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I woke up.

I looked around.

I felt him laying next to me.

Brooklyn had invited me to stay the night again after the dinner ended pretty late. My parents and grandma went back home and left me here knowing I was in good hands. If been spending most of my time out of the house and if my parents ever needed to find me, they'd call here first. This was practically my second home I even had a few pairs of clothes here.

Everything went smoothly and according to the plan which was a wave of relief.

Brooklyn's head hung off of the bed. I observed his perfect shoulders and chest move up and down with each breath he took. His collarbone, neck, and jawline were all perfect. He looked like a model when he was asleep.

Sleeping shirtless Brooklyn laid still next to me. I felt the warmth of him from underneath the covers.

Last night was great, but a bit of a blur to me. It started off when my family left and Brooklyn and I went up to his room. I just remember making out with him under the covers before falling asleep next to him.

He slowly turned over and took a deep breath. His eyes flickered open and a smile spread across his face when he saw me next to him.

"Izzy," he moved closer laying a little on top of me as he hugged me.

His skin against mine felt oddly comforting. At the moment, I was just in a small pair of shorts and a bra.

Brooklyn's arms wrapped firmly around me as he rested his head between my neck and shoulder. I played with his messy hair until the both of us were ready to wake up. We started our morning off right with a kiss.

"Good morning."
"Sleep well?" I asked while hinting he'd slept in pretty late.
"I had the best dream," he said, standing up.
"About what?"
"Well, it started off with you. You said you could stay the night and sleep over. The best part was that when I woke up, it was all true."

I sat up and then got out of his comfy bed to go hug him. I held him right up against me.

"Awh, Brook."
His breathing was a bit heavier, "Fuck, Izzy, you're gorgeous."
"Shut up, no I'm not..." I stepped back and rubbed my hand up and down my arm.

Brooklyn advanced and put his hands gently on my waist.

"I said 'fuck, you're gorgeous', not sure if you heard me correctly."
I giggled, "Brooklyn, I heard you, I just saying I'm-"

He cut me off by roughly pressing his lips onto mine.

"That was cute," I said quick, pulling away.
"Not as cute as you."
My cheeks were flaming, "God, I love you."
"God, I love you," he emphasized the word "you".

I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Breakfast for two?" He finally suggested after a moment of silence.

I nodded in response before pulling one of Brooklyn's sweatshirts over my head. He pulled on a pair of short and slipped into a white graphic tank top that hung low.

On my way down the stairs, I twirled my hair into a bun, so that the tangles were temporarily out of my way.

Brooklyn got the stove ready to make some pancakes. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso. Victoria walked in to the kitchen.

"Morning, kids."

I liked the way she referred to me as one of her own now. This winter break was mainly me practically living over here.

"Morning, mum."
"Good morning, Victoria. Dinner was amazing last night, plus my parents said it was great."
"Well it was nice having them, how long is your father in town for?"
"Not long... He leaves shortly."
Brooklyn stopped what he was doing at the stove and turned around, "How soon?"
"Like a few days soon, he leaves before New Years."

He nodded to show that he got what I had said.

"That's a shame," Victoria shook her head, "I'd love to spend some more time with him."
"If you'd like to go out for a night with David and maybe my parents, I'll stay over here with Brooklyn to watch the kids."
"Oh, hun, are you sure?"
"Absolutely. I know you and David must not get a night to go out often with four kids."
"W- would that be alright with you?"
"More than alright."

She hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, this is great."

It almost seemed too perfect to me, like how come all of a sudden we were getting along so well? Not to mention our first encounter. Brooklyn told me she was just being overprotective and I guess now she's warmed up to me.

After breakfast, the two of us returned upstairs to his room to just hang out for the rest of the day.

"Brooklyn, I don't know if I'll be over here the next few days."
"Hm?" He looked up from the screen of his iPhone.
"I'm going to have to go home."
"That's ok, I'll come," he got up and proceeded to pack a bag of clothes to stay over.
"No, I mean like by myself, just me..."
"My dad's leaving soon and I want to... You know..."
He moved closer to me, "If you want some time alone with him, don't let me stop you. And if you need some extra support, don't hesitate, I'm only a phone call away."
"I think I'll have one day alone and then maybe you can say goodbye after."
"Whatever works best for you."

I wrapped my around around him as we embraced. I needed this right about now. Just one long hug. It felt like time stopped, as stupid as that sounds. The two of us just sat of the floor, leaning against his bed, hugging.

"Brooklyn, I love you."

My lips slipped up and found his. He inhaled deep through his nose and let out a shuddered breath through his mouth after.

Brooklyn didn't say anything, he didn't have to. He just stared at me, so I spoke once more, "I love you so much..."

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