but yourselves."
"Brooklyn, of course we have to bring something. It's the least we can do."
"Ok, love you! Bye!"
"I'm just kidding, but we're still showing up with something."
I heard him exhale loudly, "Sure."
"Alright, I'll talk to you later, I love you."
"I love you, can't wait to see you tomorrow."
"Thank you for all your hard work to make this the best Christmas for my family by bringing father home."
"It's what I do," I just imagined that smirk across his face.
"What would I do without you, Brooklyn Beckham?"
He laughed, "See you soon."
"Goodbye, love."

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