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Brooklyn was absent from our table at lunch, as usual, but this time he was completely missing from the cafeteria. In fact, I hadn't even seen him in school.

The group of us sat and ate lunch together, chatting about subjects that weren't related to any of my interests. Liam's hand moved to my inner thigh to grab my hand and intertwine my fingers with his. I gave his a smile as we locked eyes, followed by our lips.

We were rudely interrupted by Danny, "Aw, look guys! He's all over Izzy! Someone call Brooklyn!" He hollered.
"Shut it," Liam replied sternly, "She's mine now."

Just to further prove his statement, he smashed his lips against mine and left them there until I almost ran out of air. I came out of the kiss breathless, with a smirk plastered across Liam's face.

"You see," he said, pulling me closer to him with one hand and using the other to pick up his sandwich.

Lunch passed by fairly quick. For the remainder of it, few words were exchanged between Liam and Danny after his so called joke. Apparently Liam didn't look at it quite the same...

"So, uh..." Liam started, scratching the back of his head, "I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie with me Friday night?"
"Like on a date?" I asked, just to make him uncomfortable.
"I mean- yeah, like a date."
"Liam, you're so cute when you smile like that."

He looked kind of shy waiting for my answer. His fave showed a half smile and his cheeks were tinted a shade of light pink.

"And yes, that sounds like fun."
He sighed with relief, "Great, I'll buy tickets and figure out a time. All you got to do is be ready and I'll come pick you up."
I nodded, "Alright."
"Later, got to run to the second floor," he told me when we reached my class.
"See you."

He gave me a quick peck before bolting up the stairs.


Surprisingly, Friday came around quickly. Normally, having plans would make time move slowly because I'd be looking forward to it. When I suddenly found myself rushing to get ready, it made me wonder if I even truly wanted to go on this date.

I quickly gathered my things and soon found myself waiting in the lineup to buy popcorn for the movie.

I adjusted the flannel around my waist when I finally asked what movie we were watching.

"Sudden Impact."

It was a new action movie, but that's not what made it special. Brooklyn had been looking forward to its release and couldn't stop showing me trailers. He wanted to take me, but instead I found myself accompanied by Liam.

The two of us walked hand in hand to the theatre, using our free hands to carry our snacks for the film. The dimly lit room was packed with people, but we managed to find somewhat of a private spot in the back corner. It was pretty quiet and away from the crowd, asides from a group of kids in the row below us. I naturally assumed they were celebrating a birthday because one if them was wearing a party hat.

When the movie started, I could immediately tell why Brooklyn wanted to watch it. Every scene was filled with action and it left me to sit on the edge of my seat in suspense while eating handfuls of buttery popcorn.

I was enjoying it and really wanted to watch, but Liam had other plans and was going to take advantage of our time together. I hadn't even noticed his hand on my leg, but I sure did notice his lips on mine.

His way of kissing was always aggressive, but this one seemed to get a little out of control. He moved to my neck and I accidentally let out a moan, but luckily the sounds from the scene were louder.

Liam practically dragged me out of my seat and threw me into him so that I sat on his lap. It felt extremely uncomfortable and wrong especially since we were in public. His hands gripping my behind didn't help either.

"Liam," I pulled away, his lips still trying to get to mine. I didn't allow him to cut me off and kiss me, so he moved to my chest, "I don't think we should be doing this here."
"Why not?"
"I mean, isn't this a bit much? There's children in front of us!"
"They won't even notice."
"Liam, come on."
"Just shut up and don't complain, you're mine for the night."

Before I could argue, he went back to his intentions. Forcefully kissing me and moving his hands across my body. I sort of just sat there and went along with what he wanted because I didn't want to disappoint. I needed to make him happy, right? But the thing was, I wasn't in the same place he was.

The way he did things wasn't what I was used to. I liked a kiss to be soft and sensitive, yet fiery and passionate at the same time. Liam's style didn't include any of those, all he focused on was being in control and unfortunately I gave into that.

I tried not to focus on him too much, but rather imagine the kiss being shared with Brooklyn. It worked because I felt more at ease and relaxed into the kiss, allowing him to dominate even more.

But was it wrong to think of Brooklyn while kissing Liam?


Yeah so sorry bout that, but I'll try and figure out where I left off and go from there. This was just a short update with a bit of a twist in the current situation. I promise more's to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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