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I woke up early, since I still was used to getting ready for school. I sighed when I noticed it was the holidays and I could've slept in. Brooklyn appeared to be asleep until he mumbled my name into his pillow.

"What time is it?"
"Seven thirty."
"Fuck..." He groaned in his deep and raspy morning voice.
"Woah, chill."
"I'm fucking tired, Izzy."

Brooklyn was super cranky. I'd never seen him like this before.

"Then sleep, oh my gosh."

He was silent after that.


"Get ready to go."
"It's time to wake up," he laughed, pulling the covers off of the bed.
"Brook," I whined.
"I'm waiting for you!"

I opened my eyes and saw that he was already dressed in a white shirt with black jeans. He had on a jean jacket and polka dotted shoes. Sunglasses covered his eyes, probably to help not being seen in public.

"Sorry, well what happened to you this morning?"
"You were so cranky earlier."
"What are you talking about?"
"Do you not even remember?" I laughed.
"You were cursing because you were awake too early."
"Sounds about right."

I brought one set of clothes into his bathroom and got ready for the day. I wore a faded pink sweater and dark blue jeans. I paired the outfit with brown boots and light pink lipstick to match the sweater. I also wore a bit of eyeliner and mascara.

The two of us walked down the streets, "We're meeting at a small restaurant nearby. They have the best breakfast."
"You texted them all, right?"
"Yep and everyone can come."
"That's good."
"You look great today."
I smiled like an idiot, "Thanks, you do too."

We walked into the restaurant and right away, we saw the boys sitting and fooling around at the table.

"Hey, look who's here!"

We all exchanged hugs and greeted each other. It was different seeing them all out of their uniforms, but I liked it. They all had sort of a sporty relaxed style, similar to Brooklyn's. All of them were wearing jeans and some had on sweaters or shirts with writing on them.

I sat down and asked, "Has anyone seen the girls?"

They all shook their heads. Suddenly, I saw one of my friends, but I wasn't expecting to see her here. Sabrina walked into the restaurant with her parents and her friend. I think her name was Sarah or something like that.

Immediately, Brooklyn pulled the collar of his jacket up, in an attempt to hide his face. The rest of the boys turned and tried not to be noticed. Conversation at the table almost immediately stopped. The two of them were massive fans, although I'd never seen Sarah anywhere near him.

I turned around slowly and forced a smile, "Hey..."
"I didn't know you guys were coming here?"
"Sure you didn't," Isaac coughed into his arm, getting a few others to cough along. I couldn't help but laugh.
"What? Nothing," the other boys laughed. They all had the same idea thinking that she stalked Brooklyn.
"Oh! I totally forgot to introduce my friend, Farah!"

Farah, Sarah, close enough.

"Hi," Brooklyn said.
"Oh my gosh, hi!" She freaked out.
"Hey," he repeated himself, raising his eyebrows and forcing out a smile.
"I'm a huge fan! I'm just always so shy around you at school, so I never ever approach you! Now look at this?! I can't stop talking to you! I'm so glad-"
"Yes?!" She was all jumpy.
"Sorry, but I'd like to enjoy my breakfast."
"Sorry about that guys, I'll go with her now."
"Thank you!" Will announced. Everyone shot him a glare.
"Anyway, how are you, Izzy?"
"Good, I'll follow you to your table and then come back here."

I turned back to the boys and they all looked relieved. Brooklyn even mouthed a "thank you". I quickly got her to leave and sit down.

I didn't get what was so bad about Sabrina. Yeah, maybe she's part of one of the most annoying groups in the school, but she is a nice, sweet girl. I can't deny it.

"How've you been?"
"Good actually!"
"Do you think you're doing well in school?"
"I'm kind of nervous about it, you know?"
"I think I'll do alright for exams."
"You're smart, you don't have to worry about it too much."
"So you and Farah just going out for breakfast?"
"She slept over last night and my parents are taking us out!"
"The food here is..." She stared into space, "Delicious. I love their waffles, get that if you want something yummy."
"Thanks, I'll try it today."
"You won't regret it."
"I'm going to go back now, it was great talking to you."
"Text me sometime?"
"For sure."

I left Sabrina's table and made my way to the other side of the restaurant where the rest of my friends sat. Nia and Grace had shown up and an older looking man was writing down orders.

"Hey guys," I sat down next to Brooklyn again.
"And what would you like, miss?"
"Um, I heard the waffles were good. Could I get that?"
"Sure thing, not a problem. To drink?"
"I'm fine with water."
"Ok, your food should be here soon."
"Thanks, Frank."

I noticed Brooklyn thanked the waiter using his name. I decided to question him about that.

"You knew his name?"
"Do you come here often?"
"Occasionally, my mum would always take my brothers and I here when we were younger. Before Harper was born."

Sure enough, our food came and my mouth was watering just looking at my plate of food. I added on some strawberries and whipped cream to the waffle. One bite and I was already hooked. The strawberries were perfectly ripe, fluffy whipped cream, and a warm waffle. What could be better?

"Oh my god..."
"This is so good!" I looked up and closed my eyes just enjoying the food.

The boys laughed and then didn't say much after. All of us were too focused on enjoying our first meal of the day. It was a nice way to start things off.

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