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It's the first day back to school since getting sick. I took a few days off to rest and Brooklyn stayed with me, despite all my effort to try and get him to go to school. It was just a common cold, but my body took longer to fight it off.

We studied together everyday to not fall behind, since I was at home for a while. Thank god he didn't get sick again or that would've been another disaster.

Now it was Monday. Oh how I hate the start of the week. I got into the school and the hallways were filled. People were standing around chatting and I kept hearing the words "music", "play", and "audition". I didn't really know what that was all about.

The day went by slowly because, of course, it's a Monday. Everybody was tired, but something was different today. Even though they were tired, these people seemed excited for something. I found out what while eating lunch with Brooklyn, Isaac, and Will.

"It's the play again, everyone's going nuts over it."
"No kidding, like six girls asked me to audition with them."
"Way more than six girls asked me," Brooklyn said while running his fingers through his hair.
"What are you guys talking about?"
"You don't know?" Will looked shocked.
"Well," he started, "it's a huge deal. Every year the school puts on their own musical play or whatever. It's normally a romance. People take it way too seriously, but it's pretty cool. Each years performance has been pretty good."
"Oh ok, sounds fun."

I did like the idea, it'd be fun to watch. I was looking forward to seeing the final performance.

"Hey! I got an idea!" Isaac yelled, "You and Brooklyn should audition!"
"Huh?" We both had a similar reaction.
"You audition as a pair."
Will agreed with him, "You two get along so well, why not give it a shot? Just for fun."
"I don't really want to be in a play," I told the guys shyly.
"Me neither, not really interested."
"Just go do it, you probably won't even make it considering the amount of people auditioning."
"There's no harm in trying."

I thought about it. It was clear to me that Brooklyn was thinking about the idea of auditioning as well.

"Auditions are after school and there's forms outside of the drama room. You've got to perform some lyrics of a song for your audition."
"Great, singing," Brooklyn said sarcastically.
"I'm not too crazy about singing."
"Come on! It'd be hilarious if you auditioned."
"Plus," Isaac said, "then you won't feel bad about saying 'no' to the girls who ask you. I mean, at least now you have a reason to say no."
He thought for a second, "Good point."

I didn't know how I felt about singing and performing in front of the school. Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Especially knowing me, I'd mess up.

"You in then?"
"Only if Izzy wants to."

Brooklyn turned
to me. I looked back at him. I should take this risk. How bad could it get?

"I bet we won't even make it in."
"Just do it for fun, sing your little love song," Will teased. Brooklyn and I rolled our eyes in return.

When there was only a bit of time remaining for lunch, Brooklyn and I got up and walked to the drama classroom.

"This is so stupid," he said.
"It's just an audition that's it, nothing else," I laughed.

We picked up the forms and filled our names out. We put in in the folder that was there for completed forms. Then, we grabbed he script for the audition. We had to sing "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri.


"Chill, just go through your lines again."
"We're the last ones to go. After these people," I pointed to two groups in front of us.
"Read," he instructed.

Girl: One step closer. One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you

Both: Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

Girl: For a thousand years

Boy: I'll love you for a thousand more. And all along I believed I would find you.

Girl: Time has brought your heart to me

Both: I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more.

The script was pretty straight forward. There was lines for the girl to sing, for the boy to sing, and for both of us to sing at the same time. It was only a small part of the song.

My heart was racing. I didn't even really like drama all that much in the first place, so how did I end up here? I'd never been in any type of audition and my heart was racing.

"Brooklyn and Izzy? Come on in."

We were called into the classroom. There were two red X's taped to the floor where each of us would stand. In front, was a table with three teachers sitting behind it. One of them being our drama teacher. I guessed that they were the judges.

"This is just to see how your singing is and how well you've memorized your lines. If you're selected for the role, actions will be added in later."
"Memorized?!" I whispered to Brooklyn."
"It's ok, I know that you know your lines. Just trust me and look into my eyes."
I nodded, "Scripts face down on the table, please."

We did as we were told. The teachers gave us the signal to start and we heard the music in the background playing.

I locked eyes with Brooklyn and I could feel myself shaking. He gave me a small smile, but it was enough to make me feel comfortable.

"One step closer... One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you," my voice was a little shaky.
Brooklyn took my hands in his and joined in, "Darling don't be afraid I have loved you."
"For a thousand years."
"I'll love you for a thousand more. And all along I believed I would find you."

Brooklyn's voice was like silk.

"Time had brought your heart to me."
We sang together in perfect harmony, "I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."

I almost forgot that this was an audition until the teachers started clapping.

"Well done! The roles will be posted tomorrow morning, enjoy your evening."

The teachers left and turned off the lights, expecting us to follow. We didn't. I was stuck there, looking into Brooklyn's warm eyes, and not letting go of his hands.

"Izzy... I think I like you."
"I like you too, Brooklyn."
"No, I mean, more than a friend."
"Then I guess we both like each other more than friends..."

He gave me the biggest smile. I giggled and fell into his embrace. He hugged me tight and rested his chin on my head.


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