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Izzy: Broooooookkklyyyyyyynnnn

Brooklyn: Shhhhh

Izzy: Why r u not at school?

Brooklyn: I'm sick

Izzy: Oh, my bad. Rest up and gws I'll be over to check on you later today

"So why is he not here?" Will asked.
"Yes, Danny, do I need to repeat myself?"

Nia was also in this class, but preferred not to be near Danny, so she was nowhere near us.

"So he's sick, huh?"
"Get your ears checked, I already said that."
"Brooklyn hardly ever gets sick..."
Will stopped writing, "Now that I think of it, that's true."
"So what are you saying, he just ditched school?"
"No... Brooklyn wouldn't do that. Would he?"
Will answered my question, "He's ditched before."
"He's done it a few times actually," Danny added.
"Then I am definitely paying a visit later today."


At lunch, I decided to pay a visit to Sabrina and the other fan girls. Some of them shot me nasty looks because lately, Brooklyn and I have been seen together. Not in public though, we don't want any rumours going around. We normally hang out at his place or just at school.

Sabrina gave me a warm welcome and hug, "Hey, girl!"
"I wanted to talk to you about... Er, Brooklyn."
All the girls screamed when they heard his name. I plugged my ears, "Brooklyn?!"
"Tell, what about?"
"Does he ever ditch school?"
"Yes! That's his bad boy side that's actually so hot," the other girls nodded, "we love it."

I made a face at them. Why would they be attracted to someone skipping school? It confused me. I didn't like this side of Brooklyn, that is, if it was true.

However, the girls had a different opinion on it. All of them were talking about him, some exchanging pictures and even fanning their faces. Creepy stalkers.

"Does he do it often?"
"Occasionally," she shrugged.
"Ok, thanks."
"Anytime. Seriously, I could talk about him anytime!"

I walked away and sat back down with the boys at their table.

"How'd it go?" Isaac said in the middle of eating his sandwich.
"We told you," Liam and Will both said.
"I'll still go check on him."
"He ditched, it's ok," Danny said.
"Yeah, but-"
"Got to go, Sasha's watching."

Danny stood up and left when I was trying to say something to him. He sat down next to her and out his around over her shoulders. They talked and laughed.

"That wasn't rude at all," I said sarcastically.
The boys laughed, "That's Danny for you."
"How do you stand him?" I joked.
Isaac let us in on the secret, "Well, sometimes, the girl he hits on has a hot best friend that we can get to through him."
"Shut up."

They all laughed again and I just shook my head. I guess boys will just be boys.


I walked straight to Brooklyn's house. I didn't bother going home. I had already let my grandma know before I left school. I approached the new gate and pressed a little button. A female voice came up.

"Identify yourself."
"It's Izzy, where's Brooklyn?"
"Full name."
"Isabelle Rourke?"

The gate opened. I rolled my eyes. Stupid security. I walked to the front door and knocked when I was greeted by a familiar boys face.

"Hey, Romeo!"
"Do you know where Brooklyn is?"
"Do you think it'd be alright if I saw him?"
"He's sick."
"You can come with me until he wakes up."
"Sounds good to me."

I followed Romeo into a large room with two big couches and a large tv. The whole family was sitting there and enjoying quality time. I felt like I was intruding.

"Mum, look who's here!"
"Hi, Izzy," she smiled.

I still felt nervous around her. It was still pretty awkward since the dinner, but I was warming up to her.

"Is now not a good time? Because I can come back later."
"No, stay," David gave me a friendly smile.
"What bring you here?" Victoria asked me.
"I just came to check up on Brooklyn, Romeo said he's resting."
"He's sick."
"Yeah, he told me when I asked why he wasn't at school."
"Well that's very kind of you to see if he's ok."
"I'm just being a good friend," I smiled.

Cruz sat beside David and Romeo took his spot beside Victoria. Harper laid on the floor playing with her dolls. I kneeled down beside her.

"Need somebody to play with?"
"Yes!" She squealed.
"Is it ok if I be her?" I asked, picking up a brown haired doll.
"Ok, I'll be her," she chose a blonde haired doll.
"What are their names?"
"Mine will be... Um... 'Izzy'! And I say your girl can be named 'Sam'!" I laughed at how she named her doll after me.
"Let's play."

Harper and I played dolls for a good half hour, until Victoria started talking to me again.

"You know, we could use some extra help and a babysitter for Harper would help. You seem to be good with her and Brooklyn certainly doesn't like playing dress up with her."
"Dress up, mummy!" She was beaming.
"If you need help, I'd be glad to."
"We can pay you, too."
"Oh no, that won't be necessary," I smiled.
"Are you sure?"
"Think about it and let me know."
"Mummy, can we go play dress up?"
"I don't think Izzy will fit into any of your dresses!" Victoria told her.
"Can she dress me up?"
Victoria looked to me, "Of course! Come on!"

I chased little Harper up the stairs and into her room. Wow. Even her room was bigger than mine. The walls were painted pink, much different than Brooklyn's dark blueish greyish walls. She pulled out her box of dress up stuff. She sat down on the ground and crossed her arms and legs.

"I can't choose!" She pouted.
"How about this one?"
"This one is like Cinderella!"
I smiled at her, "I like it, do you?"
"I love it!"

She screamed pretty loud and next thing I heard was footsteps from outside her room. Brooklyn was standing in the doorway with a black t-shirt and red shorts on. The sleeves of his shirt were partially rolled. His nose pretty much matched the colour of his shorts and his hair was a mess. It looked like he hadn't done his hair yet.

"How are you?"
"Could be better. Harper, why don't you go downstairs now?"

That left Brooklyn and I alone. He brought me into his room.

"You don't look too good."
"No kidding, I don't feel too good either."
"Awh, you poor thing," I laughed.
"Very funny," the sarcasm was obvious.
"I'm so glad you didn't ditch."
"I didn't mean to say that out loud," I cupped my hand over my mouth immediately.
"What happened, Izzy..."
"I thought you lied?"
"Because I heard that sometimes you ditch school, so I thought you did today."
"Why in the world would I lie to my best friend?"
"I- I don't know."
"And yeah, occasionally I skip a class, but only because it's boring," he winked.
I gave him a light shove, "Be quiet."
"You up for some FIFA?"
"Hell yeah. You up to get crushed?"
"No way."
"You're not as coordinated when you're sick, so hopefully I can win it all."
"In you dreams."
"But now my dreams are becoming reality."
"Bring it."
"You watch."

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