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The whole night my mum was being so rude to Izzy. Leaving comments and remarks here and there, questioning her. Now she's run away. Dad didn't even really step in. Then Romeo had to go and be stupid and bring up Izzy and I dating.

Great. Just great.

I tried convincing them, but they wouldn't listen. Honestly, Izzy and I were just friends. Nothing more. I didn't like her like that. All I wanted was for her to be my friend now. My best friend. And if my family ruins this one, I don't know how I'll ever be able to forgive them. I'd never be able to find anyone like Izzy again.

"What the he- heck were you thinking?!" I stopped myself from saying something I'd regret in front of my younger siblings.
"Are you dating that girl, Brooklyn?"
"No, mum!"
"Don't lie to me."
"We're not dating! If I had any interest in dating her, I'd come to you guys and make sure it was ok!"
"Is that so."
"Yes! You're being so rude it's unbelievable!"
"I'm being protective!" She raised her voice, "I don't want some girl getting close to you for the wrong reasons. The last thing I want to have to worry about is some rumours about my son going around in the media. That's why I don't get involved with the media, it always ends badly!"
"She's my friend, how could you say that?!"
"Victoria-" my dad placed a hand on her hand.
"Oh yeah?! What if she decides to go to the media about this, huh? The oh so polite and nice Beckham family is exposed to be rude, ignorant, careless people!"
"Brooklyn!" My mum was surprised at my words.
"Just stop! Look what you've all done! It's sickening. I'm going to go check up on her."

I slammed my fists on the table and fiercely pushed my chair back and stomped out of the dining room.

I was in shock. I couldn't believe this. I never fought with my parents or disobeyed them or talked back, but I couldn't take it anymore. I stuck up for my friends.

As I approached the bathroom, I heard the sound of cries.

I knocked softly on the bathroom door, "Izzy?"

Everything went silent. I then heard the tap running and then her voice.

"Who is it?"
"Izzy, it's Brooklyn."
She opened the door, "What do you want."
"I am so sorry, my mum is being so harsh and I didn't mean for things to be this way."
"It's ok," she sniffled and gave me a fake smile.

She looked so beautiful tonight. From her dress to her hair to the gorgeous necklace that hung from her neck. It hurt seeing her eyes red from crying.

"You look great tonight," I complimented, hoping to cheer her up.
"I like the necklace."
"Oh, thank you. It was a gift from my grandma," she fiddled with it.
"It's really nice on you."

She blushed and looked down at her feet, tucking a piece of her hair behind her right ear.

"Are you ok?" I asked.
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You don't have to do this if you don't want to, I can take you-"
"No. I need to make sure your mum's ok with us hanging out and all. I don't want you to go against her just to be friends with me."
"If you don't want to-"
"I want to. I need this to be ok, Brooklyn."

I wasn't expecting that response from her. I liked it though. She was determined to be accepted by my mum. That was going to be the most difficult. My dad was easy to please, my mum, not so much. She wasn't quite ready to let go of her oldest boy. I remember she made my dad chaperone on my first date, it was humiliating.

Izzy went to go pass me, but I stopped her. I pulled her into a tight hug. She was being so brave and I didn't know anyone else like her that would do this type of thing. Who would have the guts to stand up to Victoria Beckham? Most of my other friends if put into this situation would back out, not Izzy. She was going back in there.

At first, she tensed up, but eventually eased into the hug. I lead her back to the table where everyone was finishing up dinner.

"Sorry I took so long," she sat down.
"It's ok."

Finally, my dad says something. Thank god.

"So, Izzy, you have no interest in my son? You don't even think he's cute?"
"Mum!" I felt my cheeks burning.
"No, uh... I mean..."

Izzy was blushing too. It was so uncomfortable and awkward. Why, mum...

"He is cute," my head shot up, "but I don't want it to be like that or anything," she said shyly, "to me, he's just my friend and I don't view him in any other way."

My mum was actually smiling. Wait a minute, she was enjoying this!

"Ok, ok," she laughed, "you've proved your point."

For real? My mum was just going to let go that easily?

"I'm sorry I put you through that, dear. I'm just looking out for my son."
"I understand," Izzy replied.
"But next time, please don't sneak into my house to have a sleepover with my son," my mum smiled.
"Uh- ok."
"Maybe you can come over again sometime for dinner?"
"Er- I don't think she's ready-"
"That'd be wonderful."
"Great. What was that, Brooklyn?"
"Nothing," I said, embarrassed.

Izzy was full of surprises and she kept showing that she had a few tricks up her sleeve. For the most part, she was calm in chaotic situations and knew how to handle them by saying the right thing. She impressed me.

"Well, I'll take her home now."
"It was nice having you."
"Thanks, Mrs. Beckham."
"Oh stop, that makes me sound so old. Call me, Victoria."
"Alright, thanks, Victoria."
"Bye, Izzy!" Harper screamed.

We all laughed and then my brothers said "goodbye" to her. I walked her to the front where Alexander was waiting with the keys to the Range Rover.

"It's cold, do you want a jacket?"
"No, that's not necessary."
"Here," I handed her one of my tracksuits from Arsenal.
"Thanks. This is the team you play for, right?"
"Yeah," I chuckled, "if you like you can come watch us train. We've got our big practice Sunday morning, why don't you tag along?"
"Oh, I don't know."
"Don't worry, Liam also plays on the team."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, I was stoked to find out he went to this school. That was when I was the weird new kid, at least I'd know someone."
"Hey, so am I that weird new kid now?"
"No, you're not weird," I chuckled, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket.
"Whatever you say!"

We stepped outside and got into the car to drive Izzy home.


"So I hope tonight was ok?"
"Yeah," I said.
"I'll pick you up Sunday then."
"Ok, text me."
"See you."

I stepped inside and watched Brooklyn drive off. It was pretty late. I was still hungry, since I didn't eat much at the Beckham's, so I walked to the kitchen to put together something to eat. I found my mom in the family room watching tv.

"Mom! You're still up!"
"Of course, I wanted to make sure you got home alright."
"Well, I'm here," I pulled out the bag of mini carrots.
"What's this? Is it some sort of new trend? Sporty and fancy?"
"I didn't know you liked Arsenal, since when did you have that?"

Crap, I totally forgot to give Brooklyn back his tracksuit before he left.

"Uh, grandma bought it for me?"
"Hmm, it looks nice on you."
"Well, I'm going up, glad you had it a great time."

She kissed me goodnight and left to go upstairs to bed. I sighed with relief. That was a close one.

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