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"Your going over to his place?!"
"Girl, how'd this all happen."
"Long story short, his mum didn't know about the first time, she doesn't like me, now I'm being invited back for dinner probably to have a talk."
"Not as good as I thought it'd be."
"Don't tell Sabrina or any of those girls."
"I kind of figured."
"Oh, really?"
"I learned from Brooklyn and his friends."
"Hey, just because their your friends now too, don't ditch us for them."
"No way!"
"Hey, Izzy, what's up?"

Nia joined the conversation and had Grace and I explain everything to her.

"Best if you don't tell Sabrina," Nia had a similar opinion.
"She'd spread rumours like crazy."
"Tell me, why are you guys friends with her?"
"We used to all get along well together back in elementary school," Grace started.
Nia took over from there, "Brooklyn wasn't always in the picture. It only happened recently and then Sabrina totally changed and kind of went crazy over him."
"You think?!"

They laughed along with me. I had just finished my last class with them. Sabrina was also in that class, but she was hanging around some guy named "Dylan". I was told to stay away by Brooklyn because he said to me that he was a fuckboy. Ok then.

"Well, I'll see you girls later!"
"See you."

Grace left and went to her locker, since it was on the second floor of the school. Nia and I went down to our lockers, which were on the first floor.

We passed by Brooklyn's locker and there he was being swarmed by three girls who appeared to be friends. He scratched the back of his head and pushed out a fake smile. I could tell. It was obvious that it was fake. But on the other hand, those girls didn't care. All that mattered in their eyes was that he smiled at them.

He looked to be having a hard time. I was debating whether I should go over and help, or continue walking. He caught my eye and looked over the girls. He smiled and had a small wave. The girls heads turned and I walked faster. I didn't want to be spotted and cause trouble. Luckily, Danny passed us and I could hear him from behind greeting Brooklyn. He had some help, so it was all good.

When I got to my locker, I sent Brooklyn a text.

Izzy: Coast clear?

Brooklyn: Hah, yeah. My place at six?

Izzy: That works

Brooklyn: Cool, my mum wants me to pick you up

Izzy: Ok, see you then

I walked home quickly, so that I had enough time to get changed and ready. I was quite nervous because my dress that I planned to wear was quite so simple and plain. It probably wouldn't even compare to what the rest of the family were wearing.

In my room, I swung open the onset door and grabbed the tight black dress. I put it on and then looked through my collection of shoes. I picked out a dark pair to match with the dress.

Next, was onto my hair. I had already thought about it in class and chose to curl it. While in the bathroom, I did my makeup. I kept it simple with just mascara.

I checked myself out in my body length mirror. Hmm... There was something missing. Aha! Accessories! How could I forget?!

I picked up the necklace that had been in my family for generations and put it over my head and around my neck. I didn't really have many bracelets and the ones that I did have, weren't gold like the necklace. I decided to sneak into my mother's room and borrow her bracelets and expensive gold watch. No harm done, right?

Brooklyn: Be at your place in a few, ok?

Izzy: K, I'll be waiting

I rushed downstairs, since I knew that he'd be coming soon. Once I saw her, I realized that I had forgotten to tell her. Plus, I didn't remember that she was getting off work early just so that we could all have dinner together. Oh no, my bad.

"Hey! Where are you going dressed up like that?"
"Oh, um..." I tried to think of the best excuse, "a party. Yeah... It's a big deal with all the students."
"A party?" The expression on her face didn't look to promising."
"Can I go? I'm so sorry I didn't mention it earlier, I forgot."
"Why on earth would you want to go to a party? You said you hated parties and preferred smaller gatherings."
"I know, but-" I did say that before and it was true... "It's hard to fit in and I just want to be normal. I just want to be like everyone else and sometimes that can be hard."
She looked kind of sad, "Oh ok. Sorry that you feel that way... Want to talk about it?"
"I'm ok... I'll hopefully make some new friends there and mom, I promise we'll have dinner the three of us sometime soon."
"Ok, I love you," she smiled.

Thank god she bought it.

"Do you need a ride?"
"Uh, no!"
"Is someone picking you up?"
"My friend."

All of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

"That should be hi- her!" I said, stopping myself from telling her that I was going with a guy.
"Let me just go say 'hi' and thank them for driving you."
"It's ok," I said, backing up while trying to stop her, "go help grandma with dinner."

I opened the door a slit, just wide enough so that I could fit half my body through. I kicked Brooklyn in the shins causing him to back up.

"Bye, mom, love you," I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek before shoving Brooklyn down the steps and pushing him into the car.
"Hello, Izzy, how are you."
I was relieved, "Good, thanks."
"What the hell was that for?" He seemed angry.
"Ugh," he groaned, rubbing where I had kicked him, "I hate you so much right now, was that really necessary? I mean, you could've said 'move' or something?!"
"Oops?" I shrugged and Brooklyn just rolled his eyes at me a laughed.

We arrived at the house and I was lead to the large dining table. Right away, I could tell that this was serious. Just by the way that the family was dressed.

Brooklyn had on a white t-shirt. Also, a dark blue jacket that almost looked black, but you could tell it wasn't because of his black pants. Romeo and Cruz were dressed like Brooklyn.

David was wearing a suit and tie. Even little Harper was all dolled up, put into a cute little grey dress.

"What are you doing just standing there?" Brooklyn whispered into my ear, "Go sit down."

I took a seat across from Brooklyn, who was next to Romeo and Harper. I sat in between Cruz and David. Victoria later came in wearing a long, elegant, navy blue dress that she most likely designed herself. She sat at the head of the table.

The meal started out ok and pretty normal. Everyone was having little conversations here and there.

"Brooklyn, make sure she eats."
"Ok, I know, mum."
"So tell me, Izzy right?" I nodded, "Are you new to London?"
"Nice. Do you fancy my son?"
Brooklyn nearly chocked on his food for some reason, "Fancy?"
Cruz answered my question for me, "It means you like him!"

My eyes grew wide. What?!

"Yeah so, aren't you two like dating now or something?" Romeo added.
"Dating?!" Brooklyn yelled.
"So that's what it is," his mum said.
"No we're just friends."
"Is that why you stayed the night then?"
"Are you two dating?"
"Mum, stop it."

I didn't know what else to say. I already told her that we were just friends, what else is there really to say? I felt sick to my stomach.

"I don't seem to have an appetite, excuse me. Where is the washroom?"
"Down the hall," David pointed.

I escaped from that conversation and locked myself in the washroom. I didn't expect things to go like this. Maybe being friends with Brooklyn would be harder than I thought.

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