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"Hey, Izzy," Liam greeted me in the halls by letting his arm rest around my shoulders.
"What's up?"
"This," he said before forcing his lips onto mine.

It was totally unexpected and caught me by surprise. However, I didn't hesitate to return the kiss.

Things with Liam weren't clarified yet. Nothing was set in stone and we didn't really have a status yet. It was pretty confusing, but we both went along with it. Seeing each other regularly, texting, hugging, kissing. All the signs added up to us being a couple.

When I opened my eyes from the kiss, I saw Brooklyn frozen in front of us. At that moment I wanted to slouch down and disappear from the world. I never wanted to hurt Brooklyn.

"See you," Liam bit his lip before squeezing me tight and giving me another aggressive kiss.

He walked off into Brooklyn's direction and gave him a smirk while Brooklyn's shot him a dirty glare.

Immediately after Liam had exited the picture, Brooklyn made his move.

"What's that all about?" He asked through gritted teeth.
"We're not together anymore, Brook," I sighed, pushing him away and walking the opposite direction.
"So you're with him now?" He stood still.
"I- No, I mean I don't really know."
"Well having his lips all over you means you're just friends?"
"And you let him control you like that?"
"Brooklyn, it's not forced."
"Seems like it."
"I let him kiss me. I kissed back."

He was silent for a few seconds and I wasn't sure whether to stay or leave.

"See you in rehearsal."

He moved past me and for a slight second put his hand on my shoulder. I don't know why I jumped because Brooklyn never scared me or intimidated me. It was just bad timing.

The day dragged on as normal. All the students were waiting impatiently for the final bell to ring, signalling the end of the day. However, for me, it was the complete opposite. That last thing I wanted to hear was the bell because that meant rehearsal. They had scheduled an hour long one after school and I was most definitely not looking forward to it.

I walked as slow as possible to my locker and put in the wrong combination several times to delay going to the drama room. I almost fell over when a strong hand patted me on the back. Next thing that happened was be being pulled closer and smashed into someone's chest. I sighed with relief as it was only Liam. He kissed my forehead.

"How's my girl?"
"You scared me."
"No need to be scared of me. If I were you, that creep over there would be my biggest concern."

He eyed Brooklyn leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes and snuggled up closer to Liam.

"Come here."

His arms slinked around my waist while mine rested on his shoulders along with my head. He kissed me with desire as he slid his hands lower than my waist.

I felt him half pull away, so I opened my eyes to see him checking on Brooklyn who was watching our every move. He went back to repeatedly kissing me, probably making Brooklyn explode with anger.

"Tomorrow at lunch?"
"See you then," I said before he left.

I walked to the drama room behind Brooklyn, but no words were exchanged. Rehearsal began and the teachers started instructing the cast.

"Ok so when you both sing 'one step closer', you need to come together."

Brooklyn stepped right up, but I was hesitant.

"Isabelle, step forward."

I did so and that lead to us nearly up against each other. Before, this wouldn't have been a problem. Now that things had changed, it was extremely awkward.

"Now pull away and walk to opposite sides of the stage."

I was more than relieved to walk away from Brooklyn because the tension was a bit too much for my liking.

The main teacher told us both to turn around once more and face each other. They played the ending of the song and told us to come back together. Apparently the song was the last scene of the play.

"Alright so come back together centre stage. That's good. Now when the song stops Brooklyn put your hand here."

She took his hand and placed it on my hip.

"Isabelle put both hands on either side of his face."

I slowly did as was told.

"Brooklyn use your other hand and bring her a little closer."

He didn't take a second to think, he just did it.

"And then we close the show with a kiss."

I looked into Brooklyn's eyes. They showed that he wanted this, but I bet mine showed that I didn't. That's why he didn't go for it.

"Something the matter?"
I loosened Brooklyn's grip, "That's it. Great rehearsal, we'll practice later."

I walked away, grabbing my bag, and pushing open the doors to leave. I messed with my hair and sighed with relief knowing that I could just go home.

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