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"Isabelle, wake up!"
I rolled over and rubbed my eyes, "Huh?"
"You're late!"

I was so sleepy at this point I didn't even understand what my mom was trying to say to me. I yawned and stretched my arms.

"Five more minutes, ok?"
"There is no 'five more minutes', get up!"
"Uh, school! You need an education!"

I totally forgot that it was school. I had a dream that is was summer and that my dad and I went to the beach together. My mom woke me up right when we were about to go join a group and play a game of beach volleyball.

I sat up and fumbled with my iPhone to check the time. When I checked the time on my phone, the lock screen read 8:24am. School starts at 8:30am. Crap.

I flung the covers off of my bed and raced to my dresser. I rummaged through my clothes and tried to find something to wear.

"Isabelle," my mom said pointing to my closet.

I was still getting used to wearing a uniform at school. My mom shut the door as I grabbed my uniform off the hanger and put it on. I quickly brushed my teeth and tied my hair up in a ponytail.

Running downstairs, I picked up my bag and dashed out of the house. No time for breakfast today.

I rushed to school and they were probably halfway through English. I stumbled into the classroom and took my seat.

"What took you so long?"
"Nothing, now be quiet," I said to Brooklyn.
The class went mute, "Isabelle."
"Yes?" I smiled at Mr. Harrison.
"You're late."
"Brooklyn, explain the assignment to your partner, then get started."

People started talking again which made it not so awkward anymore. That was humiliating being called out like that.

"Why were you late?"
"I slept in, that's all."
"Good one."
"Oh, shut up. Let's just get to work."

Our project was to write a comparative essay. Brooklyn and I talked over what possible two thugs we could compare and contrast.

"Soccer and football," he smirked.
"You, shut up. That was one time."
"What do you want to do?"
"Schools with uniforms and without?"
"Why on earth would you want to write about that?"
"Um, I hate school uniforms. I think it makes me look like a potato. I rather me back home and not wearing an ugly school uniform."

Brooklyn was hysterically laughing at me.

"I'm not joking! I never used to wear a uniform!"
"Get used to it, hun."
"That'll take a while."

We got started on brainstorming our idea on a sheet of paper for what we would write about. Brooklyn ended up giving into my idea. I was quite pleased about that.

For the day, I mainly talked to Brooklyn. When he wasn't in one of my classes, I was fortunate enough to be in either Grace, Nia, or Sabrina's class.

When the last class of the day ended, I was relieved. I picked up my stuff and took the closest stairwell to the first floor. I turned two corners to get to my locker. I my bag on the floor and put whatever I needed to bring home into my backpack. I locked up my locker and turned around, nearly crashing into a tall figure.

I rolled my eyes when I saw who it was, "What the hell, Brooklyn."
"Sorry, just wanted to talk about the homework."
"Which homework exactly?"
"Oh ok."
"It's due next week, you know that right? So, I was thinking and I thought it'd be smart to discuss it outside of school."
"Yeah, of course."
"So... Uh," he leaned closer to avoid people from hearing, "Can I have your number?"

I tried best to hide my smile from him. I felt my cheeks heat up and I hoped I wasn't blushing. I've never been in a situation like this. No guy has ever asked for my number before.

"Yeah, sure."

He handed me his phone. I typed in my number and then gave him his phone back.

"There you go."
"No problem."
"Guess I'll see you around then?"
"Uh, yeah."
"See you tomorrow, have a good evening."


What had gotten into him? That surely wasn't the same guy who kicked a football to my stomach a few days earlier. Maybe that guy was just some Brooklyn Beckham look alike. Or maybe this Brooklyn is a clone. What am I saying, oh my gosh.

From down the hall, I saw Nia walking towards me with a smirk across her face.

"I saw."
"Saw what?" I put my hands into the pockets of my jacket and pretended that nothing had ever happened.
"Oh, you know!"
"Know what?" I was trying to keep this going for as long as possible.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an empty classroom.

"Hey, hey, hey! Ouch, that hurts!"
"You and Brooklyn!" She practically screamed.
"Shh! You know this door isn't soundproof!"
"You got his number?!"
"No, but I gave him mine."
"Did he say he's going to text you?!"
"What?! Do you think he will?!"
"I- I don't know."
"Isabelle! You should've got his number!"
She started laughing, "I sound like Sabrina, obsessing over Brooklyn."
"I agree."
"Hey!" She playfully slapped my arm, "You going to tell the others?"
"At some point. Probably tomorrow at lunch."
"Sabrina's going to beg you for his number, so watch out."
"Thanks for the warning."

All of a sudden, the classroom door opened.

"Girls, what are you doing in here?"
"We were just looking for Isabelle's pencil. Found it!" She said, picking up a random pencil from the floor.
"Yeah. Thanks, Nia."
"She's new and all, so she's just a bit forgetful."
The teacher glared at us, "Ok, well out you go. Both of you, go home."

She kicked us out of the empty classroom and we walked down the halls giggling.

"What so you can just go into an empty classroom like that?"
"Of course! I do it all the time," she shrugged.
"To like, skip class?!"
"Duh, you're such a good girl."
"Am not."
"Then why're you so surprised?"
"Cause at my old school, that wasn't allowed."
"It isn't here either!" She laughed and I joined in.
"But we hardly got in trouble..."
"Well, what I'm trying to get at is that at my old school, we'd get in a lot more trouble than that."
"Then aren't you glad you came here?"
I thought about it for a second, "Yeah, I am."

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